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I have not been terribly happy with Marlena since James Reilly shaved 30+ IQ points from her, but i loved her and Dee Hall so much in the early years that I still root for her. I only saw bits and pieces of the Maggie-Daniel stuff, but it didn't damage her in my eyes -- again, the wellspring of affection I have for her dates back decades and is not dependent on what the writer du jour does with her character. I wish Doug & Julie got better material, but I will watch anytime one or both are on. I'm glad all four are still there, and I would rather watch any of them before the current crop of "stars."

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I get that for various reasons, certain Horton family members might need to be offscreen but TPTB should have taken the time to keep them alive in viewers memories, either as a reminder should they return or just to keep long term viewers happy.

John Lupton seemed happy enough to return so why not some Xmas visits or have him around when Sandy finally returned. Same with Lisa Trusel.

When Marie leaves in 85 have her visit Jessica who has just given birth.

Doug and Julie return from their cruises saying they had a fabulous time with Robert and Dougie or met up with David.

Just a few mentions or visits.


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Even Nick as a villain could easily have worked longterm with an imaginative headwriter. I saw potential in him as a Roger Thorpe type, always being compared unfavourably to "perfect Will" and getting mileage out of that, but they went too far and copped out. Shame, really. 

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The bad blood between Nick and Will. Should've caused havoc. Within the loving and tightknit Horton clan. Having Hortons taking sides. Nick becoming homophobic. Due to getting repeatedly raped in prison was never fully explored. The transformation of sweet geeky Nick. Into a bad boy really worked. In spite of itself. Mostly due to a talent Blake Berris. I never realized the Roger vs Ed vibes before. I even see a bit of Alex in bad boy Nick.

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The more I think about it, if the show were to eliminate Marlena from the canvas, I probably would be vexed, if for no other reason than I have known her since the mid-1970s. I have loathed many of her stories over the decades, which lessened my surface interest in seeing her, but still...I don't want Marlena killed off again.

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That's a good way to describe the affection for beloved characters: with a wellspring of emotion. I endured many soaps for decades, sometimes to their bitter ends, just because I cared for certain characters, As time passes, however, there are fewer and fewer people left on any surviving soap in whom I am emotionally invested. I get more enjoyment nowadays watching vintage episodes on the internet. If I watch newly-produced eps of DAYS, Y&R and GH now, I tend to fast-forward to scenes of Julie, Doug, Maggie (DAYS), Jill (Y&R), Laura, Scotty, Monica, Bobbie and Mac (GH),,,and that's about it.


On GH, even the most vile and degenerate criminals, guilty of rape and murder, are treated like romantic leads. I find this repulsive, so at least I give DAYS brownie points for understanding when they have screwed up some characters beyond repair. But that begs the question: why go too far with characters who should be kept around long-term?

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I was loving the show during the Nick/Gabi/Sonny/Will drama I was disappointed when the Will recast happened (although at this point I would love a recast) and it was as far as I remember the last character driven storyline that got to me. Those scenes of Nick breaking down about his time in prison were phenomenal. 


I loved the twist of Kate/Sami/Gabi dumping Will into the river but 2014 and his lame return and death was just so lazy. 


Honestly I feel like 2013 outside of Daniel was the last fully entertaining year. After tyat I only enjoyed fall 2015 and then bits and pieces of weeks or months since. 

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Agreed that killing off Nick was a short-sighted move, and the show could have benefited from having a "bad" Horton, because it would cause a lot of organic, character-driven conflict, with some Hortons choosing family loyalty over morality. But to the show's credit--and unlike, say, GH, with its litany of dead characters who no one ever talks about anymore--they haven't forgotten about Nick, and his death has fueled years of storyline with the ongoing war between Gabi and Julie. 

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It has, though somewhat inorganically. I will never forgive Ron for making Julie, once a worldly, sharp-witted woman, into a racist, especially when she was the most supportive person of David and Valerie's relationship. If you're going to use history, use it right.


Agreed as well @soapfave06, that year, to me, was the last excellent year of DAYS, tbh. I thought TomSell's first year was, by and large, excellent, minus the Daniel nonsense, Bo abandoning Hope for dubious reasons, and the weird way they drove a wedge between John and Marlena. They didn't explore the complexities of the situations nearly enough, but they set them up so well, it's a shame they didn't dig in deeper.

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Does anyone watch Judge Judy? I just saw an episode from earlier this week about a woman suing a tanning salon for not returning her stuff. She looked familiar and the name sounded just a little familiar. Then I realized that plaintiff Joyette Erspamer is actually Jacee Jule's real name. So, if anyone watched Judge Judy earlier this week, that was Salem's own Patty the Salem Place waitress (and Frances Reid's long-time assistant). Judge Judy was mad that she was asking for two towels back from the new owners of the salon. She needed to sue the former owner of the salon.


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Alright, this week's been a hot mess for me, so I apologize for my absence. Time to get down to business and carry on with this massacre!



Julie and Phyllis have a chat while Bob's asleep (the flashback in the scene @jam6242 posted upthread), and Julie notes that she still very much loves Bob. Phyllis agrees, and remarks similarly of Julie toward Doug. Julie is certain, despite Phyllis' insistence to the contrary, that it's too late for her and Doug.


Alex wants Chris to tell Bob that everything is running smoothly at Anderson, hoping to keep Bob at bay for as long as possible, so that Alex himself can get his hooks into the business without interference. Alex reasons that, if Mary and Bob believe he and Chris are friendly, there'll be less for them to worry about and they can focus on Bob's recovery. Chris sees through Alex, and won't play ball. Alex visits Bob shortly thereafter, and is instructed to keep Chris at the plant at all costs. Alex insists it'll be a pleasure and that they'll surely become friends at this rate. Bob isn't buying Alex's shtick either.


Talking later to Chris, Bob laments that Chris and Mary didn't marry, but tells Chris that he deserves a family around him, as he'd make a good husband and father, and feels about Chris as the "son he never had". A lot of that going around lately.


Melissa calls Mickey, and tells him that Melissa is now in a boarding school in New York, but Melissa wouldn't tell Mickey where in case Bob retaliates and takes legal action against Linda. Melissa tells Mickey that Linda met a new man and Melissa "got in her way". Someone's big mad that Melissa spilled the beans on her, methinks. After relaying the news to Maggie, she calls Linda a monster. Mickey is torn on whether to tell Bob about the call, fearing it may cause another heart attack. The Hortons agree that Mickey should tell Bob, however. So Mickey passes the information along, and Bob is justifiably heartbroken. He cries that they'll now never find Melissa.


Bob feels well enough to visit the plant, so Phyllis takes him there, and finds Alex behind his desk. Phyllis decides it's a great idea to leave Bob with Alex while she goes off with Mary to her wedding dress fitting. Thankfully, he survives this experience. At the dress fitting, Phyllis asks if Mary's truly happy, and Mary tells her that she "never thought [she]'d meet someone so much like dad". HMMMM...


Phyllis pries into why Mary won't see Chris, suspecting Mary isn't really over him. Mary snaps at her mother, reminding Phyllis that she was the one who broke their engagement. Chris, recognizing he's being avoided, goes to see Mary. He asks if she really knows what she's getting into, and if this is truly what she wants. Mary is firm with Chris that she is content with Alex.


Bob, swept up in the joy of the moment, and his reconnection with Phyllis, tells her it's high time they got married again themselves. When they tell Mary, she seems more excited about their remarriage than her own. Sounds about right.


As Chris leaves Mary's studio, he bumps into Alex, and insinuates Mary's sick, and that the wedding is off. Alex slips, insisting she can't be sick, because "there's so much..." OOPS! Alex catches himself, but Chris finishes the sentence for him: "So much at stake? Is that what you were going to say?". Seems Chris knows Alex is only marrying Mary for the $$$, and tells him as much. Chris agrees to keep quiet though, because Mary truly does love Alex (for some god-forsaken reason), but makes it clear he will be watching Alex carefully.


The day of the wedding, and Alex and Mary are to be married out at the Anderson lakehouse. They apparently rush through the ceremony, and Bob gives a nice speech to the (for now) happy couple. Bob finishes his speech, sits down to have a glass of champagne and immediately keels over.




Phyllis finds him, and when he doesn't respond, Phyllis screams. After Tom examines Bob, he confirms he's dead. Mary can't cry, she just stares off into space like a zombie. Phyllis sobs on Alice's shoulder that she can't go on without Bob, and plans to leave Salem again. Neil consoles Phyllis as well.


Alex is being a good boy and isn't pushing Mary to have sex with him (how gracious). Phyllis tries to console Mary, but Mary barely acknowledges her. Chris tries to console her, encouraging Mary to let her emotions out, but Mary only says that now that Bob's gone, her whole world is gone with him. Chris offers to lend an ear whenever Mary needs.


David finds out about Bob's death and tells Julie, who feels guilt over breaking up Phyllis and Bob's marriage in the first place. 


At Bob's funeral, Mary still can't cry, and is still icy toward Phyllis. Chris breaks down after the ceremony, promising he will watch over Anderson, and Mary, for the man he considered a second father. Alex, meanwhile, convinces Mickey to rush Bob's will-reading, because he has to take Mary away somewhere. Mary, you in danger, girl!




Mary, Alex, Phyllis, and Chris descend upon Mickey's office, with Alex licking his chops.


OOPS! Chris gets control of Anderson, not Mary! Chris is also made sole executor of the estate. BAHAHAHAH! Even Chris is shocked by the news. Phyllis is pleased, but Alex tells Mickey before he leaves with Mary that he'll be back to discuss the will. Melissa, if they ever find her, gets a chunk of money (no word about this block of stock that apparently will come up later, but anyway...), and Mickey informs Chris that Bob changed the will while Chris and Alex were at odds. Bob didn't trust Alex, and put Chris in charge to protect the plant, and Mary.


Melissa calls again, this time to Mary. She's desperate to be brought home to Salem and to Bob, but Mary tells her of Bob's death. Alex, taking the phone, asks where she is. Melissa tells Alex of her New York boarding school, and Alex promises that Mickey will contact her.


Off the phone, Mary is in a fog, which Alex takes advantage of, convincing her that the will wasn't reflective of what Bob really wanted, and that Bob wanted Alex to run Anderson. Mary is easily influenced, whispering that she wants what her father wanted.


Maggie decides that she will bring Melissa back to Salem. Maggie also decides to enrol Melissa in a private school she attended as a girl, which cheers the depressed young girl right up.


Alex storms into Mickey's office, bloviating about how Bob promised Anderson to Mary, that Alex was training her for the job, and that Bob wasn't of sound mind when he made Chris the CEO of Anderson. Alex demands Mickey challenge the will immediately. Mickey will do no such thing, so Alex contacts another lawyer.


At home, Phyllis begins to clear out Bob's things from the lakehouse. Mary screams at Phyllis that Phyllis is trying to erase Bob's memory, and screams that Phyllis never really loved Bob. Enraged, she tells her mother to leave her alone, and that she doesn't need her, as she has Alex now.


So Phyllis leaves, and that's the last we hear of her for the next couple years!




Alex, however, is already fed up with waiting to shtoop Mary, and tells her as much. Mary sobs that she can't go to bed with him until she feels like her world will go on without Daddy. Mary then asks to have Melissa live with them instead of going to boarding school out of town. Alex flat-out refuses, citing that Mary is in no shape to be parenting anyone right now.


Maggie visits, and reassures Mary that her farm is close to the school, and that she can visit with, and care for Melissa. Mary worries Melissa will feel abandoned by her.


Alex's blue balls are getting intolerable for him, so he orders a candlelit dinner to be brought to the apartment. Mary looks at the array dismally, and says only "Alex, you shouldn't have". She won't eat, and Alex has to ask the dinner to be cleared away.


Ray, Alex's partner at Magnis, wonders why Alex hasn't assumed control of Anderson yet. Ray makes it clear that the clock is ticking, and that he wants a cut of Anderson profits, or else Alex's shady dealings will come to light.


The last straw comes when Alex finds Mary at Bob's grave. He scolds her viciously for her grief, saying she's acting like a child. Forbidding her to return, he tells her she's a spoiled brat, and that's why Bob didn't put Alex Mary in charge of Anderson. Mary finally fights back, realizing that Alex was after only one thing: her inheritance. Realizing he's crossed the line, Alex backtracks, saying he's just edgy because they haven't been to bed yet. 


Back at the office, Mary clashes with Chris over the direction of the plant, with Mary demanding Chris make the tough decisions because that's what Bob wanted, but Chris isn't confident in making the decision. Realizing Mary's sudden change of opinion where Alex is concerned, Chris tells Mary he doesn't want to be caught in the middle of her squabbles with Alex, as he refuses to play Alex's games.




Chris hires a new assistant, someone from outside the company that Alex has no power over. He finds the perfect candidate in a woman named Leslie James.


Mickey is visited by the right hand man of the former Governor, now Ambassador. Max Jarvis tells Mickey that his boss, Ambassador Chandler, wants to buy Anderson. The new mall is owned by Chandler, and the plant plays a big role in his overall plans in Salem. Chandler announces he will be running for governor again, and Chandler and Jarvis, behind close doors, moustache-twirl about how they'll once again hoodwink the public into voting for Chandler again, despite their shady pasts. Oh brother.






Robert sends Doug a letter, updating him on him and Dougie, which gets Doug misty-eyed. Lee catches him, and tells Doug she wishes he'd forget about the past, wondering why he's so hung up on Dougie. Doug tells her that Dougie is "like the son he never had". I mean, you might as well just tell her at this point, Doug. Lee convinces Doug to go see a house during a rainstorm. Once inside, it's still raining! Lee, for some reason, still wants them to take the house, but Doug tells her "one amenity we don't need is an indoor swimming pool", and leaves. ZING!


Lee wishes to take a greater role in the club, hoping to be closer to Doug. Doug agrees, suggesting she be the hostess for the venue.


Julie is meant to go on a date with Tony Kingman, but apparently it didn't go so well, as she's still hung up on Doug. Apparently Tony and Julie used to be a thing? This is the first I'm hearing about this, but Tune In Tomorrow says so, so....sure! Neil is still hung up on Julie, despite their lousy date, and makes a pact with Lee to pursue Julie to keep Doug and Julie apart. Oh brother.


Lee begins work at Doug's Place, and is recognized by Tony Kingman! OF COURSE SHE IS! He remembers meeting her when she and Byron were vacationing. This story is getting stupider by the minute! Tony's opportunity to pry is cut short when Neil arrives, and they get to discussing their goofy plan.


When David tells Doug, Trish, and Lee about Bob's death, Doug immediately rushes off to console Julie, angering Lee. Doug tells Julie he will always be there for her as a friend. Julie isn't happy with this, and when Doug gets home, Lee is equally angry, tired of Doug constantly running off at every possible second to check on his ex-. Doug insists he's worried about Julie as a friend, and a friend only.


Julie shuts down Chez Julie, and hands Doug a cheque for his half of the business. She also puts things on ice between her and Tony Kingman, who I still don't know why they INSIST on referring to him every time by his full name, as there's only one Tony in Salem at this point, it's kinda weird. Julie is unsure whether she wants to take him up on the job offer to move to New York as an antiques buyer or not. She does, however, take him and Hope out to dinner, and Hope seems to like him.


As they clear out Chez Julie, Tony Kingman (finally being referred to as just Tony, but being the smartass that I am, I will continue to only refer to him by his full name, because I can), kisses Julie passionately just as Doug walks in. Aaaaand Doug walks back out, and the cycle of crossed wires continues.


Doug suggests Alice invite Lee to tea, to make Lee feel more welcome in the family. It goes as poorly as one would expect a visit to your new husband's ex-wife's grandmother would go.


Julie gets a call from a realtor about a location at a new mall for Julie's new design shop. Julie loves it and gives it the go-ahead. Doug is also about to make some real estate purchases. Lee takes him to see a nice penthouse with a beautiful view. Doug's eager to take the property, but Mickey advises against it, due to the steep price.








Margo be passing out here, there, and everywhere. She once again collapses at work, but Chris the Perpetual Hero, sits her down and calls Mike to take her home. She later insists to Mike that Chris was just making a big fuss out of nothing, but when Mike leaves the room, he finds Margo asleep on the couch. He tries to wake her up gently, but doesn't get a response. He begins to panic, screaming at her to wake up. When she finally does, Mike has Bill check her out. Bill recommends Margo take a couple days off to rest in bed.


With regard to their counselling, Jordan talks Laura out of counselling Mike and Margo (presumably Laura's last appearance on the show, as she leaves March 25). Jordan asks Marlena to take over, and Marlena agrees, provided Don is okay with it. Don agrees, but stipulates that she should work only from home, and only to help Mike and Margo, since it's only been a few short weeks since she gave birth.


MASSACRE VICTIM #11! And what an exit, folks! She just...stops appearing.


Tom sets up a blood bank for Margo, and finally stops the charade that both Margo and Mike were living in. Tom tells Mike that Margo's cancer is back, and she's dying. Once Tom confirms that Margo knows, Mike cannot believe he wasn't told, and insists there must be something they can do to save her. Tom tells Mike that it's impossible, and that Jordan and Tom have set up counselling sessions with Marlena on their behalf. Mike admits he'd been in denial.


He relays the bad news onto Chris, whose head must be spinning at this point. Chris is floored by the bad news, and donates blood to Margo's blood bank. Mike then takes Margo to the park and finally musters his strength to admit that he knows she's dying. They share a tender moment, and agree to therapy with Marlena.


At therapy, Margo feels a weight has lifted off of her since Mike told her he knows about her impending doom. Marlena probes further, wondering if there's any lingering guilt or resentment, but the couple claim to be perfectly content. Mmmmhmmm.


Margo goes in for blood transfusions, claiming at first to be feeling wonderful, but fading fast, and becoming weaker and bitter as the days go on. The stress finally causes Mike to snap at Mickey when he visits, calling Mickey out for bringing up Bob's death and upsetting Margo. After apologizing, he goes to see Marlena for more help.





Jordan and Bill visit Doug's Place for dinner, and tell Doug that Laura's made a full recovery. Apparently she wasn't at Bayview but at Lakewood (these places all have the same damned names, no?). Bill has decided to accept the position as medical director at Lakewood, to be closer to Laura, but will still occasionally practice in Salem, joking that he "won't be a stranger". Sure you won't, Bill. The two reminisce about their musical duo from the days when Doug's Place was still called Sergio's. They do a number onstage, with Bill on piano while Doug sings. The performer's high wears off quickly, with Doug telling Bill afterwards that he's depressed, and that coming to Doug's Place is no fun anymore.


MASSACRE VICTIM #12 & 13!! - since I think that's the last we hear of Jordan, as well. Another one that just...stops appearing.





Don's political career is going well, with him schmoozing rather successfully with the local PTA ladies. This schmoozing leads Don to find out one of the ladies is selling her home, and it just so happens to be the home where Don proposed? I...I'm a bit confused by that, but okay. Really hoping Don didn't break into other people's houses to propose to his now-wife.


Sam, now apparently all better and like she never had kidney failure, wins a major part in a movie and is moving back to LA. But before she goes, she'll throw Marlena a baby shower. Looks like Donna didn't actually leave yet, even though it said she did last month, but okay. The family has a nice goodbye dinner for her, and Donna holds DJ and sadly hopes they'll be together soon. And NOW off she does.





Trish has decided not to say a word about the diamond nonsense to David because she's off the hook with the mob, so I guess that whole story will just...DISAPPEAR now. Probably for the best.


Alex, trying desperately to win some goodwill at Anderson, promises David the moon, the stars, a fern, and a raise, all as long as David doesn't tell anyone that Alex is planning to do so. David does confide to Julie that he's surprised by Alex's sudden change in attitude towards him, but stops short of telling her the news of his "imminent promotion" to executive assistant.






Marie hears from Cathy that she's engaged to an intern in Chicago. How nice.

This...so far doesn't sound SO bad, but...the Chandlers introduction sounds absolutely horrible, and I increasingly don't understand what they want Lee to do or be. I don't get any sense that Tony Kingman has a personality, or indeed, a point of view. I don't really care how he's connected to Lee. Everything is just...silly. I guess this is how things will be for the next few months. So...Yay???

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Bob March 28th

Phyllis April 9th

Jordan April 10th

Donna April 11th

Bill April 11th

Samantha April 18th



Nina Laemmle first episode April 21st

Joshua April 21st

Max April 22nd

Kellam April 24th

Liz April 25th

Leslie May 5th


4 new characters in her first week!

Edited by Paul Raven
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@beebs Wow! A popular and long running character like Laura just ceased to appear. Way too much change. Way too fast. Viewers heads must off been spinning. Never knew Bill played the piano. But then again i don't know much about Bill. The battle big for Anderson Manufacturing. Looks like it was squandered. One of the few bright spot. Will be the introduction of Liz. I have an article. About the big revamp. I have posted it before. But since we have been discussing this era. I'm posting it again.

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So, I'm confused.  Jordan and Bill say Laura has made a full recovery; yet, many years later, when Jaime Lyn Bauer's Laura appears for the first time, she's catatonic.  Did Laura relapse?  Did they say as much on-air?  Or did DAYS just ignore history again?



Agree.  Again, just like with Alex and Lee, Kellam and Max are evil for evil's sake.  No nuances, no layers, no motivations beyond just being bad because that's what the plot requires.  Maybe I'm alone, but I just don't like blatantly evil characters.  Characters don't all have to get along with each other, but having these OTT supervillain types just takes away the sense of realism that's needed for soaps to work.

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