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"Secret Storm" memories.


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I tried to buy this episode from the same guy over a year ago. I sent him almost $400 and he kept saying he didn't see the payment in his PayPal account. I don't know if that was true or if he was trying to get me to send it again but I quickly revoked my payment from PayPal and was able to save my money. I'm so sorry to hear others were scammed.

I can't wait to dig into this episode! I never thought I'd get to see Secret Storm in color. I also am so used to watching the 50s episodes so I'm curious to see the evolution.

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$400?!!! For one episode?!!! Obviously, this market is so far gone & out of reach, it's no wonder some greedy people are taking advantage. That price, is, frankly, outrageous. If someone prices something one is interested in so high that should be a red flag suggesting that something is wrong about this transaction. Do you see what I mean? There is too much profit.

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Oh no lol. It wasn't $400 for one episode. It was a good amount of things including this SS episode. I do recall it being expensive for what I was getting but I would've gladly paid it if I could trust he was going to send me what I asked for.

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In this day and age, anyone who is requesting money for these things is a special kind of awful. It's very easy to just upload them for everyone to see, and at the end of the day, we're all in this "game" together trying to hunt down these rare episodes. I will never have any material worth trading for nor will I ever spend money to get anything.

A Secret Storm from 1972 - in COLOR - is insane and exactly what I was looking for in that "holy grail" thread, and so 2025 is truly off to an incredible start. Watching right now!!

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I agree with every word in your first paragraph here.

But, I am an avid trader & collector of digital files, IOW, episodes, clips or edits. Sometimes I just give away. I do not sell. I will not buy. But, trading, to me, is fun & also you meet a lot of interesting people. I've had one guy, who does sell & hoard, give me outright the intro to MISS SUSAN. I've had people go out of their way to find Anne Heche things for me. In like fashion, I have done similar things for other people. It is a community. This is not like what Maxim does. Nothing wrong with either way.

The only thing to me that is wrong is these people who hoard. IMO the ultimate goal is to share this media as widely as possible among fans.

And, that reminds me, if I have anything your heart may desire & you have nothing to trade, hey, it's not a problem. Gifting is also fun.



Edited by Contessa Donatella
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I remember tape trading being a huge huge online community 20-25 years ago, and I can see people keeping up with it for the benefit of meeting people and sharing in your interests, but I also think of how at the same time, as a kid, I yearned and yearned to see certain shows because if they weren't airing in reruns somewhere, it was impossible to see them. Scores of primetime shows, certainly just about anything/everything classic daytime (getting TVLand and GSN at our house was a revelation), etc - I had no way of seeing them, and at 11-12 years old, I had nothing to trade or even the ability to trade tapes with adults on the internet. But here we are in 2025, and I can basically pull up just about any TV show I've ever wanted to see and watch at least a couple episodes if not in full. We have the ability to "broadcast" whatever we have in our posession, and to me, there's no question - if you have it, you share it. Yeah, you might have spent money on something however many years ago, but be thankful that's no longer the norm and that everyone is able to just share what they have.

There are some things that popped up on WoST that I still haven't seen on YT, like the 1982 ep of AMC where Joey/Jake accidentally shoots Kate. That's the kinda thing that reminds me that even today, we still have only the tip of the iceberg.

Back on topic - that 1972 ep of SS is interesting. The only "drama" in it is at the very end with the class conflict, but it's a nice glimpse into how they were still trying to keep the Ames sisters at the center of the show. Between this and the 1966 Jerry-centric ep we've seen, I really feel like they could have done well by keeping the focus squarely on the three siblings had they not been recast so much. I really want to see Jada's Amy from this time period because Lynne Adams is so vivacious here, you would think that it was her who'd been playing the role since the first day. She and Judy Lewis work well together.

Please refresh my memory. What's the story with Joanna? Isn't this a wild story where it turns out she actually is the Joanna they're reading about in the papers? Or am I confusing it with another soap that did a off-the-wall anti-aging story near the end? I'm thinking The Doctors might have done that

Poking around the channel, it looks like stuff we've seen before that has been missing for a while - definitely worth another look. There's the partial 1968 ep that features the short-lived departure from the crashing waves title sequence (plus the flub in the credits where Stephen Bolster is played by Jerry Ames and not the other way around), and the 1967 ep featuring Donna Mills in her first TV role.

I truly hope this is a sign of more things to come! Thanks @MissPalmer and @DRW50!!

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Thank you, @MissPalmer, for alerting us to this find; and thank you, @DRW50, for tagging me!

I'm thrilled that I finally get to see a complete episode of THE SECRET STORM in color...but I can't say that I was enthralled with what I saw.  Maybe that's because I know so little about the show's storylines, but to me, most of the episode felt like filler (which is an odd thing to say about a half-hour soap, but...). 

Amy's reluctance to work on Kevin's campaign gets brushed aside after 30 seconds or so, so what do we get instead?  Approximately 20 minutes of folks getting excited over, what, some Revolutionary War general's papers?  (Was this a July 4th episode?). Then, just as the episode appears to be going somewhere - with the possibility that Joanna MIGHT be a descendant of General Eldridge's, and the conflict that erupts immediately between her and Doug - the episode's over!

Also, the teaser (with the guy who played Lt. Larry Wyatt for years on GL) was perhaps the most pointless I've ever witnessed; and I'm sorry, but if you're going to include a dog in your show, at least get one that's trained, lol.

Believe it or not, @All My Shadows, the same theory crossed my mind as I was watching the episode.  "Please, tell us this Joanna is the same Joanna mentioned in that diary," I said.  "Anything, just so there's a point to all this!"

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@MissPalmer: You just have to enter the "@" symbol into the new message/text box, followed by the posters' names. Don't leave a space between the symbol and the name(s). Usually, just typing the first few letters will make them pop up for you. Then those posters will be "tagged" and alerted to your post.

So, @ + MissP (or the complete MissPalmer if you choose) gets the job done. I just did it, above!

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That's what made me get out of the trading business. I'd send other "traders" some of my rare material on the agreement of a trade, but they wouldn't send me anything in return (or if they did, it was garbage and not as promised). Then I'd see them SELLING the stuff I had originally sent them to other soap fans...at outrageous prices.

Fortunately, the folks at SON have been honest, trustworthy and generous, in my experience.

Thank goodness for USB flash drives. As soon as see I something on the internet which I desperately want and "need" to own, it goes right onto a flash drive for safekeeping.

Me too. Even soaps like TSS and Love of Life, which were not among my top, all-time favorite shows back in the day, are a joy to see now.

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People have tried to scam me for money so many times. I remember this one person who seemed normal-ish years ago, but the second I wanted screenshots from the more rare appearing episodes in the collection he claimed to have... he reacted like I had offended his religion or something. He was so appalled that I dare to ask for proof and tried to gaslight me into thinking I was being wrong to ask for it. If he had time to collect my money, he should have had time to make 2 screenshots. LOL.


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