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"Secret Storm" memories.


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Hopefully he will upload (he has not uploaded some of the other episodes he had  closing credits for, but did put up a Y&R episode). I'm not holding my breath though. It truly saddens me that the sponsors and networks took so little care of their soaps and ignore such obvious ways to make revenue, meaning we're in a place where we either have to beg or make financial donations to have any hope of seeing a fragment of an episode.

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Honestly, I'd be willing to make donations to him if I knew he'd put soap material up. Just from the credits and other tapes he's shown, I know he had lots of rare soap stuff that would be a goldmine to us, but he probably doesn't think much of it. I wouldn't be surprised if he has random episodes of soaps that aren't available.

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He just posted another video titled " Channel Surfing" 1971 and it had another Secret Storm closing and a Where The Heart Is opening. He probably has complete shows, but wants donations or purchases to make them happen. If he would at least show a few complete scenes from these shows, I would consider making a reasonable donation with the stipulation he has to upload the full episodes on youtube (maybe on a hidden link) that I would make available to all of us here at SON. Then hopefully someone with computer skills would grab them and add them to the vault. He has a internet archive with that Y&R episode, but that page format sucks.  

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2 questions for those lucky enough to have seen SS what was the thing with Laurie???? I've just come across an article on her having an affair with a priest???

Second does anyone know where to find videos with Belle Clemens??? The most I've saw of her were 3 seconds on a promo

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Laurie (Stephanie Braxton) had been married to Ken (Joel Crothers), and I don't recall how Ken exited the show. Braxton and Crothers were both excellent in a storyline about two people who really weren't in love but were trying to make the best of their marriage, with it even being possible that they might eventually fall in love. Some subtle writing and acting there.

Toward the end of the SS run, a new HW dragged out the old girl-who-falls-for-a-priest storyline. David Gale played the priest, Gary Sandy was his younger brother, and Frances Sternhagen was the woman who had raised them. IIRC, Gary Sandy tries to attack Laurie; it's in a barn, so the priest grabs a pitchfork; Frances Sternhagen rushes in to try to separate the two men and accidentally gets fatally stabbed by the pitchfork. Stephanie Braxton and David Gale played this material well. I believe the couple separated at the end of the show and he went back to being a priest.

They also used the priest for the old "I Confess" storyline, as handyman Riley (Joe Ponazecki), previously a good guy and a source of comic relief, kidnaps a baby (? this may not be right) and confesses to the priest, knowing the priest will be obligated not to tell.

I was not too fond of the show at this time. Some of the actors who had kept me interested when I first started watching--Terry Kiser, Jada Rowland, Joel Crothers, Barbara Rodell, Judy Lewis, Linden Chiles among them--were gone. Marla Adams as Belle was still making trouble, always a good thing, and I did like new additions to the cast Bernard Barrow, Dan Hamilton, David Ackroyd, Jeff Pomerantz, and Betsy von Furstenberg.

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Well, I saw David Gale on SS first so seeing him as a villain later was a change for me, lol.

Ken Stevens died but I can't remember how.  Laurie raised his son, Clay.  Ken's first wife and mother of Clay had been killed in a plane crash with her new husband shortly before.  Ken had gotten Jill and Laurie pregnant at the same time but Laurie's baby died (or she had a miscarriage, can't remember the details).

Edited by jam6242
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