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Victoria Rowell: "Debbi Morgan wanted to come to Y&R"

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Showbusiness is one hell of a grudge.

Maybe she's just now deciding to spill beans because she knows there's no way Maria and Co. will ever hire her back. I wish she wasn't doing it in this fashion though. I wish she would just write a juicy tell-all and profit from this. Everything she's ever heard that she is legally able to write about not only from Y&R but from all of her experiences in daytime.

The problem is that I'm not interested in these fabricated, ficticious accounts of "what happened." Come out with it, please.

The fans may be entertained, some of them(especially fans of Giggly Heffa) will not care or will call it all lies, and people BTS may be laughing at her and calling her deranged.

Maybe she is.

But that doesn't, nor should it, detract from the issues she raised.

And really, Ria Rowell ultimately proves that you reap what you sow. MTS was big and bad enough to poke fun at Rowell and now she's been marginalized by the same machine her husband used to run. She may not be bad, but she is still big. Now it's just literally instead of figuratively.

And once they realize their 18-49 female doesn't drop when The Stafford goes on vacation, she'll have her guarantee reduced and she'll be marginalized as well. If this show even lasts that long.

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Tweets(in case anyone wanted to view them instead of searching her page for hours for them):

Jennifer Johns was outraged when I told her I don't leave price tags in my costumes. And asked if she had other YR actors do the same? about 7 hours ago via UberTwitter

Why was I asked by Y&R costume designer, Jennifer Johns to leave price tags in my clothes so she could return them to Neiman Marcus? about 7 hours ago via UberTwitter

Jennifer Johns said, "Producers said Dolce & Gabana was 2expensive!" I asked, "2expensive for AAs you mean?" I reported it to my agent. about 7 hours ago via UberTwitter

My manager, FINALLY intervened and asked wardrobe to stop the madness, offering me the SALE items & what MTS & Michelle Stafford passed on! about 7 hours ago via UberTwitter

I cannot tell you how many times wardrobe told me they couldn't find this or that...I wld climb up an 8Ft ladder myself & get it in archives about 7 hours ago via UberTwitter

Maria & Billy Bell, I'm curious how you went 2 Venice Bienniale, raised 4mln in one night but no salaries @HOME on Y&R for 1 black scribe? about 9 hours ago via UberTwitter

It's fraudulent that u smile & pose 4pictures with me, sit on Americans for the Arts board but won't diversify Y&R 2the extent that u shld about 9 hours ago via UberTwitter

Why did loyal African American Young and Restless production employee NORA WADE vanish w/possible GAG order & hush $s?...here's why... about 7 hours ago via UberTwitter

...when she complained abt being passed over 4position she'd waited4. The job was awarded 2Melody T. Scott & Exec Prod Ed Scott's daughter? about 7 hours ago via UberTwitter

The injustice? NORA WADE trained her as a production assistant. about 8 hours ago via UberTwitter

When Melody Thomas Scott thought it was funny running around YR set with a clown AFRO wig before my scene I reported it. No one did a thing about 7 hours ago via UberTwitter

Wore my hair in a natural fall 1 day, Melody Thomas Scott took the opportunity 2mock my hair w/a multi colored AFRO wig RT @belleannas: @victoriarowell what did she do that for? was it because it was an afro or because it was a clown wig? i didnt realize she was that mean about 3 hours ago via UberTwitter

When John Fisher from SONY fined me 16thousand dollars 4missing 1 show & called AFTRA I called NAACP & UrbanLeague & WON back my money! about 7 hours ago via UberTwitter

AFTRA was outraged at how I was being treated on a #1 show! It was obvious due to my activism Y&R was trying to deter me from speaking out about 7 hours ago via UberTwitter

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Is racism truly alive and well behind-the-scenes at America's No. 1 Daytime Drama? One look at Miss Sophia's direct-from-ASHRO wardrobe should answer that question.

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Well... when it comes to Stafford, I don't think SHE should have gotten first dibs on wardrobe over Rowell.. but I think Melody deserves first dibs on wardrobe only because of seniority, and no other reason. And if Rowell didn't like what they were giving her, why didn't she just wear her own sh!t, like Dickson did? I'm under the impression Jeanne wears her own clothes as well. And i've SEEN what Melody wears.. why would she WANT to put that sh!t on?

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On the one hand, alphanguy, you're right; VR could've just worn her own clothes like Dickson, Cooper and I'm sure others did (and do). However, my problem, as far as Y&R's wardrobe for AA females goes, is simply that the wardrobe department tends to do a pretty shitty job overall for them. As far back as I can remember, I've never seen an AA woman on Y&R dressed even half as glamorously as their Caucasian counterparts. (Where was Drucilla's million-dollar wedding dress, Mr. Ed Scott? You think a storybook wedding to the man of her dreams was Nikki Reed's dream and hers alone?) So, yeah, wear whatcha wanna, gf...but why can't Jennifer Johns just dress the sistahs better?

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Or the apartment that Devon(whose father is a rich executive) inhabited looked like something out of a bad neighborhood in South L.A.


Oh Mo! ^_^

Why should anyone have "dibs" on anything?! Costume designers are supposed to pick and choose outfits based on what they FEEL their character would wear. Ria Rowell NEVER should have gotten MTS and Stafford's leftovers in the first place because if the costume department was doing their job to begin with, there would be no need for her to have to choose from someone else's leftovers.

The Dolce and Gabana thing was kind of an outrageous thing to bitch about(you can find good looking stuff for less), but certainly to an extent I can understand where she is coming from. And it seemed to me like these people got off on pushing her buttons and getting her upset.

There are two sides to every story, but everything that I have heard coming from Y&R these days has not been pretty at all. And not just the racism aspect of it. The blantant ageism(Doug Davidson), sexism(Jess Walton), and homophobia(Thom Bierdz, Yani Gellman's Rafe) seem to run rampant. And it makes me wonder whether the chickens are coming home to roost. Even better, whether anyone in charge actually gives a flyingfuck.

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I still think it's so funny that Melody Thomas Scott was so hateful to Victoria Rowell! Look at where she is now...bloated, one guarantee paycheck away from being unemployed, and constantly degraded on-screen. I wonder if Melody still gets "first pick" of the wardrobe? That Lemom Cake dress she wore certainly doesn't appear to be "first pick."

I hate what is happening to her at the hands of Maria and Rauch, but you also have to wonder whether Melody thought the same thing about other stars who were pushed out and forced to quit or fired.

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Victoria Rowell did eventually start bringing in her own wardrobe and doing her own hair. On her own dime. She's mentioned this in the tweets and on many other occasions. But that's besides the point.

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