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B&B: April Discussion Thread

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I certainly didn't expect it to be groundbreaking or long term...but I expected better from Brad.

You're right, it will breathe some life into the show. I haven't heard any rumors about anything, I'm trying to be spoiler free, but it should be good!

I would clarify that I never said he intentionally did anything, what I did say is that the final product was garbage.

We're clearly never going to be in agreement about it. That's fine. And I'm very sorry that you've gone down the Alzheimers road with loved ones, it is a terrible one.

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Bottom line is that it WASN'T. This was used as some cheap ploy to score a ratings tick and ignite the lame Logan/Forrester Feud XP.

Why not raise awareness about this disease instead of using it as a plot device? THAT'S what I find most disrespectful. Not to mention a woman's last hours spent struggling in a pool because she forgot how to swim.

If he didn't want to fully explore the issue, then he shouldn't have brought Beth back only to kill her off.

Don't sit here and defend Brad Bell.

Yeah, because I sure want to laugh about a woman helplessly drowning in a pool because she had Alzheimer's. Happy joy joy. Glad you got a good laugh out of it.

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I can defend Brad Bell or anyone I choose. Posters on this board aren't required to reflect or validate your opinion.

Also, no one said anyone was laughing when Beth died in the pool. It was tragic. But for me at least I didn't have to watch the character fade slowly and agonizingly away week and week, month after month. If that's the route Bell had chosen, I'm not sure I could have watched it. But it wasn't, and that's fine with me. I prefer the direction he took the story. Obviously, you don't, and you're entitled. Just don't tell me not to "defend" anyone.

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JG is a mess! Hasn't her OB/GYN told her to lay off the salt?? Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to gain weight over all your body. Her face was already a cosmetic wreck, but now it's puffy and totally distorted. The tears and snot hardly had a place to drip to! Let her take maternity leave and say she's on a cruise somewhere because I'm tired of looking at her!

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:rolleyes: Really? Because I've been pregnant twice and that's not what my OB/GYN said. It's also not what the US Department of HHS has to say. Women who are normal weight when they get pregnant are recommended to gain about 25 pounds during pregnancy. It's not like JG can control where that weight ends up. It's also not like any of us know why she is swelling up, I mean, other than having another human being inside of her.

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In none of my pregnancies did my appearance change except around my stomach. If my ankles started to swell, my doctor was restrict me from salt intake. I think "Pam" is correct, and Donna is finally eating everything she sees!

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Thank you. It's always nice to have confirmation from a professional.

I wonder if they are thinking of taking Bill and Donna romantic or is Bill simply befriending her in an attempt to get his foot in the door at FC again? I was hoping dollar Bill wouldn't be down for long.

They are really turning Stephie into a vixen. I like that direction for her, but it's wasted on Ollie. He's a cute guy, but it's not really fun watching her try to seduce a high school girl's boyfriend just for the hell of it. It was much more fun watching her go to work on Bill. Does anyone remember if Katie ever found out about why Bill gave up FC?

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Is this an unspoken nod from the writers about Eric leaving women when they're not perfect in his eyes? Remember when he first left Stephanie and Ridge told her that she would stand a fighting chance with Eric if she just lost weight?!??!

Donna should have let the Forrester kids pull the plug on that faithless old man.

Weird, because I just read two stories about two women who are struggling with the issue of pregnancy and weight gain. Guilana (?) from E! is mad that she gained 7 (yes SEVEN) pounds to try to increase her chances of getting pregnant. I was stunned. Who gets angry about that!??!?! The trainer from 'The Biggest Loser' wants to adopt because she doesn't want to gain weight for a pregnancy. She commented that 'rescuing something' (her words) helps you find yourself so she'll adopt.

Have we come to the point of punishing women for being healthy and gaining necessary weight for pregnancy? Now women are supposed to be 'sexy' during a pregnancy!?!?!?! GEEZ!

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I know. I feel bad for women in the entertainment business. The expectations of perfection are so high (and unrealistic), I'm sure it's impossible not to internalize all that pressure to be thin at all times. I think it's easier for the average woman who isn't under the microscope to do what's best for their baby and gain the necessary weight to make sure they are healthy.

Yeah, Stephenie's called him on that before. Finding a plaything and then when the shine wears off for whatever reason he comes crawling back to her because she's his safety net. The one who has always taken care of him. I consider their relationship to be completely toxic.

I had hoped Stephenie wouldn't fall back into the pattern of taking him back after this latest dalliance.

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