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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Something about the new girl Amber on RHONJ seemed very fake to me. Sorry but there's something wrong when I'm hearing about you having cancer and I frankly have trouble believing you. Call me crazy but it didn't seem like Dina was exactly falling in love with the girl either when they first met and she told her about it....

Her convo with Melissa was beyond dumb and again there's something wrong when I see Melissa Gorga's POV and think its valid over yours. The girl was trying very hard to seem innocent and yet get those digs in at Melissa.

The twins seem hilarious but the weird sketch bald husband/boyfriend annoyed me to no end.

The episode overall though was very very good. NJ has always been very emotional to me cuz the relationships have always rang true. This season def looks like it's going to be intense.

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RHOC has definitely improved this season and tonight showed why. Even though I don't care for Shannon, the deluded heifer is a great casting coup. Queen Lizzie is too. I was loving how she sat back and was able to piece together from watching on that Tamra is at the center of it all. I feel like once they hit Bali and Lizzie has all the ammo needed, she's going come out swinging and slaying.

Tamra was too messy tonight. Her body language just wreaked of guilt. From her trying to silence Shannon at the door or sitting at the table like a deer in headlights telling a bold faced lie. I don't see how people weren't able to piece it all together (with the exception of Vicki & Lizzie). Hell, Eddie in so many words showed that he is over Tamra and all the women's antics. I loved that Vicki told him that he gets what he signed up for. Shannon going batsh*t was funny too.

I think that this ranks up there with Scary Island (NY), Fight Night (ATL), and Dinner Party from Hell (BH) as one of the best group knockdown drag outs.

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Tamra's ass got caught - and I loved it! Shannon is 100% real and honest - she may react emotionally and come off crazy at times - but she doesn't lie or stir up [!@#$%^&*] like Tamra to be relevant. I wish Vicki would have said something at the table, but at least she admitted it in the confessional --- which will make the reunion so much better. I can't wait to have these ladies watch everything back to see that Shannon was telling the truth - I want Tamra and Heather to apologize at the reunion.

And don't get me started with Heather - she needs to learn what 'screaming' really means. Shannon has never screamed at her until tonight. I wish Heather would just own up to what she did (which is blab to many people around town) - instead she keeps deflecting and it is very irritating.

If Lizzie hadn't hosted this event, she would have been another nonfactor, just like Danielle was... I hope these ladies prove themselves in Bali!

Love the OC!

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I think when so,some comes at you aggressively even if they are not literally SCREAMING it comes off as yelling.

Shannon does lie. Her et ire saga of what happened at heathers is utter bullshit.

And I do t think heather deflected. She said and has said she told a group of mostly close friends and that's the same story Shannon/David have about it. She's spot on when she says David needs to redirect his anger at Shannon, and Shannon at Tamra. I love how this is some huge sin to them when it's on national tv. Shannon was so pissed when heather was calling out all the shot [!@#$%^&*] she's talked on her marriage to David and it was glorious.

Who knew that heather asking an insane, rambling woman to leave her house after she welcomed her in only to be attacked would lead to all of this.

It's also clear now why Tamra starts to go after Lizzie.

And I don't buy the act Vicki is selling at all. Talk about fake.

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Crazy Lady has flipped her lid! She almost knocked production over.

IKR? Heather was wrong for talking about her issues, but that conversation was not filmed. CL making a big issue out of it and dragging it out is what put her business out there and why we are talking about it today. Edited by Cheap21
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I heard from someone that the Danielle/Tamra confrontation in Bali might be cut due to stuff Tamra reveals about Danielle and family.. and danielle requested it not be aired.. hence why Danielle got downgraded. I won't believe it until we get to the Bali episodes and Danielle is shown as a non-entity.

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I don't know i still say the prostitution whore dinner (NJ) was my favorite but this was pretty good too. Shannon was at a very bad place and she just hit her breaking point.

Did you see Tamra on WWHL....I think she did more than just get fillers in her face. I think she looks more different than Vicki did when she "revealed" her new face at the beging of last season. Maybe it was still healing but i don't like it.

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My dinner party ranking would be:

1. Prostitution Whore - It gets #1 for the epic build-up, then Jacqueline shocking everybody by throwing Dina under the bus.

2. Scary Island

3. Dinner Party from Hell on Beverly Hills

You can round out a top five, but those three are so far above the rest. I also think Melbourne deserves a nod for that vacation dinner fight where Gina slayed those bitches by putting on her makeup while they bitched away and got worked up.

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