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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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That is the way guys text when trying to set something up. Why else would he be texting her? Like she said, I thought Apollo hated her? What happened to all that mess he said on the show? He was horny and wanted some, but unfortunately she wasn't in Atlanta. Not only that, but these texts start at almost 10pm. He is just a mess LOL! Dayum, actually, since she was on California time that means he was texting her at 12:46am!! Again, what does Phaedra's stupid ass husband want at that hour? To talk business? We know he doesn't work so that couldn't be it!

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First off, congrats to Wigmaster and her twins. Now she needs to closed her legs to her husband (even though she's married), trash box!

Secondly, I'm over all the women coming for Kenya over the Apollo situation. Should Kenya had text Apo-HO back? No. BUT Kenya at that point in time (and still doesn't) have any loyalty to Shade-ra. They weren't/aren't friends anymore so Kenya answering back texts does not make her guilty IMO. Now Apollo is the guilty the one. He has ties to Phaedra and knows it. He's the one that everyone should be faulting. In all honesty, I'm over women coming for the other woman hard when she should be coming for her man. And this is coming from a man.

And Kandi, Nene, Porsha, and Cynthia need tend to theirs and leave the situation alone. None of them are in perfect, stable relationships either. Though Greg and Nene remarried, I'm still iffy about that "union" and how Greg once upon a time dissed her on the radio. Porsha can't talk because she allowed herself to be Kordell's beard when everyone tried to tell her repeatedly . . . and don't get me started on how I feel about her constantly calling that man a "queen" when she was stupid enough to marriage the queen. Ole' money hungry hoe. Cynthia can't say sh*t because she allows Uncle Ben to take money out their account w/o her permission and spend it stupidly. And Kandi better pray that Todd sticks around because Mommy Dearest Joyce is trying to run him off, fearing he'll mess up her good--living the "good life."

Lastly, where is goddess Marlo?! I'm missing her and all these women (including Queen Nene, especially after that "white fridge" comment last night) are starting to irk my nerves.

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Did I just lose an hour of my life watching RHoBH?!

Let me recap for y'all so some of you don't have to:

Brandi and Carlton are shopping for trashy lingerie (yes, there is a difference between sexy and trashy lingerie). Brandi is purring about Carlton has a hot sexy bod. I guess she's hoping to get Carlton to either make out with her or cast a spell on LeAnn/Kyle/Lisa.

Kim is doing circus stuff. Well, the poor girl has to do something while Kingsley is gnawing through her rented furniture. I want to hate on Kim's endearing awkwardness but I can't. Her petrified smile in that "KIM" hand-on-hip opening shot makes me LOL.

Kyle and Mauricio in Operation SaveOurImage involves lunch with boring Joyce and her husband Augustus Gloop [© Charlie and the Chocolate Factory]. Mauricio is slurring "I'll take a lie dee-tec-tuh test with any of dose fuckin women" re: the infidelity rumors. Who cares, More-REESE [© Drunken Kim]? Nobody thinks you felt up Lisa!

Kyle regales us with her scintillating humor in the VT. "If Kim's going to do this (Cirque party mess), let's do this right and put one of the girl's in a cage with a lion." Then she puts on her best [!@#$%^&*]-eating gummy grin. Cue crickets and the sound of bales of hay blowing through a ghost town.

Luckily for Kyle, Boyce (bore + Joyce) has an even worse sense of humor than Vyle. "I'm GOOD at JUGGLING BALLS!!! Right, HONEY?!!!" Jesus. Karent Sierra she ain't. Not surprisingly, Kyle adores this sycophant who will never overshadow her except in terms of hair products.

Yolanda's walk-in closet is the stuff dreams are made of. Her two girls are lovely, too. Meanwhile, Ken gives Lisa a gorgeous golden retriever puppy! Gah! He is cute and fluffy! Lisa is going to call him Rumpy Pumpy.

It's circus day. Yolanda shows up clad in head-to-toe green nylon. Unbelievably, she still looks amazing. Kim starts a big speech about Building Trust between the ladies (Lisa: "This isn't going to work with this crowd") and Supporting Each Other and Putting Issues Behind Them. Yolanda innocuously says "Let's just have fun. We're all grown women, so let's go for it" and Kim immediately snaps "YO-Landa! You're being rude!" Kyle looks on, smiling smugly. So this isn't a team-bonding exercise at all, this is another Richards Sisters' entrapment to make Yolanda look bad again.

So now it's a big issue and Brandi and Kyle use this moment to passive-aggressively mean-girl each other. Kyle is still boohooing about the EVIL LIES Brandi spread in the previous episode, and Brandi does damage control by saying she was just giving Kyle a 'head's up.' Uh huh, Brandi. Then Brandi starts boohooing about the paps chasing her with the kids and how Kyle may have called her a bully because of what she said to Kyle. I am exhausted and bored just watching this, and it drags on for [!@#$%^&*] EVER.

Lisa, who has remained quiet throughout, pipes up about how maybe Kyle should tweet that she didn't call Brandi a bully (sigh...) and Kyle goes into full Victim Mode. I wish I cared enough to shed a little tear for poor, rich Kyle.

Boyce decides to make a stab at relevancy by going to speak to Lisa about Something Very Important. She drags her to one side, touches her hair repeatedly and tells Lisa she was Very Hurt by the fact that Lisa brushed her hand away when Boyce tried to fix a stray hair on Lisa's head last episode. However, Boyce is NOT a gossip and that's why she wanted to bitch Lisa out to her face! Lisa :rolleyes: and says "We've got major issues going on over there. This isn't one of them, so don't try and create one." Boyce is left yapping after Lisa walks away, bored.

In other news, Brandi's extensions look horrendous in her VT.

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I just watched RHoBH and it was so boring until maybe the last 10 minutes which I didn't care for

Kyle needs to get the F off this show. Im over her and she needs to exit left. She can take her sister too. She's such a cancer at this point and really bringing the show down with her melodrama and victim act

Kim making that big spiel about not wanting any of the ladies to start any drama and then proceeds to call Yolanda out on being rude. Huh? You are the one starting the drama honey.

Brandi acting like she was just being a friend to help Kyle out...bull. You don't give a damn about her so stop playing victim here. Her kids finally appeared on the show but too bad it was edited footage from the paparazzi

I like Carlton but she doesn't fit in with these ladies and I think she realizes that too. She is so over all this nonsense.

Joyce......really, girl? That crap she brought up to Lisa while Brandi and Kyle were having their exchange was so petty and childish. Carlton even said "this is bloody childs play" :lol: IA. She says she doesn't talk behind peoples back but instead brings issues to their face. Well this is something she should have kept to herself. Lisa wasn't thinking about it and it made her immature to be so upset about a hair flip. Talk about dramatic.. LMAO at Lisa walking away from her

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Now Lisa blogged that she feels like an idiot in regards to the Joyce situation. Joyce was responding to her based on multiple conversations she'd had with Yolanda and Brandi and Lisa said she played it off due to loyalty. Now she wishes she had listened to her and opened her eyes before she was blindsided.

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Good point! It did seem to set the stage of that story later in the season when Lisa has a falling out with them bc Joyce just planted the seeds about them two talking sh-t behind Lisa's back. While this may have seemed silly and pointless now, we at least know it will build upinto something much bigger

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I think Joyce stated in her blog that she was repeating herself numerous times because she thinks the thoughts in spanish and works to translate them into english when talking.. so she says a point over and over until someone says they understand. She stated looking back she wishes she hadn't stated her point so many times.

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Boyce is terrifyingly bland and a huge bust. Carlton is not comfortable in this shitshow and knows it. Time to cut their losses and BEG Camille Donatucci to return. Bring Faye and Shana back as friends. Hell, even Marissa would lighten the mood. Otherwise BH is going downhill fast.

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Hell no to TayShana and melted faced, confused, self-hating ex-negro (and yes, I'm black before people try and come for me off this comment), husband-humping, cat lady looking ass Fayded Glory returning. Just no! Lol.

I think Carlton will flesh out perfectly towards the end of the season.

Joyce . . . Go away. Far away. Bring back Camille asap!! Or Marissa. Or bring on the African American Countess or Duchess (forgot her title) the show was courting. From what I've seen of her, she would've been perfect and IDK how Joyce got cast over her. Worst new housewife since bitter ass Cindy on NYC.

And I'm over Brandi & Kim too. I loathe Kyle BUT she still does bring it. My dream s5 would be:

Lisa, Kyle, YoYo, Carlton, Camille, Af. American duchess/countess, & Marissa.

I'd ONLY want Brandi to stay if she:

1. Stop talking about Eddie & got over it. It's getting stale.

2. Made amends with Lisa and it be genuine.

3. Miami was canceled and Joanna was crossed over to rival her.

If she can't provide me with any of these then show this heifer the door!

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I enjoyed the second half of BH. Kim is so messy. Her whole team-building exercise screamed of Bravo-TV set-up. I look forward to seeing how the Brandi/Yolanda vs. Lisa goes down, but in the meantime, I like the 2 split groups of the Richards Sisters & Joyce vs. Lisa, Brandi, Yolanda, and Carlton. I am really liking Carlton! Her little digs and facial expressions are hilarious! She still kinda acts like she's gotta stick up her butt, but at least her irritable attitude is directed towards Kyle so I'm cool with it. :)

Up until Joyce's lil performance for screentime, her presence reminded me of Marissa; just another person taking up space, seated next to Kyle but not really contributing much. I *loved* how Lisa dismissed her, as she rightfully should have.

Yolanda's daughters are too beautiful for words. What a happy lil life. I her her house. That closet looked like a high-end boutique!

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