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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Lydia...she showed some backbone, her mother was absolutely the victim of a rage-a-holic PTSD sufferer and ultimately she added nothing to the show. She shouldn't return.

Alexis...she acquitted herself very nicely this season, she came off as honest, caring and sweet. She also added nothing to the show other than her own redemption. She shouldn't return.

Heather...a total snob but she adds glamour, intelligence, and sanity to the show that is otherwise lacking.

Gretchen & Slade...they really are a pair. A pair of douchebags. Gretchen really holds a grudge and really lets nothing go. And she and Slade dance around the FACT that he IS a DEADBEAT DAD and that his child support failures are on RECORD in the courts of California.

Tamra...she is so smart. She either patches things up with everyone or has a target picked out for the reunion that the other ladies will go with her on by the time the end of season party wraps up.

Vicki...well, she is the OG of the OC and for that I enjoy her. Her daughter has lost me though, she's drunk the Kool-Aid and isn't realistic about 1) her mother being able to date whoever she wants and 2) her husband being a psycho. Speaking of which, Ryan is clearly suffering from PTSD, anger issues and a very poor understanding of social boundaries outside of the army. He needs professional help for all of this and goodness knows the US Military isn't going to provide any of it. He is a Lifetime Movie waiting to happen. Vicki Gunvalson in Not Without My Daughter.

Overall, a decent season, but nothing outstanding. They need to bring back Lauri and Jeana and get the show rocking and rolling with some humour again. Separate the wives a bit, let us follow their lives some more. Having said that, when I hear that familiar guitar music as the show closes out, I feel that all is right with the world.

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I have nothing to say about this week's episode (which I just speed-watched) except that, once again with RHoNJ, I wonder why I even bother. The only good thing was Milania, "Congratulations, stupid" and that flashback to Teresa's classic Sizzle Tan ad. Back when she was actually a happy, funny human being.


By contrast, the OC is the gift that keeps on giving. Wow @ Ryan (and Brianna). Just WOW. I hope they replay that recording of Ryan going full Rambo on Fairy Dust's ass because it was clear that she didn't start anything. I am always usually Team Brianna but she has to realize that, PTSD or not, Ryan has major control/anger mgmt issues.

Just when I am siding with Gretchen (Heather needs to get over Malibu Country), then she has to make those faces when Vicki asks Slade to tone down his nasty remarks. Vicki's a hot hypocritical mess but her basic point is correct. And for Gretchen to make remarks about Vick's surgery is hilarious in the extreme. Vicki may always look like Miss Piggy but Gretchen is turning into Janice the saxophone player.

Lydia kind of went overboard with the "Slade was mean to me, too!" but I'm willing to put it down to her being emotional about Ryan's treatment of Fairy Dust. Lydia is workin' it to stay on this show.

Brianna got her own HW "what happened next" thing at the end! I wonder if that means Andy wants her to become a full HW eventually.

And.... nobody wanted to stand by Gretchen in the final shot. Ouch.

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Darn! Wish I'd seen this before I posted.

I think Lydia adds something kind of fun to the show and would happily see her return, although Lauri and Jeana of course need to be up on the pantheon. I think Lydia is hilarious actually ("douche lord" for Slade etc).

Wretched & Douche Lord. For me, it is the sense of entitlement and blinding lack of accountability. Wretched wants Vicki to admit to her faults and crimes but she will never admit to some of the stuff she's done which makes her... just like Vicki! She and Slade have played victim for a long time now, but when someone wants them to apologize for their sketchiness, it's a lot of eye-rolling, denials and vicious VTs. Like Gretchen came out yet again with the "crime" that Vicki was once in bed with two people -- in one of her last VTs of the episode. But she won't say it to her face, preferring Lauri to do the attacking.

That's embarassing that the most heavily financed army in the world has no pennies to spare for the physical and mental wellbeing of its soldiers. I hope Vicki and Brianna convince Ryan to seek some counselling. I got the feeling that while Brianna was defensive on camera, off-camera she was mortified at the way Ryan reacted -- she bundled him upstairs with the help of friends. I will always support Brianna's Brooks-hate, though. He really is a sleazy little cockroach.

I love that guitar solo. It always makes the OC season finales seem poignant. These women do suffer everyday hurts, and the relatability of that always comes out with that music and their Final Words of what they think they learnt this year.

Edited by Cat
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I am always team Brianna, but wow, this husband is bad news. It breaks my hear that they already have a baby too. Poor girl ended up with the short-end of the stick. In one moment, Brianna lost all credibility as the "voice-of-the-audiance" when she defended her douch bag husband. For so long, she was the voice of reason. But now it is clear, that she still has a lot of growing-up to do.

Where were all the former Housewives? The party used to be our opportunity to see glimpses of the old ladies. I mean, don't we want to know if Quinn has more plastic wigs in her closet? Has the plastic surgery on Tammy's face settled yet? Or better yet, what does Lynn look like today? Wouldn't it be great to get a Jo/Slade moment? Of course Jeana and Lauri's absence are especially glaring. Jeana not making a single appearance this year... I really hope that changes.

I have to say, I actually like Alexis this year. I was able to sympathize with her. She put down her mean-girl heirs and just seemed like a cool girl to be around. I think that fact that Lydia is her a friend is a indicative of what she must be like in real life. I can not see Lydia putting up with overt snobbery and bitchiness in the her 9-5 life.

Heather... where do I start. Get off your high hoarse girl. You're from Syracuse for pete's sake!

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I found Lea extremely hard to warm to at first (bear in mind, I never watched Season 1. I came into RHoM cold in S2). There's a teflon hardness to her masked by a charming smile and shmoozey attitude which is very common of people in her world of party-giving and fund-raising.

I thought she was a bitch to Marysol, siccing that crazy drag queen on her and nasty Joe Francis on everybody else. But I guess this is what keeps her on the show -- she is a pot-stirrer who quietly makes things happen in the corner. I also thought she judged Lisa WAY too quickly, and it was only when Lisa showed her how much she admired her for all her strong qualities that Lea warmed up and, in turn, showed me that she had a giving side.

Apart from the Lisa/Lea stuff (which was GOLD), Lea with her husband, son, maid and dog was very affecting. I also think Lea genuinely respects (and may even care for) Mama Elsa. Mama Elsa is my fave so I am biased. :lol: And on the trip when Alexia et al were ganging up on Karent, Lisa was trying to make them take the high road.

Of course, Reunion underscored the fact that Lea may have some nasty little secrets of her own that she doesn't want coming out. I wonder if S3 will hint at some of them?!

All this to say that I find her a fascinating but highly ambivalent HW. :lol: I'm still on the fence about her.

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If it's true that the other NJ Housewives are CTFU at Crouching Hairline Hidden Forehead & her greasy canker sore of a husband's legal troubles, I can imagine how sweet it must taste to see them brought all the way down from the gutter where they came from. It'd be a bonus for me if Danielle popped right back up to spit on those trifling folks before they inevitably get sent away for the next 5 decades.

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Hulu has sneak peeks for part 1 of the OC reunion, Lauri/Vicki with Gretchen throwing in her two cents.. and Lydia/heather seem to have some tension with Lydia snidely calling Heather 'princess'.

I'm hoping if OC comes back in season 9 that Alexis gets downgraded to friend of status plus Gretchen/Slade can go bye bye. Add back Lauri/Jeana (if either are willing to come back).. and add in one new housewife. I like that the OC always adds and subtracts housewives every season. I was afraid that the OC would be same ole same ole when Alexis came back last minute, but with Lydia's addition as both peacemaker/ [!@#$%^&*] stirrer.. my fears were unfounded.

Can't wait for season 3 of Miami.. though I was hoping that they had added one new housewife. Though I guess Alexia becoming full-time kind of counts. It's ironic that Ana was cut out of being a main housewife due to not filming as much and being busy with her other career pursuits. In the old days, that would have guaranteed Ana a spot... oh well.

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It's funny that everyone's commented on the ending music when they do their annual freeze frame/status updates, because I thought the same thing. It's almost like a satisfying yet bittersweet moment, and they ended this season at a great place. (Kinda reminds me of Season 3 finale of NYC, knowing it was Bethenny's last, and that the whole dynamic would change next year).

I think this would be a fitting way for Alexis to bow out of the series. She nearly left last year as the outcast, yet she redeemed herself and is now on decent terms with everyone (forced? Of course. But it is still a nice wrap-up to her story). I don't see a reason for her return as a full-time housewife next season.

Bucky Beaver I can see returning next season. She planted the seed for starting some true animosity against Gretchen & Slade. We'll see what develops at the reunion, but I can definitely see her sticking around (I like her mom too).

Gretchen, oh how I used to like her the most when I watched The OC 'wives only part-time, but now I see how ridiculous she can be. And slimy Slade brings her down. But what really disturbs me about her is THAT FACE! Good grief, how old is she? She's still in her 30's right? Why on EARTH did she mess with her face? I understand her getting work initially (didn't she trim down her chin and nose?), but her more recent work is hideous!

Granted, Gretchen has a point with some of the things she says about Vicki, but she needs to give it a rest and move on.

I don't think Gretchen will be going anywhere. She'll be the Teresa or Danielle of OC next season.

Heather, meh... take her or leave her. Tamra always targets one lady to hate on each season, so maybe next year is Heather's turn.

Tamra is one of those that I like to hate. She's pretty despicable, but I enjoy watching her cuz she stirs up trouble like no other. I'm sure I'll watch her wedding special (especially since it's just a limited series)

Vicki. That dress. Just no.

OMG I had to look up that reference but I had a feeling that's exactly who you were talking about! LOL Never knew that muppet's name, only her face smile.png

Edited by Gray Bunny
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