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Oh I missed this part and oh HELL NAW at Leneatha throwing shade at my girl Brandi. Uh NeNe, STFU and stop letting your Kyle love show, Brandi dont start shiot, she just reacts to people starting shiot with her and she dont lie and Bully peeps like you did/do. And no I dont weant her to change because shs is refreshing and I love he rhonesty even tho sometimes its not needed but it isnt calculating like most of her counterparts and honey she already knows and is in with the people you wish you knew when you "arrived"in LA.

Ok I got that offof my chesr now LOL!

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Nene didn't shade Brandi. She just said Brandi is messy and Brandi is. I adore Brandi but she does go looking for trouble a lot.

Prime example is recently at Bravo's Upfronts Brandi started some mess with Cynthia and Nene that she could not finish. Andy even stated this occurred. Brandi learned that night that everyone is not going to cower away like Adrienne--especially the women of Atlanta.

And Nene does not bully anyone. If she has, name them. And don't mention Kim, LaToya, Star, Sheree, etc. B/c all the people that Nene clashed with talked just as much s*it as she did. You can't be bullied when you're talk equal amount of s*it as your counterpart.

I'm over this woman (Nene) being pegged a bully b/c she's boisterous, tall, and possibly b/c she's a black woman (b/c aggressiveness has become synonymous with black women that are quick witted, passionate in their argument and don't take no sh*t).

Moving on, I REALLY wish people would stop using that word (along with "class") so loosely. I get that its the buzz word at the moment but people need to stop using that word. You can't be bullied on a reality show when you voluntarily sign up for it. Everyone knows that these shows are based on drama. If you sign up for it then you ain't being bullied b/c you know what is going down before the camera starts rolling.

Furthermore, IMO, when you're 18+, you can't be bullied unless YOU allow someone to bully you. At that age, you're grown and should be capable enough to handle the situation in the correct manner.

Either read back or be read.

That is all.

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Kelly ended up being a huge disappointment for me.... I can't believe I liked her at first. It was the whole "Bohemian" thing she had going on combined with the model....I'm a sucker for fierce models...lol. But she really has psychological issues and I think Andy really should have fired her after Scary Island. That was just way too much and clearly she needed help.

The ladies are bossses....without Tre, Ramona, Lisa or Nene you can say bye bye to the entire Housewives franchise...that's just a fact. So no Andy isn't going to fire them unless they threaten his life or another cast mates life (and even then he'd probably try to find a loophole just to avoid any major legal issues)

So I'm on episode 2 of S5 of RHONY and I died at the parenting mini clip between Aviva and her kids versus Heather and her adorable spoilt brat. Such a contrast between Aviva's controlling ways and rules method and Heather's free spirit approach to parenting. Yet all the kids seem fine and happy and in the end that's what matters most.

Ramona completely destroyed Luanna in their meeting in the park....flawless victory. Luann sounded like Kelly for a moment "Ramona why do you have spies in the Hamptons spying on me"" GTFO you psycho loser thug in a dress.

I sorta miss Alex and Simon....and even delusional Jill too. But I'm loving the new girls. All of three of them actually and I'm glad they're all returning.

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Uh who isnt messy, especially some from BH and even NeNe. If the roles were reversed and Brandi stated NeNe was messy I'd call her out to a point and so would NeNe, you know the woman who has an "us against them" policy with her cast mates LOL.

I dont care what Braid said or second hand knowledge of an supposed encounter with Brandi and Kyle's BFF NeNe and crew. I cant possibly see Brandi state anything to NeNe unless she was approached by her, but if she did that am not being messy imo. Brandi am not messy cause she drop truth bombs about people like NeNe was so good good at doing, though it seems NeNe lied about that whole debacle with Phaedra/NeNe's sisters. Brandi am not started anything with the girls on BH, they all start with her

Course we all know Leneatha dont like skinny little white biotchess with tude anyway LOL!

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The Nene disdain of Lisa makes me sad. Because if Nene ever came onto RHoBH (yes, I keep hoping for a guest appearance), I would lose respect for her if Kyle used her as her new attack dog now that Faye has been sent back to her kennel. :( Dang, Faye. I still want her back next season!


OK, so Lydia is growing on me. She seems very upfront and genuine in her emotions -- what you see is what you get -- and expresses herself without a lot of self-justification and double-talk. *side-eye to Alexis and, yes, Vicki*

Bringing her mom on and explaining her hippie life growing up really made sense -- Lydia is quirky but she also has a great need to conform (i.e.: be friends with all the HWs) and stability in her life (marriage, kids, religion). I am not hating this girl.

Vicki's reasons for not having Brooks in her life and then going on a date with him -- WTF ever. This makes no sense. Vicki wants to have her cake and eat it, too. In a way, Brooks is right: she has to make a choice one way or another and just stick with it. She can't just say "I'm in love with you" and sit back and expect Mr. Toupée to make it all better.

Having said that, Southern Fried Chicken is the Shadiest Shady that ever Shadied. OF COURSE he has been "seeing" other women -- even though "doesn't want to." :rolleyes: And did you catch all that smooth manipulation as he drove the wedge between Vicki and Ryan/Brianna even further? He was practically having her choose between them and him, or as he termed it, them and "your happiness." No wonder Ryan does not want him in the house.

The argument between Terry and Heather felt contrived. I sort of felt bad for her when Terry teased her in front of the kids but it was petty to keep the argument going and refuse his apology. Heather is coming off as such a humorless bitch right now -- and I really like her when she's with the women.

I can't believe a good-looking woman like Alexis is married to a guy who looks like Jim.

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The whole Heather/Terry bickering is so forced. The things she fights about are so petty and pointless... in reality, she wouldn't sweat the small stuff. The man is loaded and is the father of your 4 children. Shut up or leave. Ugh, she's annoying and this Adrienne/Paul Bickersons 2.0 is a bore.

Okay, I'm liking Lydia, but what's winning me over is her MOTHER! LOL Is it wrong that I hope she falls off the wagon and becomes a stoner again?

I didn't realize that Tamra & Vicki were also in the wine business. Clearly, this Housewives brand of wine hasn't been a hit like Teresa's or Ramona's.

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Teresa was on Wendy today and she said Nene was her favorite housewife and they talk on the phone all the time biggrin.png


She also lieks Lisa and liked Wendy's suggestion of a crossover where they'd show up for one of her events

Wendy said that out of all the RH franchises, one thing she likes about Teresa is that she doesn't pimp out her kids blink.png . Huh? She puts her kids out there more than any other housewife. Like I don't know the names of half the children on these shows but I know all about Teresa's kids. Oh Im specifically talking young children, not teens/adults who make up their own mind to be on camera.

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:wub: x 10

ETA: LOL at Wendy asking why they don't hold tomatoes as I always thought that they should considering they are Italian and the Jersey Tomato is the NJ State Vegetable (even though it's a fruit)

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