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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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  • I like seeing Brynn & Erin reconnect after the last episode.
  • Jessel really liked the attention on her, and I'm happy Sai got annoyed with her.
  • "Good morning, Jenna." Had that been Sonja, she would've been on her knees ready to go downtown Julie brown with Jenna.
  • Not Ubah playing the audio IN the glass! That's hilarious!
  • The budding friendship between Brynn & Jenna is so cute.
  • Sai pushing Ubah in was BRILLIANT!!!!
  • Ubah, darling, it's a JOKE! I understand the POV (I would be opposite of her), but... it was a joke. I guess I don't get the OBSESSION with being attached to your phone. Me? Take it, please! I don't want it.
  • Who would have thought a f**king phone would've caused the drama to go UP!
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In total denial. Shannon hasn't been right with her drinking since she joined RHOC, but it definitely intensified after the affair came out.

Neighborhood ring-cams have the footage. I really wish she had Ubered if she had been drinking.


You hit the nail on the head. This production team wants to Potomac RHOA and it's like shoving a square peg into a round hole. It just does not work.

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I get why Ubah was miffed. It's not that she's addicted to her phone (a problem many in the world share). It's the fact that people have EVERYTHING on their phones. Credit card, bank details, personal info. If they lose it, they panic, thinking how the hell am I going to restore that information? Who has access to my stuff? So I can understand why Ubah didn't find it funny.

Erin is... one of those people who thinks she's hilarious and brays at you "IT'S FUNNY, HA-HA?, DO YOU NOT, LIKE, GET IT?" She's constantly demanding that the other women justify themselves to her and calls them liars if they don't conform to what she believes to be true. It's been an effective technique throughout the season, but now Ubah (flicking away Erin's Dior sunglasses) has essentially stood up to her. Erin was trying to pull the whole "Ubah is making me feel intimidated" spiel but Ubah cut that short. In next week's preview, I don't like the way Erin keeps telling Ubah to shut up. Erin is lowkey scared of Sai and would never talk to her the way she did Ubah or Brynn on this trip.

Brynn and Jenna are hilarious. Brynn is definitely leaning into that sugar-baby persona.

Thought Sai was out of line with Jessel (but not out of line with the pool-push, which was funny). Erin and Sai want everything complex explained in 120 characters or less -- in broad, simple, snappy strokes. If Sai cannot comprehend why Jessel was talking about her parents' experience and why that's imprinted on her, that's not Jessel's problem, that's Sai's. Sai was looking for a moment.

One thing I will say -- I've been looking forward to watching the show every week. I feel like Reunion is now around the corner.

Edited by Cat
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Jessel stands up for herself..which I like...wish that could rub off on Jenna.

Jenna/Bynn thing is creepy.

Ubah should have kept her hands to herself...but Erin would have been furious if that had happened to her...and quite frankly Ubah was wrong to push Erin into the pool and also pressuring Jenna to get in the water.  Ubah has trouble with boundaries and Erin needs to leave the quirky humor to Jessel/Brynn

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The speed and sloppiness of that driving speaks volumes. She careened around the corner and was clearly wasted. 

Two things can be true at the time.

I can have empathy for the fact that Shannon is clearly an alcoholic whose life is out of control.

I can also believe that she is a total as$hole who deserves every unkind thing sent her way given 1) her reckless disregard for the lives of innocent people by driving drunk and 2) the sanctimonious attitude she's displayed towards Gina. 

Jeff Lewis was making comments yesterday saying that Shannon is not an alcoholic and that kind of enabling is only going to further destroy her. Shannon needs inpatient rehab. There is only one route for her and that is sobriety. If she does not choose that route, I fear a dark end for her.

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Yeah, it's been still enjoyable. But it's been when they focus on what made RHOA good...organic life with fun shade and SOME rivalry. Drew vs Kandi was quite organic even though it had to do with a dead storyline and then you had individual scenes mixed in with some sitdowns climaxing at an event worth noting (10 years of Bedroom Kandi) and WITH cameos (Latoya, 50 Cynt, TS Madison) that fit right in...touching on the world they live in...ALTANTA. 



Lord...these women...



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I feel the same way you do. Empathy because this is something real she has been struggling with for years. Horror that she so cavalierly disregarded the lives of people around her, her own life and the dog's too.

You can see the way she careened around that corner that she was not in coherent control of the car. The crash itself was small, though, and for that, she is very lucky. It could have been so much worse.

Your point about Jeff Lewis is a good one. With the show and Bravo fame and Tres Amigos shenanigans and all that, Shannon is just not incentivized to tackle her drinking in any way. I hope this wakes her up and makes her see she has a drinking problem. She has to cone to that realisation, though. If she doesn't, she's going to keep self-soothing her loneliness and anxiety with alcohol.


Ubah probably does have trouble pushing teasing too far, and Erin too. The nice thing, though, is that the two seem to have got past it all. It's actually nice to see that they're not dragging this out in some RH 'feud' :


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Was so good yesterday and may be my favorite single episode of RH from this year! So many bombs adn blowups every other minute. ALL the girls clocked in to work. From Mary telling angie, she didnt even know who she was to Monica's "I F'd my brother in law for 18 months!" to  Merediths "YOU CAN LEAVE!" the girls were on FIRE! I want to rewatch it later it was that good.

And I swear the producers briefed Mary on how to be the perfect friend bc she is asking the write questions, holding people accountable and pushing the stories forward. Her return has been glorious. This has got to be the best rebound after a flop season


Meredith was on one and she definitely earned herself a seat next to Andy at reunion. id honestly be shocked if she isnt first chair. I love that she is engaging this season as an engaged Meredith is a scary, yet entertaining mess

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Great episode. Riveting from start to finish. 

Mary is a totally loathsome human being, but she's perfect as a Friend Of, casting her socially awkward judgments against anyone who crosses her path. I howled when she asked Heather, mid heave, what Whitney called her and Heather managed to croak out "predator" as Mary went hilariously ballistic on her. 

Meredith has to be on pills. She became unhinged during that dinner with 5 or 6 different accents. 

Monica calling out Lisa's whining about losing her "60 G" ring (she overpaid) was so welcome.

Lisa enduring that outfit Meredith put her in was gutsy. It was so tacky. 

Heather puking in the van. So gross. So tacky. So real. That outfit was so butch and horrible.

I don't know what Little Girl and Angie think they were doing by being such bitches on this trip...they are not endearing themselves to the audience or their cast mates. 

Edited by DaytimeFan
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I guess I'm just of a different mindset, re: phones. I don't keep anything in there I'd be worried about losing. I don't do mobile banking, etc. I think the way Ubah handled it was just... not right. In my eyes, she assaulted Erin by ripping her sunglasses off of her face and getting so into it Erin could probably smell her breath. I'm not saying I am #TeamErin in this, but I am also not #TeanUbah in this, either, as Erin gives a lot and doesn't seem to like taking it equally as much, and it shows.

Brynn & Jenna are hilarious together and, it is surprising, as I was not a Brynn fan most of this season. And I'm looking forward to the reunion, as well.

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A whole A$$ mess. BUT...a FUN mess.


Lord, I can't believe that the SLC ladies are going three-for-three on good episodes. The animosity toward Angie K is really fueling this first set of episodes and Production has been on point with the funny.


And speaking of funny...MARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I've hollered so many times during this episode. And most of it was because of her. Her comments. Her facial reactions (like when Monica interrupted the 'boring' game to spill her affair tea). And she was keeping everyone straight...INCLUDING her friend Meredith. And we all know good and well I LIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE for ANY moment that Mary drags Little Girl. And I fell out when Heather gave the sh*t-faced drunk assist a la 'Is Jamal coming' style. Thank God, she's back. Honorable mention: 'I'm not talking to you.' and Mary/Monica shopping...more of that dynamic please. 


As for the rest...


MEREDITH. Wooooow. Well, I keep saying that an engaged Meredith is a DANGEROUS Meredith. And she continues to prove me right!!! Even Fabulous Ice looked scared when Meredith started dropping tea on Angie K's husband. Uh oh now. But see? The rivalry between Meredith and Angie K continues to give more and more. Moreso than a rivalry between Meredith and Fabulous Ice actually. I want to see where it will go. 


LISA. Speaking of seeing where a rivalry goes, YES to Fabulous Ice vs Monica. Just the brief moment of it at the dinner...THAT'S how it's done. Monica was coming from a good place, but it was clear that Lisa was getting offended and defensive about it. And you just know that it might continue to stay left because as Monica said in the first episode...Fabulous Ice is all about Fabulous Ice. That said...thank you, Production, for the rollback on the multiple times Fabulous Ice mentioned that ring.


HEATHER. I had mixed feelings on her this week. She is just soooo jealous over clear high school/college kid trauma. First with Fabulous Ice. Even with Little Girl at times. And now with Angie K. I was just rme at her for her clear jealousy. On the other hand, Heather was actual a fun hot mess this week and I was loving it. Her giggle during Meredith vs Angie K....GUUURL ME!!! Her commentary was just as funny as Mary (her 'oh, s^it' at the beginning of the episode was ALSO ME). And her assist in Mary's dragging of Little Girl was Chef's kiss. God, she was fun. Except for the vomit, of course. 


ANGIE K. Over her being victim this week. You can't sit there and throw out quips over the host ignoring you when you WERE NOT INVITED IN THE FIRST PLACE, TRICK!!!! And then she KEPT throwing potshots. And THEN she started mess with Meredith at dinner and wondered why Meredith got into it with her after spending the day paying her dust for the most part. Whatever, girl. At least she gave good Confessional looks, I guess.


MONICA. Looooooooooove her. She continues to be a fun addition. From her commentary to her standing up for herself with Angie K (who WAS talking behind her back...some friend) to her dynamic with Mary (more please!!!) to her vs Fabulous Ice. Monica just keeps giving. And her totally derailing the 'boring' game with her affair tea was great. 



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Little Girl has gotten away for too long without anyone holding her accountable. And you know who used to do that...MARY. So to see Mary drag her transparent a$$ again was a thing of beauty. And still hollering over S&it Faced Heather with the assist. It is so clear what WHitLittle Girl is doing that it's shocking no one sees it. But I guess I can give her soooome credit...she's slowly turning into the Ashley Darby of this branch of Housewives. But how much is she an Ashley? I guess we will find out next week when she does the unthinkable...comes for MARY.


Overall...that was a great episode and I cannot believe how good this show has been after that lackluster last season. See what happens when Production doesn't play favorites?

Not at all. They need to do something different. 

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Little Girl does not have the wit nor charm of my darling Ashley Darby. Nuh-uh, no way. 

Whitney's hand at getting this all started up (Angie going for Meredith) was so obvious, as was her smirk at the table. She's sloppy at throwing the brick and hiding the hand, though. I'd sooner compare her to Gizelle. 

I cannot stand this Angie girl. First of all, I think they can drop the "K". The other shaky voiced Angie H(arrington) isn't coming back. Secondly, talk about a thirsty performance to cause trouble, become relevant, and secure a snowflake.  The confessional look is a low budget Britney Spears ripoff that even Ramona Singer could pull off better. And the botched up face? Gurl, get a refund.  

Meanwhile, Mary continues to be the kooky unfiltered Greek chorus, calling out mess left and right. Get 'er Mare!  (Her being Little Girl). 

I'm liking Monica a lot and I like that she instantly called out Angie's B.S. with being a lousy friend and doing too much. She's a keeper, I think. To be continued... 

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