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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Not stunned by the ratings. RHOA is and always will be (as long as Nene remains on the show) to be the TOP show of the franchise. Andy even made a side comment on WWHL that he was excited that RHOA was back. There is just something about this show that is different from the rest, in a good way. While the other shows get extremely dark, RHOA doesn't. It constantly remains juicy and comical all at the same time. And Kim and Kizzy from Roots -- I mean Sweetie are catching a lot of flack online for dissing Kandi's house and other side comments.

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Atlanta is back, Beverly Hills is back, all is right in the world now :)

You're so right, Atlanta doesn't have to have some epic battle showdown to make it interesting and fun to watch; they just have that IT factor that makes [almost] all of them enjoyable to watch regardless. Glad to hear they got record-breaking numbers. I hope Beverly Hills does the same! I'd love for them to be the No. 2 rated show and oust tired ol' Jersey, but it'll probably take awhile to work their way up to Jersey's numbers, if they ever do.

I'm glad to see NeNe being her fresh, sassy self and not bitter sounding. Her snide comments are made purely for comedy (i.e. the trailer where Kim grew up); she doesn't really mean it. It sounds like, from what she's said in interviews lately, that she's pretty cool with all the ladies now. I think after season 3, it was pretty bad between her and nearly everyone else, but things have mellowed. Maybe the big instigator all along was jealous, broke Sheree. Whatever heated emotions NeNe & Kim had against each other 2 years ago has cooled down on both sides to just indifference and wishing each other well in their own separate endeavors.

Kenya, oh Lord, she brought too much to the table too soon. If there's a Kenya vs. Cynthia feud all season long, then I could see why Cynthia's opening tagline would be about the beauty fading/class is forever remark.

Kim was so full of jealousy with Kandi's fabulous new digs. Kandi's smart with her money.

And YES! Mr. Cool Runnings was back and looking good! I'd take Cool Runnings over Papa Smurf any day!

I saw dollar bill signs in Greg's eyes when he was talking to NeNe.

Mmm... Apollo. That is all. :)

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I think as time goes on, you'll get used to the telenovela style of Miami. I completely agree that it's not like any other Housewives franchise but that's exactly what I love about it. Keep watching because I think you're going to fall in love with it. You're about to be introduced to a very large and compelling supporting cast of characters. You've already met Romain, Marta, Rudolfo, and Robert (Ana's sort of ex), and a couple that you already know- Alexia (who I also LOVE) and Mama Elsa. But in the next episodes, you are going to meet a bunch of other characters. Not only that, but you're actually going to see them in most every episode and watch them interact with the cast. What I LOVE about Miami is how they integrate them so beautifully and each one has a role they play with the regular housewives. Don't be fooled- you're not just going to get to know 7 women this season, you'll meet about 16 different people and you will learn their points of view and come to understand why they feel the way they do. I swear it's like watching an ensemble soap- think classic GL or AW. Plus, though I'm not sure if you spoiled yourself reading the thread, but there are also a couple characters you already probably know from prior reality shows/media coverage and they both cause MAJOR Drama.

Episodes 1 & 2 are really just about introducing the ladies and setting up the "B" stories for the season (Nothing in the first 2 eps, besides Joanna/Romain, turns into an "A" story) and really, episodes 4-7 are when things really start cooking. You're lucky you're watching it the way you are because when you get to the 2 part episode surrounding Lisa's Lingerie Party, you'll be on the edge of your seat with your jaw dropped open the entire time. Single best episodes of any Housewives franchise EVER, hands down (I don't watch Atlanta but I can't imagine anything topping this).

You'll see though. I have a feeling after episode 3, you'll become obsessed like I was and will marathon through to 7. The day that you watch episode 5, just plan on taking almost 3 hours of your day to do it. No way can you watch that episode without wanting to immediately watch episodes 6 & 7 because that's when the sh!t hits the fan and everything happens. And I mean EVERYTHING.

Watching BH now and will be back to post later, but wow, has Lisa Vanderpump gone down a couple pegs. I have already been shocked by some of her actions and reactions and I'm only halfway through. Maybe she's going through something in her personal life that we don't know about ala Camille in S1? Who knows, but some of her behavior is downright shocking. Also, the loss of Camille as a regular has left a GAPING hole in the show and was a HUGE mistake. Taylor, Adrienne, and Kim are total nonentities, why not get rid of them? Thank GOD she's coming back as a "friend" of the Housewives and I hope Bravo realizes their mistake and offers her the moon to come back full-time. Lisa may be the Greek Chorus, but Camille is the STAR of this franchise and always has been. Drama-free last season or not (she wasn't BTW- she was, after all, the one that outed Taylor about accusing Russell of physical abuse which fueled most of the drama for the last half of the season), she's still by far the most interesting housewife and now that she's redeemed herself, she can act anyway she wants and do anything she wants. BIG mistake not having her as a regular. I'm actually kind of bored with BH tonight- kind of like I was for the first few episodes of the original 1st season of the series.

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Watching now, and so far, I don't see a problem with Lisa. Not wild about her slumming it with Brandi. I like Brandi, but she's not in Lisa's league.

The new chick, Yolanda...hate her already and thats only because her husband is the brilliant David Foster. The man is a musical genius! Love him and I play The Love Theme To St Elmo's Fire at least 10 times a day! Some of his work is reserved for the golden vault.

Adrienne? Lisa is overreacting? Is this bitch crazy? She accused Lisa of selling a story for $25,000, which is nothing for Lisa. That was humiliating. Adrienne still looks very draggish too.

Taylor has finally grown into those lips, but she can go! Take Kim with her.

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Lisa & Brandi are so much fun together! I love their friendship and the way they interact with eachother.

I see Kyle still thinks Kyle is great and hilarious.

Kim is either no clean and aober or shes done so much shes permawasted

Adrienne is... simply put, awful.

Taylor wasnt as annoying as I thought she would be.

I love Yolanda so far!

a good first episode that refreshes returning viewers memories and gets newbies up to date well. The party at the end was grand and i can not as thirsty ass Adrienne sending the most god awful, tacky, hideous flower arrangement. I want some pink lemonade out of a diamond lined pitcher at Kathy Hiltons house honestly. Kyles husband is so hot. I can not wait to see more of this season.


ATL really was a bore... like im trying to think of what to say about it? Kenya is straight up out of Basketball Wives and she dont play around. Shes truly awful but amazing and entertaining. I am here for her so far. Kim and her moving./eviction.. i can not. Kandis new home is tacky and out of date but I saw what she did with it and damn, girl done well. Phadra was there. Cynthia was basic. Nene thinks highly of Nene as always, lol.

Edited by JackPeyton
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