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I want Tamra to get her comeuppance this season, but when she said Kelly is only as smart as the last person she spoke to... 

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 When you're right, you're right! Kelly is dumb as [!@#$%^&*]. And a thug. I hate that she is suing people to intimidate them into silence. I don't know how she can possibly stay on RHOC if she is suing Shannon and Tamra. Why isn't Bravo shutting these suits down? Vicki got the smackdown, but Candiace and now this sniffle-nosed idiot can sue their co-stars at will? 

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RHONJ seems to be ticking along nicely. Margaret coming right out and talking about her lawsuit / declaring bankruptcy basically shows all the other franchises how it's done. Be open and matter-of-fact right away.


Why am i enjoying messy Jennifuh? Because she has a sense of humor about herself. I am warming to Jackie at times, but she has zero sense of humor about herself. She is fine laughing at someone else, but anything directed at her and the joke is over. A lot of this must be tied up with how tightly wound she is, as Dolores pointed out. Also she is trying to be the Dorit Fashionista of Jersey which is LOL.


It is crazy how poorly Teresa comes across on the show. I just saw clips of her BravoCon events and, wow, the audience adores her. She talks directly to them. She is charming, funny, open, chatty and expresses herself so confidently. 

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First of all, my apologies. I knew I liked the episode and hated what they did. However I did not know how triggered the whole thing was with Kary and LeeAnne until I was at work talking about it and I WENT OFF.


Recently I left the company/job I had for eight years. While there are several reasons for why I did one of the major was was a co-worker who only being there a few months that I was training was being very Kary in his interaction, was trying to isolate me, threaten me (and like LeeAnne I to have a temper when pushed but maturity has given a shall we say higher tolerance, but when it explodes like LeeAnne it is dangerous...except I have fists, not hands), and even though I had seniority and repeated the incidents, it was the incident where I confronted him on what appeared to be racist versus being a team player and trusting the one who has been the backbone for everybody there that showed me how undervalued I was to my management (not helped by an inefficient general manager with a HR sheet that is constantly swept under the rug but that's another story). When HR did NOTHING after a 17 page fax that I sent over why I felt as a gay black man that I was in danger for my life, they not only gave this co-worker who is half-a$$ed in his job (and I have the pictures to prove it since I opened behind him) more hours, but they put him in charge of training. And seeing people I trained versus people he trained...well, it is clear he is not ready for that. As one of two trainers, I had never felt so disrespected. Worse, that harrassment kept going on from this 'Kary.' So knowing I was about to lose my cool and put my fist through his face, and that a lot of my good co-workers were leaving, and that life is short and I have a great work ethic, I reduced my hours and worked until I found an another job. Slowly everyone saw how much I really did behind the scenes to make sure work was efficiently done, but I am not the popular person. I am at work TO WORK with a work ethic from the 80s of a family who grew up poor and had to work for EVERYTHING they got. That also means that as an adult I can be straightforward when I have to, silent when I need to be, use foresight pretty well, and when everyone run around like crazy grace under pressure and telling people what to do for efficient service...a 'yes' man with his own mind...something that made some I learned felt threatened by my skin color or who I slept with...which is irrelevant to work IMO,  I also come from rave culture where we embrace all people. So if this was the work environment being fostered where someone who if not racist in the incidents we are involved in than even worse homophobic...I wanted none of that bad energy. So...I left. Mostly low key. Highlight...using my seniority when GM tried to do the 'miss up last week schedule' test. So if I ever wanted to go back to the company I can and even better ANYWHERE in the world.

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Apologies for the rant, but that is also why I am holding out until next week episode. I feel like you do in that last paragraph as well as what someone said on Twitter that night.  It is not so much that LeeAnne hates Mexican and is racist. It's more that she hates Kary. And the whole Mexican comments is aimed at her because it is low hanging fruit that she knows will get off Kary's nerves. Of course, I could be wrong, but I do feel she is being ignorant. She ain't NJ's Teresa where she would lose in a 'war of words' but she has not formed the right words yet for this situation, 


My bad. She did. At the dinner table. When she called Kary out on what she was doing and doing what grown ups do when they meet someone who they do not like. She said she did not like her. Point blank. Full stop. 


That I can back her on. Kary is transparent. And is doing the very alpha thing that LeeAnne said in  her TH. And we all know LeeAnne won't go down without a fight. So should be interesting either way.



Since my internet is doing good...and so much has been showing RH wise...bullet points...


And this season for me...the magic is back. Or is it the Kenya? lol, 


If last season was a transition season...it is back on form with a good slow burn. And we are nowhere near the Toronto episodes yet...or the cast trip.


PORSHA. dayyyyyyyummmmmmmmmm. She had me in my feels from Episode 1. You could feel her pain and see it like soap opera actress who truly play sick when they are in hospital scenes. I am sad since we know how this will end. She deserves better, but I am enjoying her.


KENYA. Hollered that she got first frame. That said...feeling everything about her, too. Glad to  have her back.


NENE. Shades of Season 8 Nene with the subtle manipulating. But her hair game has been on point this season.


EVA. Am I see Eva the Diva again? 


CNYTHINA. Glad to see her with that Season 7 fire. But I am curious to see if she is 'the snake?'


KANDI. Queen. I live for her friendship with Kenya. Who knew? 


Think it's funny that after seasons of them being single and people wanting them to act like housewives that now that most of them are married with kids some fans are still complaining.


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So from what I can tell...the conflict is..


DENISE (with backup from GARCELLE) vs the HAGS


Well, I hope Garcelle can read. That said meh.




I am curious to see what they gave her to come back. Or maybe she will spill everyone's tea even if most of the lawsuits are over,




Well, Erika was getting rusty and could use someone who might know how to verbally fight.


Other than that...meh for me. Unless it goes the way of the Lipsa behind the scene takedown of Kyle theory I posted many pages back, I feel not much.




I have only seen it in bits and pieces this season due to work but...



MARGE...I feel like she is getting a bad edit like LeeAnne over on DALLAS. To me she is not half as fun as she used to me. feel  like something is going on behind the scenes.


JENNIFER. I stay stanning Jennifer. Sorry, not sorry. She ain't perfect, but I don't need her to be.


MELISSA. UH...lol. I got nothing.


JACKIE. Ugh. Tryhard. And Teresa is already coming for her.


DELORES. Mmmm...Frankie. lol. If it wasn't for next week's promo, I would have nothing to say. Jackie is messing with the wrong one though thinking she is the weak  one.


TERESA. No more Namasete is right. And I am actually here for it. Given everything that went done, her fault though it is, she was overdue to show her claws again. So...go at it. 

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@Taoboi dont apologise! Management did you wrong, rewarding this idiot for bullying behaviour and mediocrity, basically! I can see why the episode was triggering for you, and I am so glad you are moving on to bigger and better things where you can be appreciated for the work you do, full-stop. Your story reminded me of back in the day doing the groundwork on a project, shaping it into a proposal... only for it to be given to one of the good ole boys to stick his name on it! My next project was running to the pharmacy to get some bunion cream for my boss's chronic bunion problem! Because that's all women are good for, right? I was seething, but I stuck with that job for many months longer because at the time I didn't really have the confidence in my own skill set. 


I am looking forward to this week's Dallas epi. IA that Leeanne can be very clear and focused in explaining herself, but I think Kary and D'Andra's very obviously planned takedown pushed her over the edge. Will wait to see if she doubles down on her words or recognises what she said in the cold light of day. Also, I think it's interesting that her anger is targeted at Kary. It's almost as if her longtime ex-BFF D'Andra does not exist.


Now, re ATL and Eva! No, you are not seeing Eva the Diva again (and believe me, I watched ANTM back in the day). You are seeing Eva the Cowardly Lion who cannot even confront Marlo on what she said. What kind of RH is that??


Btw, my breakout star thus far on ATL has, I hate to admit it, been Marlo. She is a voice of reason with Nene and doesn't back down when Nene tries to blowhorn her down. 

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Ewww...Bunion? Just *SMH* Definitely glad you went on to something better.

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I am definitely finding the new job more rewarding and the bonus of being able to have a social life again while still working a lot. Still learning who to get wiggle to learn new things. 

And oooh!!! I didn't even think of that angle!!! That LeeAnne might be projecting onto Kary due to her lost friendship with D'Andra. That's just ANOTHER layer to the LeeAnne/D'Andra drama making it even more complex.


And Yes, in hindsight you are right about Eva, too. Eva the Diva would have read Marlo for filth.  And I think someone maybe Kandi said in an interview that as the season goes on that Eva was going to be doing a lot of backpedaling on things she said that will put her in a poor light. I am going to need Eva to when she said she would stand in her truth that she STAND IN HER TRUTH.


And three for three!!! Old Marlo would have just been a good minion to Nene. This season (starting late) Marlo has been standing up for herself. And slooooowwwwlly she has been revealing stuff about herself. And goodness knows this show needs a voice of reason. And as a part New Yorker, I lived for her suit in Central Park. After two many seasons where I felt like she had lost her fashion touch (and the same for Nene), I admit that I  like they both seem to be finally stepping up their fashion game a la Season 4 and 5 again. 




I saw that a few days ago. Shocked.


Love Shiva to a younger hotter man and now this? 



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Don't get me wrong, Leeanne is legitimately mad at Kary for trying to humiliate her. But I think she is unsure whether Kary formulated this plan or if D'Andra did and Kary was the enthusiastic cheerleader. 


She has already basically cut D'Andra out of her life, otherwise she would have invited her to the wedding. TBH, if Dallas comes back next season (which it should IMO), I wonder if D'Andra will even be asked back. Kary definitely won't. She is not popular among viewers at all.


I would be sorry to see D'Andra go, for the simple reason that her story with Mama Dee is compelling, not to mention she is a hot mess! She is like a teenager emotionally in her inability to get up for work. Her reliance on mommy's money. Her sense of entitlement. Her irrational jealousy of the queen bee. The way she simultaneously rejects and yearns for Leeanne's friendship. That is some toxic high school ish right there. 


Re: Marlo, ITA she lost her fashion touch in S9-11. She get mired in some sexy/trashy theme dressing, and it made her look cheap/all about logos (i.e.: Erika Jayne/Dorit style dressing). Also, it didn't help that we learned nothing about Marlo the person. She was only there to stir the pot and say awful things about Kenya. It made her look bad, and I for one am pleased to see a different side to her because she actually sounds like she her a wise head on her shoulders. Having her interact with Kandi and Cynthia has helped. And she is back to dressing flatteringly for herself.


Shiva left Mohamed??? I never knew that. Shocked but not shocked. She saw the writing on the wall. Yolanda also got a new man this summer, a 'wealthy businessman,' so she does not have to rely on Mo's handouts for a little while.



Oh, definitely declaring bankruptcy of his real estate company was a financial decision -- he did not want to shoulder the full write-off of tearing that ridiculous house down, so that's why he filed. And I suspect Mohamed won't be moving out of his own mansion anytime soon to pay for this.

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@NothinButAttitude Agreed on No Need 4 Nene.  Granted, who knows what's going to happen down the line, but the Housewives and Friends of they had last night bring more than enough shade and reading for filth. This would've been the perfect opportunity to see ATL persevere without their usual anchor/safety net. 


Re: New Jersey.  I was willing to give Jackie a chance, but she's such a Debbie Downer. In the words of Vile Kyle, she's looking for tits on an ant.  Meanwhile, this is giving me all the feels for Dolores, who's finally out of the shadows of Soggy and is making a name for herself. I'm finally a big fan of hers. And yes, her son Frankie could make many panties out there quite moist 

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Re: OC  Sloppy Kelly continues to shovel out more slop and messy garbage.  When you're rooting for Tamra to come out on top, you know you've got a problem. 

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