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Savage! Candy-ass is a step above that boring drip Shamea at least!

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 I'd put her on a par with Eva Marcille who -- surprise, surprise -- is also planning a wedding this season on ATL.  I find wedding planning such a snooze on all these shows.


Candy-ass FWIW has no business getting married -- she is all about planning the wedding but is doing nothing to plan the marriage that follows. I'd be interested to see how she does a second season once she realises this is all a big mistake. 

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@DaytimeFan @Taoboi @Faulkner @alwaysAMC  More info about Annabelle's passing (it was determined to have been a heart attack, out of the blue), and the tributes paid to her by her Ladies of London friends:



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I believe the funeral may have taken place today. And the Daily Mail will likely be reporting on it.


Very sad and a shocking loss. Seems like she'd been friends with a lot of the LOL ladies for many years. 


I don't have a problem with Ashley pot-stirring per se. We need pot stirrers on these shows! What irks me is Ashley being the light eyed losers' handmaiden. She is doing their bidding by going after Karen and Ashley constantly, but she never takes them to task for their skeletons -- in fact, nobody is seemingly allowed to call out Robyn or Gizelle on their mess. It's a lopsided battle.

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The reactions to Ramona hobbling out of the wheelchair into the car made me double over with laughter. Such contempt. 😂 


Tinsley actually forced them to select rooms in an orderly manner. Is that a HW first?


Bethenny started all of that, and it serves her right to feel the pinch after years of bullying other HWs. It’s refreshing to see people not back down to her.


EDIT: I feel for Bethenny, I really do, but it’s ironic that she’s having a Kelly Bensimon moment on this Cartagena trip.

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NYC is pure gold.  Everything was naturally hilarious.  Luann's black feet, Ramona and the wheelchair, Luann's Sofia Vergara, Luann's reaction to Tinsley's 365 flowers, Bethenny's reaction to fish after Ramona already forgot that it was fish soup, Bethenny saying she needs a glass of wine and Sonja says wine cures everything and then the hilarious smiles Ramona and Sonja give each other about it... it's all so fun to watch.


With ALL that said, Bethenny is a serious buzzkill sometimes.  I'm with Carole - "GO HOME".



You're so right!  The tables have turned.  Colombia is Scary Island and Bethenny is Kelly Bensimon.  

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Luann's exasperation at seeing Ramona milk the wheelchair situation. 

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 OF COURSE Bethenny was the one to call Ramona a drama queen. She should know!


Like you, I feel for Bethenny. It must be heartbreaking when a BFF falls out of love with you. The spell is over, she sees you for everything you are -- and she doesn't like what she sees. Carole's indifference is harder for Bethenny to bear than her anger -- and B is doing everything wrong in her attempt to get Carole to notice and feel sorry for her.


The other reason Bethenny is having a breakdown: she is no longer in control of these women or the trip like she was last year. She has to hustle to be centre of attention. Although Production did help her out by giving her 95% of the VTs during this episode. An unpleasant reminder of last season's All Bethenny All The Time Show.


Bethenny is self-aware, but that self-awareness is used to excuse bad behavior, a la The Berzerkshires when she went Slut Pig on Luann and later was all "I blacked out. I have fibroids." Right now she is signposting to the group all her issues so she can go postal on Carole next week and then blame it on losing her BFF/moving/court date with Hoppy.


Best moment: Luann's Chaquita wig. And that extended flashback of Crazy Rey! 

Image result for RHONY rey how do you know you bitch gif

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Yeah. When all else fails, play victim, and I suppose the Crazy Ex-Husband drama is a winning issue. Although I wonder if she’s gone to the Hoppy well too many times. Of course, what’s she’s going through is terrible, but it doesn’t absolve her of responsibility for her behavior. And some of the other women like Dorinda and Ramona have been in enough scraps with Bethenny that they may be more ambivalent to her breakdown. I dunno, I’d hate to see Bethenny wiggle her way out of this, and Carole, as annoying as she can be, is as smart or smarter than B and can hold her accountable.

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Caught up on NYC. Bethenny is the worst kinda buzzkill you'd ever want on a vacation. Christ, she tried her damndest to suck the life out of every room she entered. She's so oblivious of her actions, saying she preferred being with Sonja and LuAnn just walking down the streets having fun... that's what all the other women want! To have FUN!  God forbid Carole or Dorinda point out the obvious that Bethenny is a moody, sour bundle of negative puss trying to spill over onto everyone. 


Otherwise, the episode was fun and I'd have to go with Team Carole on the Carole vs. Bethenny feud.  Bethenny jumps on the attack, saying Carole is believing the dude with the red scarf over her, but Carole simply mentioned that the dude with the red scarf made it sound like he and B were friends. Simple statement. Ugh, Bethenny, I kept saying to my TV "Just go home!," or in keeping with the Scary Island tradition, "Go to sleep! GO TO SLEEP!" 


And it really shows what a stuck-up primadonna B's become if even Ramona has no problem with the "grimy" accommodations they're staying at. Pinot Singer even got stuck in an elevator the first day and was nothing but light fun and giggles the entire night. 


I'm just glad they're showing everyone's distain/annoyance towards The Big B, even though she still had way too many talking head points of view during the episode. 


On to next week!

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Those 'grimy' accommodations are apparently owned by the Santo Domingo family, a Colombian family which is one of the wealthiest in the world (Tinsley is good friends with NY socialite and sometime 'Vogue contributor' Lauren Santo Domingo).


The Cartagena house is full of local history and charm, located in the heart of the old town. It reminds me of some beautiful old houses I saw in Seville. Even tone-deaf Ramona can see the place is pretty unique. But because Bethenny is not in charge of hosting and bragging about the vacation, she of course has to sh*t on somebody else's effort as often as possible.


Bethenny's tastes also run towards the highly generic. Look at how coldly and blandly her apartments are decorated. Anything with any unique touches or quirks is deemed a no-no and must be bent into submission.


Pinot got stuck in an elevator and still went out to party IN A WHEELCHAIR! 

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