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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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YAAASSSS @Nothin'ButAttitude @juniorz1 ! Miami Tawk! I miss Miami too.



ITA that the essence of Miami, Cuban-American Miami, was captured in S2, especially thanks to breakout star Mama Elsa who, true to her name, had something kind and nurturing about her. The cast was almost perfect imo except for Stinky Ladyparts Joanna Krupa. She stuck out like a sore thumb as a fake Miamian with her fake SLs. The only reason I tolerated that vapid, ugly-on-the-inside escort girl was because of Romain lol.


The battle of the weddings in S3 was definitely the cause of its downfall -- the show became only about that highly contrived SL. Alexia and her family drama saved S3 for me, because at least it was authentic. In fact, Alexia remains to this day my fave in the Miami cast. But losing Ana and Karent and reducing Marysol to FOH diminished MIA and is Cast of Thousands big city magic.

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Bravo's problem is that they expect payoffs from these shows immediately when that'll never happen. Not all these shows are gonna be like ATL, NJ, and BH, which were breakout hits. 


DC & Miami had tons of life in them and would've grown (audience wise) had Bravo given them a fair chance. I know they are kicking themselves now seeing as DC and Miami were getting ratings that more than the majority of Bravo's current lineup. 

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Brandi is a snake. She's gonna be in the hot seat come reunion time. She's been exposed for using Leanne. I hope Leanne, D'Andra, and Kameron eat her ass up! 




Meghan is deluded. So it was OK for her to text Kelly questioning her marriage but when Kelly did it back, she was in the wrong? MegaNeck needs a reality check. Also, when she brought up her mom being at the conception of her baby, I laughed. Yes, she was, but Jimmy wasn't. 


Production obviously pushed Vicki into trying to make amends with TamRat. 


It was so good seeing Gretchen, Jeana, and Lizzie back. All 3 women should be brought back permanently. Scandalous that Tamra's old friend brought up that he caught Eddie kissed a man. I believe it! Also, I believe Lizzie when she said that Tamra and her discussed the rumors previously. Tamra just wants to be p*ssed at Vicki b/c it gives her a story. 

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Jeana...how I miss thee

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I always thought DC got cancelled because the other women refused to film with the Shalis.  If anyone needs to be replaced, it's Andy Cohen for being blind to the potential of the other women minus the Whitehouse crasher.

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Cheshire (watch here):


God the episode was boring as f-ck. The pizazz and magic that this show had the first 5 seasons is gone. This show is running on low fumes and it isn't even funny. 


Nermina and Rachel are duds. I don't see what these 2 are going to bring to the table. They both came off as wallpaper. I didn't even know they were there at times. Whoever cast them needs to be fired. 


Moving on, Seema and Ester could've been booted too. While it looks like Ester is after Stacey & Seema this year, I don't care. It's not enough to be saved. Seema is boring. Yes, I am admitting it. Her coming for Ester is just a last ditch to stay relevant. 


Many might wonder why I am sparing Stacey and that's because she at least has many fires in the iron this year. She is one chick willing to film with Dawn (as the rest are clearly over her), and she's stirring the pot somewhat between Dawn & Leanne's camps. For that alone, she deserves to be spared. 


I don't care about this christening crap too. It bothers me as it should be something serious, not used as a plot on a reality show. Tanya and Dawn ought to be ashamed of themselves. Nothing is cute about either of them using christening as plot devices against their "friends"/cast members. 


This cast this year should've seriously been: Stacey, Dawn, Tanya, Leanne, Lauren. They should've wooed back Magali and Ampika to round out the cast. I would've been OK with Seema being a friend. Ester too. Neither chick should be an official housewife. 


This show used to be must see for me, but not now. If ITVBe thinks that this cast is gonna pay off in the long haul then they are crazy. This has to be the most boring cast of housewives following Toronto and that's bad. I'd rather watch Sydney season 1 over again as at least they got me to feel something. This season looks like it isn't gonna even do that, which is bad. When I feel nothing for a show, that when I could care less about it returning or not. 

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I'll never understand the group think here re Luann and Carole. Luann is a pompous fake ass liar who is so desperate for a man she married someone like Tom who obviously was cheating on her from the get go and then got divorced within 3 months.


Meanwhile Carole actually has a brain. She had a career. She had a great marriage until her first husband passed away sadly. She actually KNOWS the issues. She actually knows people worth knowing and doesn't even brag or be pretentious about it. She dresses amazingly and has a nice thin figure for her age. And we won't even talk about her hot boyfriend.


So how exactly is Luanna winning this battle? How Luann even worthy of any respect? Shes been a viper since DAY ONE. She went after Ramona, Bethhenny, Alex, Carole, Heather, etc etc. Its just pure karma thats coming her way right now and she deserves every bit of it. I can't wait until next season to see Carole and Bethenny tear her apart and call her out on her bullsh*tt yet again since I know no one her will.


As for BH, I haven't seen much spoilers but I'm catching up on the thread to see what NBA posted. Last season was so boring I dont even remember anything except Yolanda wasnt on it thank God. I do remember it was 75% about Erikas v card which is def not compelling television. I really hope something interesting happens or at least Lisa Vanderpump becomes likeable again. Aside from Eileen, Kyle, and to a lesser extense Eden I'm not sure why to tune in.


It really really bothers and upsets me that Ramona voted for Donald Trump. I want to say I'm surprised but when I think about it shes not that smart and all that money and her lifestyle is what she cares about. Shes a child in a 50 year old womans body and sadly doesn't give a crap about anyone else outside her family. I just wish Bethenny or Carole or Dorinda could get thru to her and explain just how bad she looks and how shes losing people like me as fans.




So ready for my girl Tre to get in the MIX again. And Danielle can return but she looks as wacky and cra cra as ever. It almost makes me wish Jac was still on the cast cuz that truly would have been a season to end all seasons. I dont know how the ratings are doing but yall keep saying NJ failing and yet it keeps coming back. I think they found good additions with Delores and Siggy (esp Delores) so I say keep her and find a way to bring back Jac.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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You are right I think as of the reunion? Either way I think it just helps solidify my point. Carole could easily be as desperate as Luann to find someone...ANYONE to marry her again but shes confident in who she is, what she has, and what she brings to the table. She's just CHILLING...enjoying life, her real friendships with Bethenny and Dorinda and brewing friendship with Tinsley. And tolerating her acquaintances with Ramona, Sonja, and that vile Luann. The only bad thing I see with her is that sometimes she can be a little too emotional about an issue and let it blind her to seeing the other side. And I do think down the road or deep inside she may regret not having kids. But thats her choice and I respect it.


I find OC kinda fascinating this year which is surprising given how utterly boring I've found it in the past. If only for the inevitable blow ups between Vicki or Kelly and one of the other ladies.


This whole Tamra/Eddie situation is just so interesting to me. Hes one of the hottest men on the planet and yet I just dont see any spark between them. Even during that gym scene he seemed utterly disinterested in her. The whole rumor thing that Vicki is spreading is terrible of course but it does make you wonder if there's a kernel of truth to any of it. This Peggy girl seems nice and I like her family but i'm very confused by this cancer situation of hers. I think its just a language barrier thing but I wish she'd just come out and say WTF happened. Was it preventative or did she actually have the gene? And if she doesn't want to share then she should just say that!

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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