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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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If Kandi didn't have The Ass Licking Crew behind her, the conversation with Johnny would have been very different. She's quite the passive/aggressive twat!  


Cynthia needs to be away from these women like yesterday!  


Kenya remains an interesting lying performer. I don't buy anything that happens on-screen with this woman!  

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ATL: Kandi was doing a whole lot with her rant against her employee. What I found interesting is that she was yelling no one can ever call her fake and that's exactly what she was for the past 3 seasons when Kenya was being humiliated and slut shamed by Phaedra. She said nothing. She did nothing. Just sat back and watched Kenya get constantly berated knowing Phaedra is one of the biggest sluts in the A and everything she said about "Mr Chocolate" was the truth. Shamea confirmed  Phaedra is a slut. Now because she and Phaedra are no longer friends she's airing all her dirty laundry. Some may argue that she didn't owe Kenya anything but if Kandi had kept it 100 she would have saved Kenya a lot of humiliation. I hope this is one of the questions Andy asks at the reunion.

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This whole Johnnie Files A Lawsuit story feels SO contrived, from Kandi's smiley 'acting' when she fired him, to him showing up at Phaedra's rented space office. Atlanta used to be a lot better at hiding the seams of its fabricated stuff but this year, not so much. I really am trying to support Kandi for exposing Teflon Phaedra but it's a little hard when the fake stuff is so obvious and her hangers-on (Don Juan, Todd, Mama Joyce) are so vile.


Gotta give it to Phaedra, the way she sweet-talked her way out of any involvement in those talking heads was a thing of beauty.


Porsha's audition as a porn actress (not to mention that egg string hanging out of her coochie last week -- giving me Brandi Glanville tampon flashbacks), and Sheree & Bob's workout = more fake scripted contrivance. The only thing that was real was Bob sweating buckets. Everytime I see that poor guy, he is literally overheating. I can dig Sheree as a trashy author tho. And omg I *LIVED* for that Dwight flashback! I really miss Dwight and Miss Lawrence and even Derek the Hair Hobbit.


Cynthia looked a MILLION DOLLARS walking into Club One, and Peter thinking he had a remote chance of hitting that one last time just underscores how delusional he is. He lost the best chick he will probably ever have, looks and otherwise.


You know what? I buy that Matt is a rageaholic. No guy, no matter how much Kenya paid him, would let themselves be portrayed this way on national TV. That man has deep insecurities, a controlling nature and bad anger issues. Don't think he wasn't imagining Kenya's face when he punched that driver through the window. I like Kenya a lot and don't think she deserves this. 

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I like Kenya too and above all Matt seems extremely frustrated to me. Too bad he's not articulate enough to express himself correctly and he has anger management issues. When they had that argument outside of her house after he broke her glass initially and she was railing at him he countered that she does things to make him act that way. He said she's deceptive and fundamentally manipulative (or was it the other way around?) I believe it. He needs to be done. He said he wanted to speak to her alone and asked her if the crew was there she said they would be leaving soon making him think when he arrived they would be alone. Obviously, when he shows up the crew is still there and wanted their conversation on camera. He wanted to leave and Kenya refuses. She set him up. Even that conversation with her dad felt like an ambush. If Kenya wanted her dad to intervene it should have been two grown men conversating. Instead Kenya was needling her dad on talking points on what to say to Matt  which made him immediately defensive. When Peter told him to walk away he said then Kenya needs to stop playing games and she needs to stop calling him. I believe that too. Kenya is the kinda chic who will play mind games with the  guy to keep her story line going. I like Kenya but I can call a spade a spade. This wont end good for Matt if he doesn't end things permanently.


Re: Bob - Yes, the man is always sweating buckets. I'm not sure if it's the overhead lights or him being out of shape but he looks extremely gross. There's nothing attractive about him and Sheree must be really hard up to even contemplate putting herself with him again.

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I've been rewatching ATL from the beginning and I'm on the season 4 reunion right now, where Sheree has just been asked if she's wearing She By Sheree and she said it's coming back soon, and that the Chateau is nearly complete. Cut to season 8 and neither of those things have materialised. I still don't know why Bravo benched her, she's TV gold. Her fight with Marlo, her squaring up to Nene at the reunion (let's be real, Sheree is the only HW who could ever go toe to toe with Nene and not back down, and give as good as she got).


I want to know what's happening with the Chateau. We all seen those family pics on the stairs at Christmas and just the other day on her Instagram story there was clips of the family all having a gathering in the great room, yet she's not got a certificate of occupancy yet??

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we're actually on season 9 now which makes it worse. Sheree needed to be benched and it made sense why Bravo dropped her. She had no storyline in season 4.  She had nothing left to offer. No man or relationship, no business ventures or career. She also had no supporting characters. Her relationships with her kids werent interesting. She was in desperation mode picking random fights and drama with the other cast members to try and remain relevant but it wasnt working. To cap it all off, she had all her money issues and unstable living arrangements, so she didnt have much to film. She could have been a friend in season 5, but Bravo made the right decision to not give her a peach. She was a vet and her pay would have went up. She didnt deserve that which is why she was axxed

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I want to give Kenya the benefit of the doubt because over the past couple of years, Kenya has been manhandled by two other men -- there was the Pillow Party where that guy charged her (blocked by Brandon before he was beat up by Apollo Nida) and then last season when that high-as-a-kite athlete got physically threatening and ended up punching the lights out of his 'aunt' Tammy. Both times, members of the cast said that Kenya provoked the situation and had it coming. I feel the opposite for many reasons. Even Kandi said at last season's Reunion that Kenya does a lot of crazy stuff, but that guy's actions were unacceptable and if it had been any other woman, the HWs would have been up in arms.


You can say that there is no smoke without fire, and that each time a violent incident occurs, Kenya is usually the common denominator. I don't think Kenya is some innocent flower either -- she is shady and manipulative. Her first season on ATL, she was playing Apollo & Phaedra's marriage and it was SO WRONG. However, many men can smell the manipulations, and can and should walk away without a word. Matt keeps coming back and keeps losing his cool and smashing stuff. It reminds me of what Jimmy Edmonds on the OC said about how when a man gets in your face, you (as a man) can hit them, but if it's a woman you just have to go "whatever" and leave it be. I think Matt should take that advice. He has issues to be upset about, sure, namely what he is willing for Bravo to film. But there is a way to deal with this, and he is acting out and it is not good. Walter dealt with it better imo.


I do agree that Kenya needs to cut ties with him. From what I heard, Matt smashed her garage a second time in August (which is shown on next week's show) but they were still together at Thanksgiving which they spent as a couple with Kandi & Todd. Maybe ChitHappens is right and this entire story/relationship is all for show. If so, I would be disappointed in Kenya, especially after she was targeted by violent people three times on this show, and in incidents which were 100% real. 


All this reminds me how much I liked Brandon and wish he was back on the show! 



Heh I'd argue she maybe shouldn't have been given a peach this season.

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 I still feel she has nothing to offer. At least in the early seasons we got Who gonna check me boo? and the increasingly wild delusions of She By Sheree and Chateau Sheree. Nowadays, Sheree is so indebted, and her poor reputation when it comes to payment precedes her, so she is forced to rely on Bob Whitfield for any kind of SL (if you can call working out a SL). Everybody knows that the 'Chateau' is nowhere near habitable. There is no heating or air con. There is a serious water ingress problem which contractors cannot fix (or Sheree simply hasn't called any because, agina, money). The house was given a quick paint job and some borrowed furnishings by Bravo in order to have the season finale party which Production wanted so badly. There was a not-so-blind item on TT yesterday where landscapers who did her yard for the party are now suing for payment, along with half of Atlanta. Sheree has no income other than RHoA and somehow that paycheck is meant to cover her huge debts, get-rich-quick schemes and her crazy over-spending! #EverybodyKnows

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@Cat I actually thought she was better utilized last season when she was a friend. Her only purpose this season seems to be collect information and run back she tell the other group . Why they continue to trust her with their tea is beyond me but I think they'll see how messy she is watching the tapes

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It kills me that we're halfway in and still haven't seen where Sheree lives. We know she has a housewarming that is worse than Kenya's later this season, but she STILL isn't living in that house. She's back, but she's really spread thin for story. They're going to have to work on her if she remains next season. She needs a REAL love interest and story of her own. She is such a talk to and doesn't have interesting relationships with anybody. The Kenya stuff started good but fizzled out because Kenya has her own stuff going on.

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IA! I loved her as a FOH last season trying to shade Kenya (and saying she'd get her house finished within 8 months

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 ). I also liked that came to all the parties and even showed up at Reunion at the end of the couch to whisper to Kandi! But she has nothing going on and even as a sh*t-stirrer she's not that interesting... she's more a SL-driver at the behest of the producers and less about really stirring the pot.


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I think the problem with Sheree is though, she has the potential to be great TV but she's too concerned about keeping up appearances. If Bravo were filming the ups and downs of the construction of the Chateau and all the trouble she's encountered, that could be really good viewing. The women talking about how she's faking it til she makes it and can't afford to pay, surely she has a loved one who cares enough to give her some tough love and say "Honey you cant afford this", SOMETHING like that. Also why has she not started a fitness line? Surely there's an activewear brand who will partner up with her or she could have story with Kandi and Todd producing a video for her (cue all kinds of snarky talking heads from Phaedra and Kenya), something!! Anything other than what she's doing now and I just want to see that goddamn Chateau complete.

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Thats another thing with Sheree. I mentioned that she doesnt have a supporting cast, but she'd be more solidified if she did bc Bob isnt enough. Where is her family? Does she have any friends of her own she could bring on to film with? Those are basic prerequisites of being a housewife and she doesnt even have that.

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Cheap you're so right! Is her mother that disinterested or uninteresting that she can't be on it? Look at Mama Joyce, or Porsha's mother...Kenya reading Sheree with Chateau Thelma, well where is Thelma? Her son looks like he has the personality of a brick, her eldest daughter (who she initially touted as her assistant) is with Sheree often on social media, why not on RHOA?

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