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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Im in ATL now so its kinda cool watching RHOA. Wonder if I will run into anyone.....lol


Mama Joyce got her own talking head! I know she got one on the spinoff but not sure if she had one on RHOA before. I loved her saying Phaedra belongs in a cell next to Apollo with her criminal ass


Sheree needs to STFU. She has no place to criticize anyone about their house considering the long running joke that is Chateau Sheree

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I am so glad that Kelly is unapologetic to these women. It bothers these women (especially Shannon/Heather) to the core that she won't cower to them and I love it. 


Shannon was so defensive tonight when it came to her marriage. Lady, your husband cheated much like Vicki/Donn did in their marriage. Stop trying to whitewash the situation. You're marriage is doomed and it's obvious. Calling it now that Shannon's story next year (if she's brought back) is her leaving David. 


Producers were the MVP tonight. I hollered in joy when they presented receipts of TamRat bringing up other folks kids and being violent in the past. What pissed me off though is that Andy didn't hold her feet to the fire about either situations. Kelly should've dug into her more about that too. 


Heather did herself no justice tonight. She came off as an elitist bitch tonight. Her apology to Kelly was sh-t, and her excuse for leaving the Japanese restaurant was even crappier. One of the joys this season was that Heather finally got exposed to those who were long mesmerized by her. I was never fooled by her as I've always knew she was trashy like other women on the OC; she just has more money than them. 


Cannot wait until next week when Shannon runs off stage and Vicki/Kelly dig into Heather's a**. 

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Underwhelmed by Part 2 of the OC Reunion. I FFed a few times. The Three B*tches are obviously awful. But Andy will never hold Tamra's feet to the fire to make this Reunion worthwhile. Plus Kelly is all over the place. She needs to pick her battles -- sadly, she isn't too swift. Interrupting Heather every 2 seconds is not effective. Nailing her for being a hypocrite bitch and highlighting the set-up should have been the way to go. I can see why she didn't feel sorry for her language. Andy was clutching his pearls over her lack of apology, but why should she when The Three Bs were out to get her from the get-go?


Heather basically dug her own grave, especially when Bravo trotted out the BTS footage. Bravo producers must REALLY dislike her and Terry. The mask has most definitely fallen from the Jutting-Jawed One's face.

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Sheree...how Ive missed thee.  She's been a breath of fresh air..and i like that so far she isnt letting Kenya slide in her shadiness.


I dont recall...but did Sheree have a temper in her previous stint like Nene did?  If not, shes the perfect person to go against Kenya...but I hope she doesnt take her ex husband back.




Oddly...i thought this wasnt quite a toxic season even with jacqueline.  I do ha e to say i agreed with jacquelines points..she just went about expressing them in the wrong way.


Delores...doesnt belong on the show...anf thats a compliment....She seems normal ( for a housewife..that is).  plus...I liked her family especially her 102 year old grandma.


Siggy....i have a feeling her son will be like michael on OC and not give his mothet his address when he is an adult lol




Its not fun...too toxic....either vicki or kelly needs to go.


If I woule have a former housewife come back...Id choose Lizzie...she is married, has kids, and a business...and can call out BS.  And I think she shouldnt have been a 1 season wonder.


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Sheree does have a temper. But as I've said before, this Kenya v. Sheree rivalry is strictly for cameras. I strongly believe that these 2 made a pact to 'beef,' so they'd keep their peach positions on the show. I bet money these 2 get along very well off camera. 


When it comes to the OC, Vicki is not going anywhere. She's a Bravo relic. She'll leave when she chooses too. I actually don't find Vicki to be toxic. Kelly either. The toxic party is Heather, Shannon, and Tamra. Those 3 had nothing going on this season, so they had to poke and prod Kelly and Vicki, who carried this season. 


I don't see anyone getting the boot out of those 5 though. Especially, now that Meghan is supposedly leaving. I think Bravo realizes that drastically changes casts rarely work on these shows. RHOA s5 (with the introduction of Kenya & Porsha) was the only time it was truly successful. The shift of RHONY in s5 nearly killed the show. Same with NJ in s6. 


Like I've said, if Bravo were smart, they'd keep Kelly/Vicki/TamRat/ShanLoon/Pleather and bring back Gretchen & Lizzie. Gretchen & Lizzie are close friends. Both of them have bones to pick with numerous women on the cast. Both of them are close to Vicki and Kelly. Also, Vicki has been campaigning for their returns. I've always thought the show as stupid in getting rid of Lizzie b/c she was successful (business-wise) and had a great marriage. As you said too, she didn't take crap from anyone and was very observant. Gretchen needs to return for the primary reason to annoy the f-ck out of Heather & Tamra, who both actively wanted her out after s8 and were successful. 

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I am rewatching S5 of RHoNY and, in hindsight, I think Bravo did the right thing by turfing out Jill, Kelly and Cindy (nasty, nasty women). If they had stayed, the show would be a hot mess and run into the ground like NJ. Instead, having three new, well-chosen additions gave NY a new lease of life. The trip to St Barts and the aftermath was AMAZING. The problem IMO was that Bravo waited too long between s4 and s5 so that when s5 finally came out, people had forgotten about the show. Carole, Aviva and Heather (at the time) breathed new life into the franchise; IMO, they could have skipped Season 6 (with dull Kristen -- the only good thing that season was Aviva tossing her leg in the finale) and gone straight to S7 with Bethenny who kickstarted the show again. NY cleaned house and now is on its third cycle and fresher than ever. Contrast with NJ which is still stuck in 2012. Yes, last season they tried with the newbies but those were very poor choices.


Personally, I think OC would benefit from the NY treatment. Vicki's cancer scam and her lack of accountability has dragged on for too long, and it is because of her that the Three Witches are bent out of shape. I'd fire Tamra, Heather and maybe even Vicki and start totally afresh. 

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 Shocking as that sounds. I don't think Tamra or Vicki are going anywhere tho, otherwise what would be the point of bringing on Lizzie and Gretchen?

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I dont see that as a drastic change of the cast. Season 5 opened up with the same exact cast that was in season 4. They only added 2 women, while phasing Kim out.  That transition was much more seemless than other shows that add 2 women while randomly dropping previous women with no exit in between seasons.

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(re: NY/NJ) True. I do disagree that the newbies were poor choices. The twins, though I hated them, were a few of the cast members to stand up against Tre, call her on her crap, and not be scared. That 'clink-clink' comment sent Teresa into a tailspin. She didn't like it. What I didn't like about the twins were the spouses. Bobby was a blatant famewhore, and Angelo acted like a knockoff Marlon Brando in The Godfather


I didn't mind Amber either as she was pot-stirrer. My only gripe with her was Jim, who was too aware of the cameras. He was like a poor man's version of Peter (RHOA). He didn't know how to stir the pot right and he stayed disrespecting the women, which was appalling. 


Yes, they should've skipped bringing Kristen on the show as she brought nothing to the table. The one time she could've (when Josh was wrapped up in that Ashley Madison scandal), she opted not to resign on. 


The OC did the NY treatment after s8 when Gretchen and Alexis got the boot, and Lydia opted not to sign back on. 


With TamRat being in trouble with the law for sending those pics, I would think Bravo would wanna get rid of her as a liability but sitting on the idea, I know they won't. This is gonna fuel Vicki v. Tamra this season. I think that with Meghan going, they won't shake up the cast that much, and Kelly will be thrown a reprieve. That's why I say bring back Lizzie/Gretchen.


The two are liked by the audience.

The two are good friends, which'll provide fun, lighthearted scenes.

The two are friends with Kelly/Vicki, which'll provide the two more allies.

The two are youthful, which'll drive OC's self-proclaimed 'hottest housewife' (Tamra) into a tizzy.

The two are entrepreneurs. Lizzie more than Gretchen but still. 

The two are of the few that called Tamra on her sh-t and nailed her to the wall numerous times. 


Plus, this show needs about 7-8 women on the cast. Six just never cuts it with this show b/c there tends to be a filler bullsh--t. I need 7-8 drama queens on this show next season. Kelly saved the show this season. She can't pull the same antics next season as she has to cool off. 



I think it was drastic (but great) b/c the tone of the show changed. It wasn't so much as toxic (at that time) as the show had became in s4 even though s4 was my favorite season along with s5. 

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Production needs to seriously work on bringing this show together cohesively. 1. Kandi's baby daddy girl friend popping up mic'd up is so damn odd. It is obvious that it shocked Kandi and her clique, but production is f-cked up for that. Obvious they pushed this woman into doing that. If they wanted the scene to be more organic, they should've had her walk in not mic'd up. People caught onto that real quick. 2. Anything concerning Lena. Why would we care about scenes with Lena when she isn't an official housewife or friend? That scene was so out of place b/c no one we cared for was in it. See, this is why I say they should sign these women on from the start, so they know where they stand. Cutting all Lena's stuff out has already put a big plot hole in the season that was unnecessary. 


Moving on, Kenya handled Matt's sister well. I would've grew tired of her coming after me at the lunch. I would've showed out and told her to back the f-ck off. That's just me (who happens to be a hothead). Matt's parents, on the other hand, were a joy. 


I am not here for Porsha begging her ex to bust a nut in her. Funny that she was cackling alongside Phaedra about 2-3 seasons ago about Kenya unable to get a man to knock her up and begging Walter to do the same, yet she's emulating Kenya's old stories. Bye, Porsha. 

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Kandi's breakdown was sad to watch. It is obvious that Block (Kandi's baby dad) is an arrogant twat and wanted nothing to do with Riley. His actions in that studio alone said it all. He is clearly using Riley to get his girlfriend a spot on the show. That's why she went over to see Kandi. She was hoping this'll get her a spot on the show. 


I cannot wait for next week to see Kenya v. Sheree (again) with Kenya calling Sheree's wig the same one that Momma Joyce wears.  Kandi's reaction to that was everything. She wanted to pop Kenya badly for that comment. 

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Kenya kept it classy bc under different circumstances that sister would have and should have been checked

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Kandi is filmed crying. Take a drink

Kandi has a flashback of her crying. Take a bonus drink

I know this might be shady and it was supposed to be a serious moment, but I wanted them to show a flashback of Bob sticking his tongue at at Sheree and Phaedra in court

Block...already dont like him. He hasnt been around all these years and decides to come on this show for a Bravo check and storyline? If I was Riley, I wouldnt want anything to do with him either. Speaking of which, I was confused bc I thought he dated Porsha during filming. I didnt realize it was in the past

I cant see Porsha as a mother. Her ex looks good and they'd have cute babies but no man with two kids is gonna want to have another baby with some random ex he just got reacquainted with even if she says she wants to do it on her own now

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I can see Porsha as a mother. She has this natural thing where she fights and protects those around her. 


Kenya has the right to lay hands on a protective sister? Lol if anything she got so lucky. Any other family would have destroyed her and brought up her entire history starting with the Apollo incident. 


RHOC....this lady Vicki is disgusting. 


Im not a huge fan of Shannon but Lord that was ugly. Putting something like that out there in this day and age is unforgivable and I'd never speak to Vicki again. 


Team Heather over this coocoo lady they call Kelly. However Meghan had a point bout Vicki over exaggerating. I don't think it's a crime to not visit someone who's not your friend in the hospital. Would be the height of fakeness

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