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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yeah I find Petti to be a love to hate character. I keep changing my opinion on her as I find her completely infuriating but at the same time she's hilarious and generates drama for the group. I actually dont think she's malicious. She is just very delusional and selfish


As for Cheshire. They did NOT need to bring back the entire cast. Misse and the one who's name I cant remember. I keep calling her Holly for some reason, didnt need to come back. I wish they had found a way to bring Magali back bc she was the heart of the group and her absence was felt

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Stacey. :lol:


From the summary of episode 1 that someone post a few days back, looks like it might be Dawn v. Stacey this season. 

Looks like a few of the RHOCheshire taglines have been released:



Dawn's tagline is so full of sh-t. She stays stressing over other people's opinions of her. Such bulls--t.


Looks like Anders is leaving Misse too (read here). :lol:


That's what that bitch gets. She stayed judging Ampika's relationships last season and her man is now leaving her. Classic case as to why one should tend to theirs and leave everyone else's alone. 

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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I hope Lauren comes to work this season. She held back last season and was barely around, obviously bc of her personal turmoil. I hope she is upbeat and back to her season 1 and 2 self bc I grew to like and appreciate her.


@Nothin'ButAttitude Stacey...I guess thats her name. Something tells me Im going to forget and start calling her Holly again

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Caught up on RHoNY. LuAnn came for Bethenny as she was well entitled to do. Seeing the Berkshire scenes again where Bethenny just spews bile was a great reminder of what a toxic, bitter sicko Bethenny is. I am actually stunned her BFF Andy called her out on it. She hit the cray button when she called up her married fiancé's 'daughter' *cough*intern*cough* on the show. I really need two more Reunion episodes where Bethenny gets raked over the coals for her noxious behaviour. I also think she got another nose job between the end of this season and the reunion. It now looks like a tiny insect.


Carole is her yapping lapdog. Equally ghastly human being. Even though she looks like one of the Sister Wives in that outfit [ (c) Tamara Tattles], it weirdly suits her, and her face is looking rejuvenated.


Don't care about Ramona's tits.


Even with the cocaine allegations thrown at her (another lovely Bethenny moment), I still like Dorinda and appreciated how she stood her ground against that emaciated pitbull. Dorinda is pretty much the only one on the show unafraid of Bethenny's power. Even LuAnn is cowering.


Luann should dump Tom. I know she thinks this is her only chance at re-marriage, but honestly, she, Sonja and Ramona need to stop dipping their toes in the same tiny sperm-bath of balding 65-year old men. This is a pool where marriage is not and will never be a priority, lol. Widen your horizons, Lu!



RHOC: I know everyone is raving about the addition of Kelly this season but... there is something really off about her. Maybe it's her teeth freaking me out, but she comes across as a whiney chipmunk. I love that she absolutely decimated Heather and Shannon, but I just do not find her 100% likeable. I also think she is abusing something. That meal with Heather, she seemed high.


Shannon Beador is starting to refer to herself as Shannon Beador. Delusions of grandeur. Her smoochy-moopsy 'video diary' with that high-pitched nitwit DavidBeador was some badly-acted scripted bullshiot. I can't with her twinkly eyes and 'exclusive video footage' of naked DavidBeador eating guacamole in the jacuzzi.




I have no heart to watch RHoNJ. I feel it will be an exhausting void of nothingness. I loved the mini-show they did following Teresa's family while she was in prison, but this... this is just terrible. Nobody is coming out of this looking good, except maybe the two newbies occasionally.

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LuAnn shut Bethany (with an a) up. She was flustered for a few minutes when in the past she used to have quicker comebacks. Im glad Andy called her hypocritical ass on her slut shaming. She denied it and then proceeded to slut shame LuAnn some more


Carole shut up...why was she throwing her two cents when not addressed? To quote the Real Housewives of Atlanta 'she has her ass so far up Bethenny's ass, she has her own wing'

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You've got that right. Kelly is really off. She isn't 100% likeable. I'd hate to deal with her in real life (whereas Heather Dubrow, while high strung and snippy and snobby on the show, is someone I'd enjoy in real life because of her sense of manners and proper behaviour). But on the show, Kelly just flies because she's gone after Shannon and hasn't minded taking swings at Tamra and Heather along the way - all of whom have had it coming since their tangles with Vicki. 


The less said about the Beadors, the better...Shannon mustn't have much self respect for staying with his cheating ass. The same goes for NYC's LuAnn (much as I enjoy LuAnn, and she rocked this season, she should be leaving Tom and keeping the ring). The difference is David Beador is much worse than Tom: he cheated on his wife of 15 years and the mother of his three children. 


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Cheshire is back and its like it never left! Alot of shows have a slow buildup but this one jumped right into it.


Was surprised to still see Tanya pregnant bc she was last season but I guess that was early on.


The Ampika/Tanya feud seems so stupid. I dont even think they know why they are fighting. It started about Dawn but she is so far removed from it now that these two need to just let it go.


LeAnn as the voice of reason. I cant quite say I like her now but I dont dislike her. She's become more tolerable since Magali left. Her hate for the queen really bothered me


Lauren seems to be closer to her old self with her spirits up and like that she seems more at peace with her life. She looks like she got a new face as well bc I spotted the work done. Still cant beleive that she is Dawn's closest friend now given that those two did not get along in the first season


Stacey/Holly, whatever....cant stand her and she annoyed me. Why is she back? I like Dawn but she needs to get over herself saying that she's hating on her bc she's jealous


Misse felt so irrelevant. Without Ampika to feud with, she really serves no purpose. 


I dont dislike Seema but she feels more like a friend than housewife


Dawn's daughter's bf is hot and I dont blame the women for thinking so but they came across thirsty openly flirting and expressing that to him. He's college aged and they were inappropriate bc he does have a gf

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Wow. What an INSANE episode of RHOC! They almost broke the fourth wall last night with the 'somebody really is injured, now let's get the medics here' scenes. Heather reassuring her sone Nicholas felt very mom-like and genuine. Nicholas reminds me of RHoM's Lea Black's son, a smart and sweet kid who calls it like he sees it. 


Can't believe Bravo kept filming. Can't believe Kelly's helmet fell off in mid-quad-roll and she didn't get injured at all. Quads are so dangerous! Hope Vicki ended up ok. Clearly Tamra did, judging by the previews.


I know Meghan and Jim are not fans of Vicki, but the least Meghan could do is go to hospital for a quick visit to drop off some flowers and ask if she can be of any help, given that Vicki is not far from her in Palm Desert. Jim is such an !@#$%^&*] lol but his assholery is weirdly very watchable. He just don't give a sh*t.


I felt so bad for Tamra's mom. Kelly was doing nothing to calm her down, instead just making her more and more anxious. K did the same with Brianna over the phone.


Next week, Tamra calling Shannon jealous because Vicki is the victim now is PERFECTION -- and I'm not even a fan of Tamra. Actually, next week's episode in general looks pretty good. BTW I read somewhere that this season the number of episodes have been curtailed to 16, mainly because of this accident which halted filming for a bit. Maybe that is a good thing. 



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I'm not sad about Jules. She was watchable, but more of a Friend that a full on housewife. I say bring on Yolanda or another equally strong new HW. As for OC, I agree I was DYING at Heather and Tamra's reaction to Megan and Shannon not caring about the accident. Next week is going to LOL central! I hope the rumor of less episodes isn't true. That would break my heart considering how good this show always is. I'm sure Bravo will find a way to make up for it considering the ratings.



Here is some RHOA I have gathered, mostly from Tamara Tattles, but some from Twitter.

- Porsha is still crazy. We already know about the potential affair with Kandi's first baby daddy, but recently they almost came to blows

- Nene revealed on Steve Harvey she was never contacted by Bravo to appear full-time or part time and she feels like they Kelly Ripa'ed her. They're currently talking so she MAY appear at some point. She was just in Miami with Kenya (and Alexia and Marysol from RHOM), not sure if it was filmed.

- Kim Fields is of course gone, new housewives are Sheree and Lena.

- Sheree and Marlo are besties. Kenya and Sheree are feuding causing a rift with Marlo and Kenya

- This saturday there is a last minute mandatory filming that is so important Cynthia had to cancel a paid gig she was booked for. She gave the gig to Kim Fields. No one knows what the filming is for though. Nene's big return? Porsha intervention?

I'm not too excited for RHOA, but I became interested when I saw Marlo was filming again. I hope it's more than a hit and run like last season and that she has a presence throughout the season. And they better not do her dirty like last season and dump her once Nene returns. 

Edited by Chris B
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Angela gets stranger and stranger as the series goes on. Her French assistant looks like she's been captured by Angela and is  being held against her will. I really enjoyed Anne this episode, especially with how she asked the assistant if she as okay - in French. 


Michelle and Angela's little squabble highlighted that Michelle isn't that great at arguing when she's been caught out with a negative statement like the one she made about Angela sucking in her stomach. She couldn't defend herself at all because it isn't a defensible statement. And she floundered. 


Julia vs. Louise is hilarious because Louise is going to slaughter Julia every single time. And Julia knows it. She is so stupid and sloppy and ill equipped to deal with someone of Louise's intelligence. 


Gilda remains totally humourless. 




The Ampika/Tanya feud is beyond stupid. These two never should have had a feud in the first place and the feud is entirely Tanya's fault. She continues to be too stupid for words. I love that Mark didn't shy away from her offer of a facelift - it'll help him tremendously. 


Dawn doesn't bother me at all and I find it interesting that so many of the women (especially that pointless Stacey) find it necessary to have disagreements with her. Stacey annoys the hell out of me. 


Seema and Misse did nothing this episode. So not much change from last season.


Leanne seems calm and serene. Her new house isn't as nice as her old one. 


Lauren is BACK. Love her. Shame about the divorce. But she remains fun and fabulous. 



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Bethenny is a terrible person. She's evil, entitled, and mentally warped. When she screamed "I can do whatever I want!" it said it all about her. 


"I'm single now, now maybe I'm going to get to date Tom" - Jules was hilarious. She battled Bethenny and Carole admirably. It's probably for the best that she isn't returning. She had a good season and acquitted herself nicely. 


Dorinda defended herself nicely and I really like her. She is a good person with common sense with the "listen to all of this and take pause!"


Sonja kept herself serene for the first two parts of the reunion. That changes next week...but I think she is a delight to watch and was great value for the season. She has been admirably sensitive to LuAnn with how she's dealt with the Tom issue. 


Ramona's honest statement to LuAnn about the red flags with Tom demonstrated her best qualities. And then she blew LuAnn out of the water with that Radar Online article that LuAnn conveniently forgot she'd told her about. 


LuAnn isn't coming off well in this reunion defending Tom. She should have dumped him and kept on being fabulous. There is zero reason why Sonja would lie about the number of times she slept with Tom and the nature of their relationship. Sonja never tried to hurt LuAnn, so LuAnn's callousness to her never made sense. However, LuAnn slaughtered irrelevant Carole yet again with "What are you babbling about again?"



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