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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Maybe not a misread -- I don't know for sure, I just really love them together! He seems to think Chyka is the bee's knees, and what woman wouldn't love a hot someone in their lives who thinks they are fab?


Oh Lydia is totally projecting. The close-ups on her face during the dinner were quite something -- the bitter downward droop of her mouth. She is so hard and fake all the time. And the hoe-ing around rumors about her are pretty real, too.


Reunion will hopefully be EPIC. I wasn't crazy about last Reunion, though, mainly because Pettifleur was such a spoilsport when anybody tried to imply she was less than perfect, and stormed off the set like a prima ballerina with a hole in her tights. I fear we might see more of that this time around. 

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Whatever Lydiot said about Bruce, she's an arsehole. Bruce is the best husband in any RH franchise. He is so kind and so nice. If he's a bit flamboyant for someone's taste that's their problem because Bruce is himself and he's raised a great son (sorry Chessie but you're a spoiled brat) and is a great husband whose his wife's biggest fan. Anyone who doesn't see the beauty in that can drop dead.


Why would Lydiot even bother saying Janet had affairs if it isn't projecting? We all know what Janet's ex is like - even if she did have an affair it isn't as if he didn't have it coming. Who knows what Lydiot is up to with Shane Warne, but he's certainly a lady's man.


The reunion is going to be a huge disaster but I think it'll be enjoyable as hell because Pettifleur and Lydiot will get what's coming to them. Judgment day has been looming for those two for years.

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Damn Kyle really looks frustrated in this last episode. Lisa really does know how to do a number one someone. 


Like Yolanda and this Lyme disease thing there has to be a reason why all these ladies are so convinced Lisa was running some epic mind game involving Rinna (who is the prototype puppet to end all puppets). 


Lisa is just not making any damn sense. Still like her but she needs to own her bullshit.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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This history of BH by Tamra is quite fascinating. So many pearls of truth but at the same time Lisa's first house was jaw dropping and right across the steer from the Maloof Hoof so I don't see how it could ever have been considered weak....


i love she dissected Yolanda from the very moment she stepped in front of the cameras and identified Kim and Kyles weak spot. Plus Brandi the drunk....Tamra is quite a smart person...

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That Potomac reunion was something else. Has there ever been a cast that already hates each other that much by the end of the first season? The only people who seem like actual friends were Robyn and Gizelle.


I think they're definitely going to have to bring some new blood in for these ladies to even have someone to film with.

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Andy just admitted (unexpectantly?) he is a Top LOL

Damn Kyle u defended FayFay harder then u evah did Kim, btw Faye agreed to b on the show so yeah, she signed up 4 de deserved hate.  Fayke wrote the nasty book, so she deserves what she gets from that too, Kathryn didn't ask to be in her book

No LVP and Mohamed aren't  friends, that TMZ clip pretty much confirmed it imho LMAO




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Andy to Yolanda: 'It (the divorce) was a shock to everyone that watches the show" Not really. We saw it coming. Im glad he covered her and her issues early on before she could have her dramatic moment and run off


Kyle went in hard for Faye. Was refreshing to see bc it always seems as if its Faye defending her. I wish they had brought her in for the reunion. Now that they got the Faye stuff out of the way, I guess Katherine's contribution to the reunion is over


how did that even come up? I dont recall them discussing sex

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This reunion is going to suck. The tone was set right off the bat with LVP's dress. Andy can be so nasty. It's interesting that Erika simply said she has the top and LVP has the dress. Not catty at all. 


LemonLyme's "journey" is the focal point - yawn. I'm glad LVP asked if she was blindsided because that's the question I wanted asked and it seemed Andy wasn't going to do it. It's clear she is going to get a pass this entire reunion and isn't going to be called out on anything. 


Rinna came to the reunion well rehearsed with her nonsensical story ready to go. She has a bad habit of not listening to anyone - she whipped out her phone records like it was a smoking gun - yet if she'd bothered to turn her hearing aids up she would have heard LVP say she doesn't call her all the time - not never as Rinna misunderstood.


Eileen came in full Kristen mode. It's useful armour for a reunion. 


Kathryn and OJ - who cares? I don't.


Kyle is a very loyal friend to Faye and that is admirable. And truth be told I sort of like Faye despite her moral corruption. However, she has never shown that loyalty to LVP and I hope LVP notes that.

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I *so* wish Faye would agree to be on the show full-time. Or at least as a regular "friend of," similar to how she was in season three. It would be interesting with Kyle as her BFF and Kathryn's back history. That said, Kyle, Faye *did* sign up for this. She agreed to be filmed on camera and has even filmed talking head comments on and off in the past six years. She signed up. She's just not holding any diamonds and sashaying her way in a long gown in the opening theme. 


The reunion so far was decent, nothing too major. Lots of light, cutesy stuff with Erika Jayne/Girardi and another fluff pieces. I honestly don't remember them ever mentioning that she has a grown son. If they did mention it when they were greeted by the police chief at the restaurant, it totally didn't sink in with me. 


Rinna's "I brought receipts!" moment fell flat. A for effort, D- for execution. We'll see the followup next week. Eileen barely spoke two words, but brought her soap opera hair! 



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she did. Its come up a couple of times. During her intro and that later scene with the police chief are two that come to mind.


Oh and IA on Rinna. The promos actually made it seem better than it actually turned out to be. She came in with a script in her head but it fell flat bc it wasnt a good response to what LVP had said which was that she rarely called her, not that she never did

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