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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Ambush! That red headed bitch went IN on Janet. That was the most bizarre sh-t Ive seen on this show. I think Gamble set her up.. I felt bad for Janet bc Gamble made lies about her and she KEEPS finding ways to bring this BS up.

LMAO at Pettyfleur getting annoyed by the way that Lisa kept interrupting during that conversation

Now Tempest is starting with Petty and calling her boring. Bitch!

I didnt like how Gina got involved. I really dont like her being in Gamble's corner. Janet was kind of right on calling her out on being hypocritical bc what she did with Lydia is the same as what Janet did with Gamble. LOL at Gina calling Janet boring though. Boring was the hot word this episode

I thought it was rude how Gina was making digs at Petty and talked about her accent. As a Gina fan, I didnt think she came across good this episode at all. Looks like Petty tries to come for her next week. Emphasis on try bc it looks like Gina shuts her ass down. This season started off slow but sh-t is going down. Im loving it

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re: Kim/Nene potential spinoff:

It'll be short-lived. Those two can only stand each other for so long. When one feels threatened by the other, they act out. Factoring in Gregg and Kroy too, I don't see this lasting long if true.

re: The Tuckers spinoff:

It won't last. Kandi better stay her ass on housewives. Watching Momma Joyce in small doses is a good thing. Kandi would wanna feature her full-time on this spinoff and it would be a mess. Kandi would ruin her marriage by pursing this.


Watched the latest episode and I didn't feel bad for Janet. Sorry. I didn't. I understood Tempest's frustration with Janet because I'd feel the same way too if someone started a rumor about my sibling too. I do think that Tempest went overboard, but I am glad that she felt remorseful once Gina explained things to her.

Pettifleur is a twat. I went from liking her to quickly disliking her. She needs to go back on another hiatus and stay gone. Casting flop with this one.

Lydia is a twat too. She's another one that can exit stage left. For her to pick on Gamble at all is hilarious. Especially, when Lydia isn't the brightest crayon in the box. And for her to bring up what Gina said weeks ago was petty. That just solidifies why Gina wasn't so accepting of her apology. Lydia is a flip-flopping b-tch. One moment, she's eager for Gina's friendship. The next, she is tossing her under the bus. That's why those dishes got blown on her ass. Damn fair-weather friend.

I like Chyka but she is a snake. Her day will come when she won't be able to slither out a situation and play Switzerland.

Jackie ... meh. I don't find her to be the Greek chorus. She's just a meddlesome as Gina, who Jackie stays accusing. Jackie is thirsty and hungry for a fight--a storyline. I hope Gina does not give in.

Gina didn't need to butt into the Gamble/Janet feud but I get it. After being ganged up and lied on by these women last year, I understand why she is protective of Gamble. Had Gamble not reacted like she has these past episodes and fought back, these rumors would've gotten bigger overtime and they would've used it against her; however, I hope that after this trip, it is seriously buried. Gamble needs to let it go. I'm tired of Gamble beating Janet into a pulp. I think she's learned her lesson for once.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Good thing she was just practicing bc Nene's read of Cinderella was terrible. She got too much useless filler airtime

Phaedra got the biggest room bc she's been going through some stuff? Id have been like f--k that bitch! I do have to say I felt for her when she started getting emotional while talking to Claudia. I like those vulnerable moments bc they come across real. Usually she puts on a show, throwing shade and trying to act comical to hide her issues. Im glad Kenya called her out on how she refuses to apologize.

DEAD at Claudia's horse trot impression of Poorsha

LMAO! I know Kandi did not fall asleep and start snoring while doing yoga. LOL. She also STAY talking about food. Notice how she was first in line in McDonalds and she was eating at the register

Demetria is a cute girl but she is so irrelevant

Overall I thought that Claudia was a great hostess for this trip.

Poorsha was doing the most. I cant with her ass. Look at her stirring up trouble.

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Kim gets about a good million and half viewers on her show. Because her seasons are smaller and the show is shorter, that's why they renew it. It's a cheap show.

But I don't know why they are giving Kim and Nene a spinoff consisting of them traveling across the country. That trope has been done numerous times. It's quite played out. I guess Bravo is hoping they'll rekindle their battle on the bus back in s3, but I doubt it. This show is just dumb.

I don't know why they also did spinoffs to Married to Medicine and Ladies of London. Especially in the same area. They'll be like the same show unless one consists of an all black cast and the other all white.

Bravo is going to oversaturate their brand with all these spinoffs. I agree that they should've either made one of the shows a housewife show OR they should've retooled Miami one last time.

I feel like the craze for reality TV is about to die down. Especially with scripted breakout hits like Empire and How to Get Away with Murder. I hope the genre does die down a bit because I am start to become jaded to it all. They are all starting to be similar. That's what I loved about the housewives franchise awhile back; they were different. Each show had their own groove. Now they are all starting to look similar.

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Thanks for the article, I enjoyed the read. And I agree. Now that the general audience is privy as to what goes on behind the scenes, the mystique it once had is gone.

Now everyone wants to use these shows for instant success or some form of fame. No longer does anyone want to be on there to share their story or use it as a tool to grow much like it was during the early days of the Real World. Even competition shows have become stale.

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