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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Tamara Tattles reunion tea! Seating arrangement - Kandi, Cynthia, Kenya, Andy, Nene, Phaedra and Claudia. When peachless comes out Claudia moves over to the pretty couch. Poorsha, Nene and Phaedra all got dragged with Poorsha getting the most. Good.


Peter got mentioned so many times I'll be surprised if he doesn't pull a Claudia and snatch someones peach next season. :lol:

Edited by MrPrezident
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Andy will try his hardest to make NeighNeigh and Phraudra come off in a good light because he knows they're not in a good spot whatsoever. Good look Andrew, the new fake besties are still going to come off looking awful no matter how hard you try. And LOL at Poorsha's ride or die girls sitting quiet while she gets dragged left and right. Team Weak strikes again! If only they could get up and run like they have been doing all season. :lol:

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Darn!!!! You got here first. LOL!!!!!

ETA: Totally here for Kandi v Nene because that has been a lot time coming with hints at last year's reunion. I don't know if it will be like what happened at the OC reunion with Vicki and Tamra, but I can't wait.

Edited by Taoboi
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Good look. She's aging gracefully.

The Atlanta reunion is going to be delicious, and I hope Bravo doesn't edit down NeNe, Phaedra, and Porsha's respective comeuppances, though it sounds like Phaedra's will be toned down.

Kandi coming for NeNe has been a moment 6 years in the waiting and I have no doubt Kandi will do it justice. Now, hopefully Bravo will air it in all its glory, and not edit it down like they did Claudia's rant in Puerto Rico.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Lol everyone is SO certain these so called pretty ladies (really only Kandi and Cynthia can legit claim that they're pretty on the inside) read Nene and perhaps Phaedra. I doubt Phaedra will destroy Kenya like she did last year at the reunion given all the other stuff going on in her life but Nene will hold her own as usual.

Just like everyone hyped up the so called "read" of the century that Miss Claudia gave...it was barely passable and no one remembers anything about that confrontation. It certainly didn't rank up there as a notable moment in Housewives history. The reunion is going to be long but I doubt it will come down as one side one upped the other. Except for Porsha I don't see anyone really landing a big blow.This Tamra chick always hypes up her ish but I've yet to be impressed.

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