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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I’ve truly been enjoying this season and wanted to share some thoughts.

Why does Ms. Casita have such a hard on for Jenn and her finances when she’s literally breaking up with her boyfriend because they’re too broke to have a blended family

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There was a time when I was excited about Alexis potentially returning to OC as she seemed to have changed after Jim. She’s just as bad but in a completely different way now. And she’s mad at Shannon because she decided to date Shannon’s ex. Make it make sense. And she’s SWFing Shannon. When I saw the Archie lookalike I was worried.

Tamra is truly a monster. Everyone agrees what Shannon did was wrong, but because Tamra is such an a.sshole, Shannon now looks like a victim and I’m firmly behind her. Tamra just can’t help but be herself. The fact that Vicki and Shannon always act so surprised when she returns to form is astounding.

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@Taoboi, I've been saying that Saba should've had a bigger role. And I am glad that yet again Sara is further exposed. If Bravo were smart, they'd bring Saba back as she has beef with Taleen and Sara. 

She did that b/c she knows Adriana is going to air her out... and Adriana will still do it regardless of her breaking up with him. I can't wait! It'll be payback for her being nasty to Guerdy last year. 

Alexis has become cringe. She wreaks of thirstiness and wanting to be back on TV. The beating she's going to take from the audience by the end of the season is going to be brutal (if it hasn't been already). You can tell that John and Tamrat are gassing her up and setting her up for failure. I (personally) foresee Alexis fumbling the ball and being ushered off for someone like Gretchen to come back instead. 

I've NEVER seen it for TamRat. Just never. I am still stunned that no one has called her out on her "naked wasted" properly after all this time. I hope during the reunion Shannon or Jenn (or both) tag-team her a** and bring up all her heinous behavior over all the years. 

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IKR!!! And I was on his side, too. smh. 


And they are STILL feuding as I type this. I mean...what happened? Because Saba is getting some good licks in on Sara as Sara is getting some licks in on her.


Taleen? What? Is this referencing tonight's episode? I am 2 hours out from it and I know from a clip that they get into it.


Yassss!!!! I'm thinking the same thing. I know they broke up, but there's no way that it is not going to come up when they start filming (which I was wrong about the date and it seems they are starting filming next month. Next month? why?) because if anyone is going to be messy it will be Adriana. 


Payback is...well...you know.

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I've *never* liked Alexis and she's even worse now. Indeed, her antics reeks of thirstiness for having a reality TV "moment."  She's not clever or cute; she's just a hypocritical Christian behaving in a non-Christian manner. I can't wait to see it implode in her face so we can push her out again and never see her again. [Side note: Why couldn't they keep Taylor Armstrong around?] 

Tamra always pushes too hard, doing the reality TV moment thing by being too vicious with Shannon's drinking problem (and it is a problem). If you truly care about this woman's well-being, all this should be done off-camera, just as OG RHONY have tried [and failed] to reign in Sonja Morgan. Talk to her one-on-one or stage an intervention, but no, Tamra does the reality TV thing instead. She plays the game, but her intentions always look insincere. 

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OMG! What is THIS? A professional, personal, amicable, authentic (did I mention authentic?) parting of ways? Did Sara embezzle a children's charity or something?

I swear, like @NothinButAttitude, snooty b*tchy Saba is so up her own ass, and I love it. And it's all official templated, like "UAE, London, August 13, 2024."

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 Saba is setting up S3 of Dubai -- The Unraveling of Sara. You know what this reads like? A coded divorce announcement. I've said it before about Sara, and I'll say it again -- this may be one of the things she is hiding.

Lord, that pigeon motif was applied with a heavy hand. Nevertheless, I am very excited. I can see the hand of You-Know-Who crafting this trailer -- not least the use of gossip (who got knocked up after a drunken night? What did Erin's husband say/do?) to guide story. Also Rebecca Minkoff is barely to be seen, so he's gone elsewhere for some drama.

But I am glad they kept last season's kewl gurl (but not as cool as they think) vibe. And I have to say, I have affection for these ladies, as flawed as they may be. I see Ubah has experienced zero self-realisation since last year! October 1st, though, is too far away. I wanted September 1st.

Larsa jumped on an opportunity to play the victim and burp out an insta SL. Adriana better by investigating this mess like a pig in truffle!

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This? This is FRIEND CONTRACT 2024 (c) Cynthia Bailey RHOA. hehe.


But...oh, yes. They stayed feuding all yesterday before the new episode. Sara even did a post tagging Stanbury, Taleen, and Ayan (interesting on who she tagged vs who she didn't  ) called How to Get a S3 Guide to shade Saba. And Saba got her back by mentioning she might want to pipe down before she released some voice notes of her own. They were on fire! And for the first time I saw what you all were talking about with Saba. 


I could be down for S3 being the unraveling of Sara. I thought it was telling this season that so many of her castmates have referenced how she is not at all what she seems on screen and it was a running joke. So will the Real Sara please stand up?


As for NY...yeah...I would say that the pigeon comment is so up HIS alley. That said...I was happy to see them and the NY setting again, but I was MILDLY intrigued. I definitely want to see what Abe did. You know I'm Team Brynn on her vs Ubah (and she is already on the warpath online). And the mystery of who is preggers? Sounds scandalous. 


As for MIAMI...In Adriana We Trust.  

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Taleen and Saba got into it on Twitter earlier this season b/c Taleen called Saba "boring or irrelevant (can't remember)" and Saba checked her by saying something about she'd rather be that than desperate and chasing after Stanbury. It was something real slick. 

Saba has a mouth on her if you push her. I follow her on Twitter. 

She gives LVP vibes where she's classy but she knows how to subtly throw shade. 

Taylor handled her OC stint stupidly. Her beef with Heather was one-sided and made no sense. Like who is trying to fight someone over a small, independent film with a few lines? No one. But Taylor being on OC (on paper) made all the sense in the world. Again, she fumbled that. 

I keep saying the women that OC needs to bring back are: Gretchen, Lizzie, Kelly, Jeana, or MeghaNeck. Vicki (too), but has she ever really left? 

I am LOVING Saba. I feel like she's going to be the one that makes Sara actually work b/c she probably knows where the bodies lie with Sara. Also, Saba seems to still be in good with Lesa and Brooks. 

I'd prefer they bring her and Nina back. At this point, stack the cast on Dubai. They need all the drama they can get next season to generate better ratings. Also, I feel like this show needs a strong presence of Middle Eastern women anyway. 

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