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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Glad to see they revived Sydney and went the Miami route by keeping some of the original women (Krissy & Nicole); however, as heinous as they were, Lisa and Athena should've been the other 2 kept too. The downside is that Sydney will never have it's own identity if they don't give them their own theme. Using the Melbourne theme is just dumb. The sad part is Sydney has its own theme. I don't know why they don't use it. I am wondering if it is a music rights thing. 

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Two parts only? Are they getting punished? I thought their ratings/demos were doing pretty well comparatively speaking. Two parts is usually a sign that Bravo wasn't a fan, although personally I think two-parts is the way to go. Maybe they are 90 minute two-parters.

I feel like that highly unsatisfying 'reunion trailer' was meant to showcase the new CGI. Which means Bravo just fired a bunch of set-dressers.

Hopefully Bravo releases a real trailer with some meaty bits.

It's weird that they didn't just use the bespoke Sydney music. Maybe because the new show is now on a different network/streaming service (Binge versus the usual Foxtel).

Fully agree that they needed the 'force-multipliers' [(c) Carlos King] in the reboot. That should have been Victoria, Athena X (after a Xanax) and Lisa. Krissy could have been a fourth, or a FOH who needs to fight for her place (think: Adriana on RHOM).

The fact that they went for Nicole, who had zip to offer in the OG RHOS, is insane to me. I see her newest tagline is "Blah blah blah family is important to me." What she's actually saying is "Nothing to see here." I get that in her London days, she was buds with Dorinda and Caroline Stanbury. She's been desperately trying to show up on different RHs ever since. But other than being Krissy Marsh's mute twin, I cannot see what on earth she is going to offer.

Edited by Cat
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Tamra and Heather's feud is fake right? Tamra is going way too hard and I cant help but imagine that the two came together before the season and agreed to this. The stuff Tamra saying is kinda petty and not really damaging so its a "safe" feud that ultimately harms no one

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@Cat, do you know if they are reviving Melbourne or still moving ahead with the Gold Coast show? Personally, I think they should do both and revive Auckland, which should've never cancelled. I still hate how Auckland didn't at least get a reunion. 

Regarding Potomac, that trailer was BORING. It didn't show enough of Robyn being held to the fire. I don't care for Nneka v. Wendy to see who is the most supreme Nigerian princess. I am over Ashley v. Candiace in regards to Michael. And why do they keep trying to make Charrisse happen? I am going to say it until I am blue in the face, Potomac is going to get back on track until Monique comes back and we truly resolve what happened in season 5. 

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Not as enjoyable as last week, but still a good episode.


I was just talking last week about how I was enjoying the slow burn rivalry between Fabulous Ice and Monica. And wow...did that come alive this week. And looks like it's going to be dynamite next week when Lisa put that finger in her face and Monica is going to be on READY. Just...it is just snowballing nicely. And I LOVED Monica dragging Angie K in the sprinter van. It ALWAYS goes down in the sprinter van on this show. lol.


At this point, I see why Meredith and Mary are friends. They both know how to gather Little Girl. lol. Meredith vs Angie K and Little Girl continued this week. And it was crazy that Little Girl would dare bring a 3 year old into her conversation with Meredith. That was gross. And then she and Angie K tried to gang up on her. I felt Meredith handled them (especially Angie K) well. 


Mary is LOVE. I did find it interesting that Production DID edit out her vs Little Girl in the sprinter van from last week's weekend. I hope that is not a sign of things to come.


MEREDITH. She was perfect and pure ice when she told Little Girl that she don't have to mimic her at the gay bar. Ooooo THAT was perfection for me. And then she went off. I love it when she's engaged. How she got her lickback on Little Girl by not dressing up in drag. How she checked Little Girl at the bar with the 3 year old comment. Every moment she didn't give Angie K a moment. And STILL being a good friend to Lisa when she had her meltdown. Boring where?


LISA. Hahahahahahah!!! She would have a meltdown over make-up. I was not even surprised. And Production got her back, too, by showing her without make-up. Meanwhile, YAASSS to her rivalry with Monica heating up. Though honestly in the sprinter van, I was Team Lisa. Monica...who I love...clearly was projecting her issues onto Lisa and she came across jealous a few times this episode. I liked that Lisa explained her (she's Fabulous Ice, bitca! Get used to it!), but she was open to talking/listening with Monica. Their fighting one could see both sides because Lisa did work for her money, but at the same time, Lisa is all about Lisa. 


HEATHER. She is staying background and that's fine with me. She does need to recover from all that vomit so...

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 But that Dolly Parton wig though...that was something else.


ANGIE K. Why are you even here? I will give her that she tried to be defiant by doing the shirt thing and staying. But from there, she was just being spiteful for spite sake and that got old fast. So I enjoyed her getting dragged left and right by everyone. Monica being my favorite. So many quoteable moments from THAT drag. Speaking of...


MONICA. She was sliding that slippery slope. I love Monica. However, she took a bit of a misstep for me by not keeping it cute like she's been doing so far. Her attacking Fabulous Ice screamed envy and jealousy. She recovered nicely by trying to explain herself when Lisa asked about it. But the jealousy was not a good look. That said...she gave funny moments. She gave some great draggings (especially Angie K). And I loved that she stood in what she said when people wanted to throw her under the bus for her talking about Lisa with Angie K and Little Girl. And next week looks great with her vs Lisa again. 


LITTLE GIRL. Yes @Gray Bunny I agree she's not Ashley Darby, but she's giving her best over in that ice state with how much mess she was throwing this episode. Starting with Meredith. Starting with Mary even if it was edited out. Playing bone collector between Monica and Angie K and to Lisa. She was lucky Meredith decided to give her dust. 


McDonald's anyone? lol.


Good episode. 

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That photo is beautiful. See why can they have 8 wives but RHOA cant ever have more than 6?

BTW, Robyn looks ridiculous with this wig/weave. She looks MUCH better with shorter hair. Im disappointed that we didnt see the women drag/confront her about Juan's alleged cheating or her lying about it. And no talking to Gizelle who can soften the blow to her does not count

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I always get a little nervous when Truly Original do these comedic filler edits -- substituting actual substance and story. Clearly Bravo is pulling back on the storyteller trailers, because it looks like Karen, Ashley, Wendy, Gizelle, Candiace have absolutely zero going on here. I mean, Jesus, another nothingburger non-SL from supposed OG Gizelle? Did we even see Chris Bassett? Is nobody going to talk about Robyn's Patreon fail?

The newbie with the hair glue wants to out-Nigeria Wendy. Good luck with that. And she dragged Wendy's mom into it. You in danger, girl. If she goes after Ms. Dorothy, she is dead woman walking.


1. I missed Charrisse in that trailer, and I'm so glad I did.

2. Monique should be on here with her divorce SL, I totally agree. Why are production and certain cast-mates blocking this??

3. Melbourne. Last I heard, Foxtel were so mad about Melbourne's final season numbers that they didn't even hire Alex Perry for a reunion. Melbourne has been unofficially cancelled.... although would Foxtel mind if a streaming service took over the franchise? Binge is just such a streaming service, and it is trying to reboot Sydney. I don't understand why they didn't try to reboot Melbourne first, as its got at least 4-6 core OGs who were hugely popular and would come back. For a price. As opposed to Sydney's cheapo newbies. Rumor has it that's why Victoria didn't come back -- money.

I didn't know they wanted to do a Gold Coast show, but if they do, I hope it channels Kath & Kim or Ja'mie (Google them). I desperately wish they would revive Auckland. A hilarious, action-packed gem. Cat lady! Weakest Link lady! Racist lady. Angela Stoooone! 

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@Cat No one is actually blocking Monique from returning. Andy even said a few years ago that he wanted Monique back on Potomac. I am pretty certain it was because there is an albatross still hanging over the show--unresolved issues. I think the door is open for Monique to return when she is ready. Monique (herself) has sworn off reality TV; however, how many times have we heard many of these women say that? With the right price, anyone can be swayed back. 

Yeah, I've heard rumblings that Gold Coast is where they wanna try and do a show next. It boggles my mind how at the height of Melbourne, why they didn't churn out city after city immediately. Even at their lowest, I didn't think Sydney needed to be cancelled. Tweaked? Yes. I am actually hoping Sydney is so good that they do more cities. Honestly, I wish Bravo would've acquired the rights to all the Australian/New Zealand and British shows and added them to their now lineup. 

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Thank you for clarifying about Monique. If she's sworn off of reality TV, then that is that, but like you, I am hoping a smooth phone call from Andy might get her thinking about a potential return on Potomoc. (I didn't watch Love & Marriage so I have no clue how she came off on that spin-off).

100%. S6 Melbourne was enjoyable to me, and at worst needed a rest, not a cancellation. Same with Sydney. It had an over-inflated cast with half of them doing nothing. They could have cut it down to Victoria, Athena, Lisa, Krissy and cast for two more. But it's Murdoch's most powerful executives over at Foxtel, and they ruthlessly wield a machete when it comes to hiring and firings. 

Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland all had one important common denominator, and that is their EP, Kylie Washington, who is a reality show stalwart in Australia (and now creative director of BBC Studios ANZ).

It would be great if Bravo added the ANZ RHs to its lineup, but I'm not sure the UK ones fit at all. Personally, I think the UK RHs are low budget and parochial, and not a good fit.

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