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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Absolutely - it’s been a dreadful season. They’re all to blame: cast, production, Bravo. 

Yeah, I just can’t with how bad this season has been. Much as I disliked the idea of rebooting RHONY, I see the logic to it, and it might be time to do so with ATL. The cast just doesn’t work and too many of them want to control their narrative to an extreme degree and all the storylines ring fake.

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Meanwhile, I've only started episode 4 of NuRHONY on my own, and I don't feel compelled to continue. If there's already a midseason trailer out, it must be a short season! I'm sure I'll sit down and binge it eventually. 

Side note: In its place, hubby & I are watching early years of Married to Medicine. We started at Season 3 (I think); the year Dr. Heavenly joins. I am *loving* this show... 

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Indeed, I don't find NuRHONY all that compelling, but I'm hanging in there to give it a fair shot. The ratings are 60% of what the last season of original RHONY brought in and those numbers don't build a strong case for dumping current casts - like any soap it breaks the habit and the loyalty and the audiences don't come back or migrate.

Married to Medicine is very fun to watch. Cannot wait for its return.

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The production filler 'jokey" set-piece at the beginning of that trailer is really indicative of how little material this season had. 

Another sign is Kenya uttering only one line, Marlo uttering almost zero, and Sanya not even getting a close up shot in the trailer.

Not sure what to say about Drew. On the one hand, her marriage implosion is DRAMA. On the other hand, sometimes I wonder how real that implosion is. 

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BTW echoing the M2M love here. Its a phenomenal show and probably the #1 Atlanta show. It has been for a while, and Phaedra should thank her lucky stars she got asked to join it.

Meanwhile in OC. I -- 

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I think housewife reunions should only be 2 parts.. even if they had a stellar season.  

I think one of the main issues with all the housewife shows are that the seasons are too long and the reunions are too long.  I'd rather have a strong 10 to 12 episode season with a 2 part reunion then a long drawn out 18 episode season with a 3 part reunion.   less is more.

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That was a snooze of a finale.

I'm not at all convinced about anything to do with Ralph and Drew.

Kenya's baby storyline is as fake as one of Kim's nylon wigs.

Kandi keeps doing projects while showing exactly nothing of her real life.

Marlo should show more of her business because there might be something interesting to mine there.

Sheree...I hope her filler dissolve. Her former nose was like Tina Turner/Cleopatra - it didn't need anything.

Sanya had the most real and sad ending - her miscarriage sounded so sad and traumatic. 

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I actually liked it. I thought hte last few episodes have been good.

I beleie the Ralph and Drew story. He does not like her and that much has been evident since their first season. I dont think this drama is being faked. To me Drew has been the MVP this season and their stuff has been the most interesting

I also buy Kenya's baby storyline bc we saw her journey to be a mother and how precious Brooklyn has been to her. She genuinely does want another child. Alot of people are scoffing at her wanting to use her embyro while ignoring the fact that she's over 50 and those embryos are her last chance at having a biological child. Its quite a dilemna bc of who the father is and i think the reason she is even entertaining this is bc per their agreement he has no say nor would she try to put him on the hook to be responsible.

Sheree is a damn lie. She knew about Bob's daughter. You cant convince me that her adult kids kept that from her. No m'amm 

Courtney is the absolute worse. Im glad Drew's mother sister gave her the cold shoulder and even Ralph activated her earlier in the episode. if it wasnt for her mental health recovery, Id want her on more but this environment is triggering

Did anyone watch Kandi's Speak On It with Courtney? I did and Kandi took it down. Speculation is bc Courtney brought up Alison's mental health illness (yeah she used that word) and was being shady. Kandi didnt check her and both came across as mean girls. I read that Kandi's comment section was being bombarded with negative comments and it wasnt a good look. I was disappointed in her bc regardless of how her relationship with Drew ended, it was low of them to go there.



Jessel = Ramona

Erin = Jill

Brynn = Sonja

Sai = Heather

Jenna = Carole

Ubah is the only one I dont think has a direct counterpart



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That's odd. I could still see Kandi's Speak on It with Allison after it was supposedly taken down. Maybe if you're subscribed, you can see it. But whatever. I couldn't make it past the first 5 minutes as Courtney grates my nerves; however, I am in a small group as I do think that after those last 5 minutes with Courtney MUST be brought back if Drew is being brought back. Dare I say it, I think that either Sheree, Marlo, or Sanya's peaches need to be given to Courtney. Why? B/c she'll provide more depth info with Ralph/Drew's divorce. 

That aside, production is the real huge change that needs to happen with this show. 


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Nice to meet Brynn's ex fiance Gideon...I see why Erin and Sai was singing his praises.  He's too good for Brynn...and she needs to work on her issues before she has a kid.

Jessel could have a girl...I think you could fertilize eggs to increase your chances of a girl..but no guarantees.  I can't help..but like her..in all her awkwardness... she's a combination of Alex Mccord and Ramona.

Erin is too pressed and needs to chill.

Jenna seems cool...but I don't trust her.  I forsee a Gretchen Christine handbag or a Bethenny Skinny girl themed room in her future 

Sai is on here to take her influencer brand to the next level.

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The rumor going around about a complete ATL reboot is interesting. While I have struggled to follow ATL the past two seasons, it used to be one of my favorite franchises. I don't know if a complete reboot is necessary. I think a Miami style reboot would be better. I honestly think Kandi should go. She doesn't bring anything new IMO. I do like her but she's expensive and I don't think she adds that value back into the show. She had a good run, but I believe her time is up. I haven't been drawn in by Drew or Sanya, but tbf I haven't really watched faithfully these two seasons. I think the cast needs to be refocused around two or three of the girls with a few newbies. 

I doubt there is much truth to this rumor yet as casting decisions don't happen until after the reunion but the show is definitely in need of a refresh. 

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ITA that a refresh rather than a reboot is needed. What most fans are clamoring for is not a rejection of the old guard, but rather a return to the old cast magic and dynamic. This current mix does not work and feels forced. Personally, I think production just does not click with the cast and does not know how to manage them. Ever since Season 10, RHOA has felt very off to me -- superficially entering these women's lives, but not really. Glam filler notched up. Perfectly good HWs kicked to the curb when they 'aged out' (Cynthia). Lazy, made-up SLs. And PR makeovers for certain cast members (Potsha, Marlo). The Carlos King years engaged us with the cast on a deeper and more honest (and funnier) level.

The Twitter activity around a RHOA reboot represents either (1) Truly Original throwing the cast under the bus to save its own skin, or (2) Bravo sniffing around social media to sense what appetite there is for a complete reboot. So far, I'd say the idea of a full reboot is not connecting as much as Truly Original might have hoped.

Eric Fuller, the EP, is trying to absolve himself of responsibility for this season's disappointment. Which begs the question: what on earth does this EP of multiple RH franchises DO, if not these items he says he has no power over?

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