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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Overall I thought it was a weak premiere. Centering the main event around Melissa was a dud. It was boring as is she. Her obsession with Teresa is out of control. I love that production seems over her as she's getting a bad edit


Jennifer vs Dolores. I so dont care about this feud.


No real opinion on the new girls yet but Im glad they all got introduced here

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I thought the New Jersey premiere was decent. In terms of Melissa vs. Teresa, if it wasn't obvious already, it's so clear this family does not see each other unless they're being paid to for the cameras. I wonder if the cousins were once close and if they stay in touch... 

I really don't buy anything Teresa says in terms of wanting to rebuild any friendships. This is all strictly for a paycheck. That said, I'm glad she's looking to end the feud with Margaret so she can move on to her sister-in-law for one final year (am I making too early an assumption that this will finally be the OG of Jersey's final season?) 

Meanwhile, it felt like a rookie tryout night for all the newbies and friends of, trying to make a mark and takes sides on various feuds. One looks like Janice the Guitar Player Muppet, one looks like Heather Dubrow's Whoville cousin, and one looks like a basic everyday middle-aged housewife who doesn't get any work done (which is actually refreshing, but in Housewivesland, that won't get you a spot, which she didn't). 

Janice the Guitar Player is doing too much; it feels like an act. But what else can we expect at this point in the game; none of these shows are fresh, never-before-seen ventures. 

Jennifer is still being Jennifer, which is why I'm Team Dolores no matter what the issue is. 

And of course, long after his photo session was over, Joe Gorga kept his shirt off and walked around the house having conversations. Weird. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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It was pretty much the same premiere as the past +5 seasons -- and usually, RHONJ fans are ok with that same-old, different-day dynamic (mindful of suffocatingly-toxic prior seasons). In return, they get a RH focus beyond the women alone to their extended families.

As @Cheap21 mentioned, though, the focus on Melissa meant this premiere was strictly low-boil for me. No matter how many nose jobs & buccal-fat removals she gets to look like JLo, Melissa is incapable of providing much beyond a pretty face/body. For her, it's all about her posing in different settings wearing different outfits. If Teresa walks after this season, I honestly cannot see this vacuous person dominating the show. You need a personality like Marge, Jennifer and Dolores for that.

Same-old Gorgas crying about Teresa being mean to them and how victimized they are. I think the audience are as over these two as Teresa is.

@Gray Bunny you raised the possibility that this might be Teresa's farewell season. I can't help but get that impression also. It feels like she's finally tying up ends that have been loose for over a decade, ready to enter a new chapter in her life. Except for that Bravo paycheck... unless Luis is working again and able to support her?

The two rookies are ok, but nothing mind-blowing. They are definitely playing up the Joisey/Staten Island aspect (and the Staten Island mention made me think back to Mob Wives and whether Drita D'Avanzo would work on RHONJ). Even though one is blonde and the other brunette, I found little to distinguish Janice from The Other One. Janice has a very hot husband in the Frankie/young Chris Laurita mould. The Other One gives me Carlton Gebbia vibes. That's not a good thing.

The third FOH was Marge's off-screen BFF until the cameras came around and she tried to sell her out for a spot on the show (a recurring theme on RHONJ since Kim D and Kim G). I sure hope RHONJ shows that meltdown on-screen.

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I am so glad that Jennifer ripped Dolores a new one at the end of the episode. Yes, Jennifer! Make her boring ass work for her spot this year. Dolores has to be one of the dullest housewives across the board, and I don't get why she still has a spot on the show. Also, her new storyline new man looks like Buzz Lightgear. When it comes to the Gorgas, I am over them. I cannot wait for their downfall. It is LONG awaited. 



10/10 per usual. 

The resort that Peacock put these women at is creme de la creme. Just gorgeous. It makes no sense how the show with a smaller budget is whipping the asses of the Housewives shows across the board. 

Also, the men working at the resort...

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Too damn FIONE! So much eye candy tonight! And the food looked so good too. Book me a ticket to the resort ASAP!

Moving on, Alexia is too extra for me. I sincerely doubt that Julia "put a spell" on them. It is obvious she had good intentions with providing them those stones. And I doubt Marysol had COVID. Maybe a bad batch of c*ke but not COVID. I was not eager to see her at the end of the episode, but her timing was on point. 

When Adriana finally unleashes on Alexia/Marysol, it'll be warranted. They are asking for a moment with her and when she finally gives it to them, they better just take it. 

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The scene where Julia told Guerdy about her plan to adopt, and then Nicole came over to join them andsit on Julia's lap, was a sweet moment. I really like the newbies' fledgling friendships. That scene was intercut with Alexia and Adriana talking about where did their OG friendship go? Great editing, and great callback to an answered question I've had since the reboot started airing. In some ways they are alike -- perhaps too alike to be friends at the moment. Anyway, both scenes ground the show beyond mere real estate porn. As @NothinButAttitude said, another 10/10 episode.

Another thing I realised: I barely noticed Marysol wasn't there and didn't miss her. This group of personalities can carry the show. Her absence actually allowed Adriana a little more space to reveal herself, including the fact that her second husband also left her for a new woman.

Kiki is crazy gorgeous. I love her diamanté head piece. I love her hair. I love how she dresses with exquisite class, taste and flair, like a jet-setting movie star from the late-60s.

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I enjoyed the premiere but I think there are faults in this show that are not sustainable going into another season and I think production knows it.

This feels like the Fall of the House of Gorga is on the way because production is going to have to decide whether they're Tea

I know they are all wrong and have sold their souls to Bravo, so I am on Team Nobody. 

The Jennifer v Dolores feud has no legs. Zero. They better get over that one fast. 

The two new young women (notice the ABC Daytime-esque trend of youthifying these shows continues...) feel interchangeable to me. 

The other addition who looks so incredibly normal, might be the firecracker based on rumours of what went down between her and Margaret. 


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Happy Valentine's Day, RH thread. This goes out to all my fellow singletons:


They were offscreen BFFs, and Marge recommended her for the show. She came on and apparently tried to sell Marge out to Jennifer & Teresa. Starts at the 13.35 mark.

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"Love is love." 

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Shout out to whoever gave Yolanda Hadid & David Foster the couple name 'Yolavid.' "My king!"

Posting this criminally-underrated love anthem, on this day of days. How on earth did their love not last?

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