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Brooks has been a slow burn but last week's episode when she went off on Sara and her friends -- I wasn't sure if she was looking for her thirsty moment or really bringing the drama. Nevertheless, it upped the intensity on a show which is more Ladies of London than RH. Plus it played on a theme which has been unfurling, which is lovely Sara beinga bit too preachy and in love with her own kindness. I love her, don't get me wrong -- like you, I like all the women -- but she is hyper-aware of her own 'evolved' state next to these women. Chanel telling her "you are like Jesus" -- I laughed. God, I love Chanel Ayan.

Also think it is interesting that as much as Brooks dotes on her son, she wants to send him to boarding school. Versus Stanbury firmly coming out and saying boarding school completely messed her up.

Haven't seen yesterday's episode yet but im excited for the wedding (with some Ladies of London guests).

Re: RHOA, personally for me this season, I've grown to appreciate the OGs more - especially Kandi, who was never my personal fave, but also Kenya and Sheree. And yeah, dorky Drew is growing on me. What I am missing is (and I never thought I'd say this, because I disliked her for a LONG time) Porsha! Last year's Aunties vs Nieces vibe on the Isle of Palms, I really enjoyed. Porsha Queen Bee-ing her posse. Of course, it all went a little left after Bolo and the spit-swapping, but IMO RHOA this season was robbed a SL: that of Porsha's carefully crafted saintly image coming undone. I guess Porsha did not want Kenya and Kandi doing the unraveling, and would rather implode on her new spin-off surrounded by close family. I also would have liked to see Falynn this season, aka Simon's ex and the most stunning woman ever to appear on a RH franchise. But that's just my personal wishlist. Stories of RHOA demise on social media are greatly exaggerated-- I think they've been started by Lisa Rinna actually, lol, who has been lowkey targeting the show for a couple of years now!

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Well-deserved catch up. And I do believe they are jelling. 


I know that I've mentioned how Caroline Stanbury was in over her head on this show versus being the HBIC on LADIES OF LONDON. That the usual tricks she was used to using on there was not going to work here. So what else can she do, but step it up?


She definitely is not the fan fave here (that's Ayan) and not the most fascinating (that would be Sara, Lesa, etc). However, Caroline Stanbury has never been STUPID. So it's been interesting in my catchup that she has been stepping it up. That said...I LOVE Lesa gathering her a$% at the windy brunch. 


Episode 5 had the appearance of Shady Phae Phae. It was decent. They gave her a whole entrance and everything. But given she was in that and ALL STARS 2, it does seem like she has a comeback in order...unless that recent interview she did where she doubles down (from what I heard) on the events of RHOA S9 sabotages that. Haven't seen ALL STARS 2 outside of clips, but I didn't mind her here. And look at Caroline trying to suck up to her. 


Episode 6 gave us...the gays. And I feel...???  I know from social media and just here, that was a concern about having a HW show in Dubai. And it was perplexing for me to see them. Why? When it comes to politics and history...I always go back to my 7th grade Civics class. The truth of the matter...for me...is that I felt like this...the people in charge of a state (or country's)'s media are very good at editing it to see and show what they want the outside world to see. There's a reason why we have the quote about how the winners are the ones who write history. I felt like Caroline and Brooks having gay friends there (and we have seen glances of gay men before now) was really for show. Because if it IS true about how Dubai treats gay people, then should they not be worried about being in whole scenes and their faces shown? Are they in danger? What kinda of deal was worked out to show them? I have questions. lol. But it felt like Production wanted to have their cake and eat it, too. On the other hand, I did not mind seeing new recurring characters. And hopefully, this might make some people feel better about the concerns. Time will tell.


CAROLINE. You better run, bitca!!! HAHAHAHA!!! I think I am the only person who still likes her on this board, but that does not mean that I did not enjoy each and every minute of Lesa gathering her and letting Caroline know what time it was. Caroline did start that. And yes, those microaggressions she kept throwing at Lesa (which Lesa rightly corrected) was not good...you are well spoken so choose your words better...but in the end at least the words 'I'm sorry' came out of her mouth...even if it was stuffed with a french fry. I also did not like in Episode 5 how she cut her man off at the knees. But I don't like her bringing him around to EVERY event, either. But I thought it was very telling how she flinched when Brooks was talking about boarding school...the first sign of a heart under that icy exterior we have gotten from her. Moreso since she was just talking about how boarding school made her into the person we see here and on LoL. She also did the right thing by not voicing her opinion outright since it was not her place. It felt like to me that she is seeing that she is misstepping on this show and she has to come better. And so far, so good. 


AYAN. If she's going to give anything...she is going to give LOOKS.

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 To think she started the season as THAT bitca. She STILL is, but I feel the softening they have been doing on her...through her friendships with Lesa and Sara AND her love/hate relationship with Brooks...has been successful. And she can just be...herself. And I LOVE what she wore to see Sara at Sara speech thingy. 


THE MILAN. Just MMMMMMMMMMM. That's how you do icy. She gathered Caroline efficiently, did not yell, and did it all looking fabulous. And no matter how Caroline tried to throw up excuses, Lesa let her know with every word, every stare, every bit of her body language...there was none. In the end, all Caroline could do was apologize. It was flawless. 


NINA. Someone said that she favors RHOD's D'Andra and now I cannot unsee it!!! They even have similar Confessional humor. Sad about her father though. When my mother had Co-Vid and I could not just up and travel, I know that is not a good feeling to have so I felt that.


BROOKS. Look at her with the gay friends!!! She started off so great. Her shade. Her relationship with Shady Phae Phae. Her bonding with Ayan and Sara. But she went a little cray cray on her gay friend and Sara. On one hand, I can understand since she is a black mama. However SHE asked for Sara's opinion. I do feel something was lost in the translation, but WOW she got a little TOO triggered. 


SARA. I stay loving seeing her at work. And her friendship with Ayan will always be funny to me. For now...I would say Team Sara. Brooks asked her a question. So she gave her opinion on it. Unlike with her stirring the pot between Ayan/Lesa vs Caroline, I do not feel she was trying to cause drama here.


Still going good for me. 



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Season 3 is filming...Candiace and Porsha must not have happened yet if they're all smiles lol


Aylan....what an insecure mess.  She's a classic narcissist and looks ridiculous in her outfits.  

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Prediction: Rinna is going to save her spot on this show, just from this second-half villainy. And so will Kyle, because she is bringing the sister drama and that's the foundation of BH.


As for Sutton's 'Ah rilly LACK you' to Erika, sigh... I'm giving her some grace. Sutton's worked hard to stand up to the Coven this season, so by this point she's tired and wants to make some amends. IMO, she should stand tough all the way through to reunion and not care one jot what these women think of her. The Coven will never take her seriously and will continue to target her if she sends these mixed signals about wanting to be pals. Also, I don't want her abandoning Garcelle for the nasty Faux Force Five.

Nevertheless, when it comes to Kyle and Erika, I understand why Sutton is reaching across the aisle. First of all, she and Kyle are very alike -- needy, insecure, very social, wanting to be the life of the party. They just manifest it in different ways. Sutton is a lot more open with her anxieties. Kyle has cleaved to her because she feels Sutton IS her and she can control that (I'm not sure Kyle can, actually).

With Erika, I think they have this Georgia 'understanding', although I don't think either truly care about the other. This 'like you' is just for the show.


RHOBH episode:

Jamie Lee Curtis is a lovely person and the true Queen of this episode. Can we have her on all the time?? I just adore her and loved her banter with Sutton and Sheree. In case anybody thinks JLC was in any way mad at Sutton, this was the photo they all took at the lunch. Dorit working overtime to get in there with JLC!



Kyle is very controlling of JLC and Sutton. We are really seeing Producer Kyle this season.

BudgetGhislaine's house is a cold, lifeless concrete block -- bought to impress people and decorated by somebody else cuz she couldn't be bothered. I felt a bit bad for her talking about the miscarriage, though. That's all I've got.

Regarding Erika. In the words of Kelly Bensimon: "I don’t think you’re charming. I don’t think you’re funny. We're not friends." She thinks she's a YASSS KWEEN and 'giving life to the fans' with this BS attitude. No, you're not. Mikey needs to stop gassing her up about this. I don't even buy that she is drunk. I think this is just for SL and a distraction from the legal stuff nailing Tom and her to the wall.

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I loved this season!

Dorinda is such a mess. This is what early 70s Kay Chancellor must have been like. Such a mean, classless drunk. Men with money married that thing? Wow. She really belongs in the gutter (next to Marlo).

I can't believe I am saying this, but I liked Brandi. After years of hating her for the way she acted with LVP. 

If I didn't know Phaedra from RHOA I would have liked her newly invented persona a lot. Production made sure everyone who watched All Stars knew who she really was in the last episode. 

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ICAM with all of this!

But I’m thinking Rinna will have to pull something major to be spared.  She hasn’t had a storyline since Kim stopped regularly appearing (and that was never her story) and the audience has completely turned on her and Erika.  And I bet she gets paid very well because Rinna IS a hustler.  People mock her for that and suggest she’s actually unwanted when she declines lowball offers, but I think she’s a legit businesswoman… but the way she has achieved that on Bravo has cost her her soul, and as a Billie Reed fan, it’s super sad.

It is disappointing to see Sutton parlaying with Erika, but this woman has got to be TIRED from carrying BH on her back for 2 seasons and being held accountable for everything she’s ever said or done (so ironic on this show).  But for me, Sutton cannot do anything to jeopardize her relationship with Garcelle because it’s what makes her likable for me.  Because without that, I think she’s kinda just a desperate Karen with a laughable victim complex.  But Garcelle/Sutton is the wacky opposites attract duo I never knew I needed so much!

Ya, Diana’s house is as big a fail as she is!  But keeping it 100, I don’t think any of the ‘wives really decorate their own homes except for Yolanda, who is a professional interior designer (decorator?).  Of the current cast, I think Sutton and Kyle have the best interiors (but there’s something about Kyle’s new and old house that doesn’t quite come together, despite Faye’s help); as much as it pains me to admit, Garcelle may actually have the worst.  Rinna’s is interesting because she has some seriously dated, impersonal interiors but probably has the best location—when she was FaceTiming I think Crystal this week on her patio, I was DYING over her view at sunset!

Anyway, Diana continued to be a void.  Her home scenes are as vacuous as her group scenes.  For someone with SUCH an interesting backstory, there is nothing compelling about this woman (I felt similarly about NY’s Tinsley, but at least she had Dale, Carole “betraying” her, and Sonja & eventually Dorinda psychotically hating her).

I love that KKB quote!  I think I’m one of the only people that think she’s a boss in that scene—to me, she owned Bethenny from start to finish and left her speechless.  It always gets edited differently in reels and people point to it as the first example of her insanity, but she destroyed B, which is so satisfying.  But, ya, she is obviously insane lolol.  And Erika is the worst.  I actually hope she gets leveled legally—she is irredeemable.

And I hate to say it, because I do like her, but Crystal is drowning this season.  I am not in the business of critiquing housewives’ traumas, but I wasn’t connecting with her re.: her eating disorder.  On NJ, I really connect with Jackie on this and I think she’s f-ing horrible.  Like you said, I even connected with Diana once she finally normally explained her continuing health problems from her recent miscarriage.  But Crystal is just not delivering—I predict a major cast purge for next season.

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I didn’t watch Ultimate Girls Trip 1 because I was completely uninterested, but this was appointment tv for me!

Dorinda was probably the season’s biggest epic fail… she is so cruel and completely shattered this “hostess” image she’s been trying to cultivate.  The fact that she made Brandi and Tamra cry says a lot, because they’re two of the toughest housewives.  It’s a shame because she has a lot of heart, but she also has a lot of venom in her heart.

Jill was a terrible disappointment—she got overwhelmed by all the other “big personalities.”  In all her press for UGT2, she’s the messy Jill we all remember and love, love to hate, or just hate… but she shrunk in the group.  I think she was scared to REALLY go there with Dorinda because she knew D would maybe try to ruin her and she, like many of the ex-‘wives, wanted to shed her toxic image.

Eva was a nice surprise—a real delight.  I have nothing negative to say.

Taylor made a compelling case for a comeback (to OC maybe??)… she HAS evolved and can be kind and relatable, but she holds a nasty grudge, is a messy drunk, and has very little self-awareness or willingness to acknowledge others’ reasonable perceptions of her.

I think Vicky is one of the worst people I’ve ever seen across all media platforms.  I’ll add nothing else except I have zero empathy for her during her personal problems.

I think someone else said this a few pages back—in episode 1, Brandi had the makings of a natural heroine.  Which is crazy because she’s one of HW’s most infamous villains!  But at times, she was never more likable!  But then she had to go full Brandi and pull the lowest, dirtiest punches with Taylor and not recognize the horror of her words.  It doesn’t matter if she was provoked or not, she is a nasty person at her core… but this highlighted all the other things she can be at her core, too.  She came out of this multi-faceted and, dare I say, “rootable?”  She cleaned up her image after humiliating herself in s10 with absolutely NOTHING to show for it.  Does everyone remember when this trainwreck put her teen son on WWHL Zoom to appeal to Andy to rehire her after she got booted from the reunion?!?  And they say Jill is thirsty!!

And ya about Phaedra.  She was a hoot and a half, but it was all artifice.  Apart from seeing her boys in e1 (which was lovely), we got NOTHING of substance from her.  And I kept on waiting for Kandi to be brought up!  It’s bs she dodged that (all the ‘wives got to skirt their firings probably because they all thought this was an audition to return and they didn’t want to burn bridges anymore than they have… Brandi was the only one who kept it real).  I mean, I think Phaedra left Housewives in more disgrace than anyone, even Vicky, Jill, Kim Z., Danielle, etc.  Production was messy af with the flashbacks!  If you didn’t watch ATL, you really would have no idea how vicious she was.

So I guess Tamra is the winner here!  All season, I was wondering who this level-headed person was and it turns out she was just as fake a Phaedra but got herself her orange back.  So Tamra is another person who is easily just as evil as Vicky, Phaedra, and Brandi… for years, Tamra was legit trying to RUIN other Housewives’ lives and when she got bored with that, she just started indiscriminately pot stirring like an old, tired witch.  This person on Girls Trip was not Tamra.  If she has actually changed, good for her, but I’m extremely doubtful.  Also, did anyone else catch on WWHL how much obvious contempt Andy has for her and Vicky??


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