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Teresa is demented. Throw a straight jacket on her and lock her up in the psych ward. The woman is a lunatic. When Luis whispered to her "If you love me you will calm down" I had to conclude that he knows exactly what he's dealing with. When Andy said "Teresa is on another 'Teresa Go 'Round' I had to conclude that production knows Teresa doesn't make sense anymore and she's totally illogical.  

The rest of the women know it too. 

The husbands know it too.

The looks on everyone's faces when Luis said "Thank you, Margaret" and "I agree with everything [Margaret] said" and when he gave Margaret a hug as he walked offstage...Bill, Joe G, Joe B, Melissa...it was palpable. 

Luis said, repeatedly, that Margaret isn't to blame for anything and that it was all out there and that he can see that she was trying to give him an 'out' and get ahead of the story. That should have been the end of the discussion. But Teresa would not be swayed. 

She's become hard to watch because she takes zero accountability and doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on reality.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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I gotta give credit where credit is due...Ex Soap Opera Star brought it...easily my favorite.


EriFake...easily my least favorite. She tried...and fell flat.


Love the tongue in cheek-ness of Garcelle and Sutton. 


And I expect BETTER from the 'new villain...who is here.'



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OMG!!!! Day 1 of the Hampton trip was EVERYTHING.


Lisa vs Alexia. Nicole vs Marysol. Nicole vs Larsa!!! Okay, Nicole vs Las Cubas!!!!!! She...HELD...HER...OWN. I've been liking Nicole so far with her story with her father. Not to mention her wealth. But wow...in her first group confrontation, she not only held her own and stood up for herself, but she went for the Queen, too. And by Queen I mean ALEXIA. Impressive.


And then...Lisa. Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. Thank you for the news, @Cat. It does color this episode since Lisa really was in a crappy mood. It makes me wonder if she knew something was coming. And she wanted to take it out on everyone. Alexia is stressing about her wedding. Annnnnd explosion. I liked that Nicole stood up for her, but came from a good place. So of course Las Cubas had to turn the tables. It kinda of reminded me of what happened to Garcelle last season on BH where the Coven kept attacking her until she broke down crying. But...this doll was not going to break...and I LIVE!!!


But there was such a good mess from everyone. I felt like everybody got a moment this episode (shoutout to Kiki for her fashion, her reactions, and the fact she was over the bs at one point and just wanted to use the restroom) and the episode was so much more awesome for it. 


And next week is more of Nicole taking on? I'm in. 


ALEXIA. Up until the ending I just felt like she was pretty low key this episode. I can't believe she was talking about sexy undies with Frankie right there. That said...she didn't lie.

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  Then we had her vs Lisa. Two stressed out women. And the moment Nicole opened her mouth to voice that sometimes Alexia can be snappy, she was a target. So of course Marysol and she tried to pounce on her. They just were not ready for her to fight back. And that tea that Alexia might be talking behind Marysol's back...? hmmmm


LISA. Yeah, she was being a little terror, wasn't she? lol. I appreciated that Nicole could voice her first impression to her and she did not hold it against her. I did laugh at Larsa checking her though. Speaking of...


LARSA. Look at Larsa joining the fray. And she ended Lisa so easily that I hollered. Now Larsa vs Nicole? I thought they were evenly matched. And then I laughed at how Scottie Pippen ain't trying to be seen on camera. 


JULIA. She is just such a ray of light. And she showed so much of who she is when she stepped into Nicole vs Las Cubas when she had no skin in that fight. It was the right thing to do. Meanwhile, her and Adriana made great peanut gallery...along with fabulous Kiki. 


NICOLE. Oooooo look at you!!! I totally understand strained relations with fathers since I had one with my own father growing up. So that was hard to watch, but understandable. And I liked she was trying to be the voice of reason in the Lisa vs Alexia argument. And then to have Las Cubas come for her for that...and she brought out her claws while leveling at them calmly and logically. God, that was sooooooo good. It was unexpected, but it was just fascinating to watch. Her doctor side in that fight and her Cuban side when Alexia thought she was going to slip into another language and Nicole follow her dance step to danc step. It was interesting to see someone match Alexia. I don't think we usually see that. 


MARYSOL. Love that Elsa moment with Alexia. That said...messy. It gave me shades of her vs Lea. So...who can one believe?


ADRIANA. Oh, Adriana...so extra. And if those rumors are true for Season 5...well...

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@Taoboi omg that was such a solid episode! Miami really earned its spurs that episode, and it totally changed how I saw Nicole. I realised she was a great find for the show. I love Alexia, but it was good that Nicole stood up to her and held her ground. None of these women are pushovers and that is good for us  the audience. 

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Applause for Sutton taking on Rinna and Erika in one setting. She handed them their a**es without breaking a sweat. I loved that she pulled out receipts on Rinna, which resulted in Rinna having no choice but to acquiesce. And FINALLY someone told Erika to STFU. Erika is nothing but empty threats and a lot of talking through gritted teeth. 


Rinna... I wanted to throw my remote when she questioned Sutton's empathy meter. Very rich coming from the same wench that sent LVP cupcakes covered in pills around the time her brother died. I hope Sutton tosses this in her face come reunion time. 


Diana does not impress me. She's basically Yolanda 2.0--someone snobbish who married someone rich. 


Lastly, Kyle is annoying. Please stop policing people's feelings. If she doesn't feel empathy for Dorit, which many of us don't, that is on Sutton. 

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Erika is like that drunk aunt you have to put up with at increasingly infrequent family gatherings. People try  to figure out why she's so drunk, and angry, but ultimately they just try to ignore her as much as possible.

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I admit...I've been on the fence.


I think we all know I pulled an online walkout on the reunion last season because this show is all about controlling the narrative. And seeing online...not to mention the doc on She Who Is Fake and Inherently Cold...it just left such a bad taste in my mouth that they were letting her lie through her teeth IMHO. I did like Garcelle putting Ex Soap Opera Star in her place, and Kyle having her back. The last few seasons, there have just been so too many times where I just feel it's more overproduced to the point of feeling TOO fake, rather than organic. And with Kyle playing both sides of the fence, it's moreso. 


However...that trailer...and the fact people do not appear to want to back down to EriFake this year...was enough for me to at least watch Episode 1. 


And...it was intriguing.


Since Garcelle clearly has cards she has not played yet...like Kyle in her cover...the other members of the Coven have no choice but to pick a new target. Crystal? Yeeeah no. During when it was filmed and our world now...that would not look good. But Sutton...someone on their level? Why not? LOL!!! However, Sutton has learned her lesson...or taken good advice from Garcelle...cuz she is coming in hot with tongue in cheek wit and not backing down in Episode 1 from what I can tell. And it sounds like tonight will be more of the same. So...go her!!!


Meanwhile...the break-in. Le sigh. Given what I've seen so far of the comments here, I have to agree with the theory that it was real and Dorit did not know. Yes, the timing is VERY suspect since at the time we all knew that Dorit was on the cutting block. Perhaps PK's shady creditors wanted to make a point. But again...just a theory. She might had to go back over her story and it came across as rehearsed, but her at Kyle's freaking out at the dogs barking, and her on the bench, clearly traumatized....felt very real to me. 


So...out of the gate...


KYLE. Major side-eye. The first scenes filmed was her daughter's party and Garcelle/Sutton in Miami so the brief flashback gave back good memories. That said...like her fellow members of the Coven...she was coming for Sutton and...le sigh...painting a narrative. From her crying at the window for no reason so she looks sympathetic (perhaps filmed after the scene

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 ) to her attempting to roast Sutton in her Confessional when it was clear Sutton was being...Sutton, well...we see you.   I also saw that look she was giving Dorit when Dorit was telling her story. Her look screamed 'darn, she is a good actress.' Weird since I felt Dorit was being sinecere. Just...she is going to be a mess this season...I feel it.


DORIT. I agree with others. She looks so beautiful without makeup/glam. And the dichotomy of her at the start of the episode and then the breakin...it was just heart breaking to watch her. 


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. Well, I give her this...she gives great Confessional. But her trying to make a feud with Sutton happen is hilarious. Girl, SHUT UP.


ERICFAKE. Well...my opinion has not changed. My opinion being...

And she still has the nerve to say that that money was not transferred and she was cleared and it was reported, but she herself could not said where. And then thinks Sutton owes her an apology? At least, Garcelle was so not believing her lies. So yay!!!


GARCELLE. Oh, how I love her. I love everything she wore. I loved her friendship with Sutton. I loved that she was not buying what EricFake was selling. Stay on that, Queen. 


CRYSTAL. I am amazed at how far she and Sutton have come from 'LEATHER PANTS'gate. lol. Outside of that, she was giving a really good HW not-snobby elite vibe and I was digging it. 


SUTTON. MVP for me. Perhaps someone tipped her off. Or perhaps after being around for two years and seeing what happened with Denise and of course Garcelle. So she knew they would try to come for her. And she lined her pens up. Getting good advice from Garcelle. Checking Kyle for being Producer Kyle and letting her no...no double standards on her lack of empathy when NO ONE picked out EricFake for her lack of empathy for those orphans and widows. And then knowing her comments about Ex Soap Opera Star would cause some mess. Well, at least she owned it. TAKE NOTES. 


So good start for me. And watching Episode 2 Sutton is STILL giving me life. 

OMG yes. It was sooooo good, I rewatch the fight during my workout today. They were all giving (and I think for the first time for me Adriana during the scene being silent, but staring at the mess was the most like old her she has been for me). 

YES!!! I think you really hit it and it makes sense. Miami has always been a place of big personalities from the people I've met to watching the show. And that makes them all so fascinating to watch. I would love more Alexia vs Nicole. And can't wait until next week. 


Yeah, I've still behind on OC but saw the dinner party and yeah, that last scene with them in the car and he was talking to the driver or the driver was talking to him...Ryan's whole look was he was used to that from her. It was sad to me. 



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Rinna is a shameless attention whore. When Sutton whipped out those receipts all she did was shrug because she knew she'd been caught red handed in her lie. 

Kyle is disgusting. Loyal to no one. The way she hurled Sutton under the bus in the car with Dorit and PK.

Diana doesn't impress me. That face of hers has shape shifted over the last couple of decades...

Good for Garcelle for getting up and leaving. 

Good for Sutton for telling Erika to f*ck herself and shut the f*ck up. She is not intimidated by that sow. 

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I have been living for ShebySheree dragging Drew for three days straight now. I was set to watch their actual fight...and dozed off. So will be doing that later. But so far in the episode, I'm living for Sheree's effortless shading of her. I DIED when she said 'the streets are talking, baby.' Sips drink. Give a look. Flawless. 




I finally got my computer to allow me to fully watch. 


Not Lesa vs Caroline. Lesa looks like she's THAT girl. And I know from LADIES OF LONDON that Caroline is ALSO that bitca. So I'm torn. 


Loving all the wealth.


And finally...Shady Phae Phae's comeback...continues...

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There's nothing like a Southern belle.


And while people want to pick on the accent, I'm from Arkansas, so trust and believe that I know Southern style when I see it. And...I like it.


Sutton has come to play this season. And for her to do it...and since she knows what she's getting into...she has kinda done a regressed progress. To explain...remember how Sutton was introduced as a FOH in Season 10 as an eccentric southern bitca. Well, SHHHHHHEEEEE'S BBaaaaCCCCCKKK!!!! She is dealing with these heffas like she was dealing with them in Season 10 ('Let the mouse go.'), but without losing any of the progress she has made with Garcelle and Crystal over the last few years. Come on! They are mean girls...and no one...especially a person from the South...is going to sit there and take it. If anything I was happy she has so much back in Garcelle. And they handled that table especially well. 


As Camille would say...Sorry, Kyle. YOU...LOSE.


SUTTON...2. COVEN...0.


Episode 2 was good. I was geniunely shocked we got to Harry's birthday party right in the middle of the episode and we were there for a while. Mirrored Brooklyn's event being the back half of the latest RHOA episode. I really felt like that was done versus when the drama happened in the last 5 minutes of the episode and then a TBC. And while the last 5 minutes were very much setting up for more juicy drama next week, it was more low key.


Cuz make no mistake...Sutton IS the target. The last scene made it even more clear. How Kyle is acting. How Kyle is being in Confessional. The fact she is working really hard to create this narrative of Sutton being uncaring. I hope Sutton handles her well going forward. She gave her a warning already last week. She checked her again this week, the fact that Sutton is knowledgeable read: not stupid...yes, Sutton we saw you in that convo at the end. And next week, Sutton comes for Kyle. Weak Sutton is not. She has learned the game. And she has great advisors (Garcelle, Crystal). And she is doing it all WELL with that nice tongue-in-cheek Southern humor. Good student = star pupil? Time will tell. 


And of course Garcelle continued to be the Queen. It was probably her that advised Sutton to have the aforementioned receipt on hand at the party so Ex Soap Opera Star could not twist the narrative. And nice try to newbie Diane for reaching for a moment by calling the classy elite tacky for defending herself. Even she had to bow down when Garcelle rightly pointed out that Ex Soap Opera Star started it so it was within Sutton's right to finish it. It was also in Sutton's right to check EricFake when she came for her when no one was paying her any attention. I also liked that she kept Sutton fair by looking at her for being fake in that apology moment with Ex Soap Opera Star. You know...what Kyle is trying to 'appear' to do. And when it looked like Ex Soap Opera Star and the Wannabe Hustler was being too dramatic...Garcelle also knew to call that bluff reeeeeal quick by threatening to leave...a no, no. You slight the Queen, you lose the crowd. They are already hated. Can't have that. That their storyline (Sutton) would naturally go with Garcelle was a bonus. So aka GATHERED.


This week was also the introduction of Diane. I agree with Garcelle (?) in the Confessional that her appearance here was suspect since she was the head of the very event that was the source of Sutton vs Ex Soap Opera Star feud that has started the season off. It would be easy for Diane to prove that Ex Soap Opera Star was lying. But...she wanted to talk about tacky? Isn't tacky starting mess after a sincere apology was given at one's husband's birthday party? I mean...*shrugs* People say shades of Yolanda. I would argue shades of what little I've seen of Pattifleur from MELBOURNE.


I admit...I cannot wait to see Kyle vs Sutton, Crystal vs Dorit, what might be the start of Crystal vs Garcelle.


KYLE. You can practically see her stewwing in jealousy and anger at Sutton. Uh...why? She was your friend. She subletted your house. Why she was trying to stir the pot with a fragile Dorit is beyond me. Other than for sure. And as I said for Episode 1...she cannot be trying to hold Sutton account for something that she herself does not eve hold EricFake accountable for. So please...have ALL the seats.


DORIT. She was pretty low key this episode outside of the beginning when Production did some follow-up on the Break In...which I found odd. And her reaction to Sutton matching step for step to EricFake was DELICIOUS.


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. You take that L, Boo. She really thought she and EricFake were going to run up in here and roast Sutton...only to get roasted herself and have to do the Natalie by Way of Kenya Backpeddle. I give Kyle this...she was right in her Confessional. THAT was EXACTLY what Ex Soap Opera Star did when Diane tried to use the tacky defense, hoping it would allow Ex Soap Opera Star to hide her hand. Yeeeah NOPE. Garcelle (who btw looked FIERCE in that black/white dress) was not having it. She had no choice, but accept the apology. I did like seeing LISA RINNA in the old pics with Harry. I also love Harry knowing what was up and explaining to Diane's guy.


ERICFAKE. Oooooo poor thing. You thought this was about you again? And people were just ignoring you. I could not believe she was sitting on the other side of Kyle, looking like a growling dog at Sutton. And Sutton was like...

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And once Sutton (with that assist from Garcelle) was done...she was more like...

Dust GIF - Dust Rhoa Attitude - Discover & Share GIFs

And then when you kept coming for her when she did not send for you...Sutton was like...

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And I was like...

Phaedra Parks The Real Housewives Of Atlanta GIF - Phaedra Parks The Real  Housewives Of Atlanta Hahaha - Discover & Share GIFs

Cuz FINALLY. NO ONE is taking EricFake's crap. And I was here for all of it. Searching for a moment when when she had one...she wanted to control the narrative and act ghetto. Girl...all I have left to say is...

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Speaking of...


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That's all I really got. She was pretty forgettable outside of her thirst trap son, young man, and accent. She was not screaming wealth as much as she thought she was. And then her attempt at a moment with Ex Soap Opera Star. Girl, bye. Nice try.


CRYSTAL. She was still giving that Hollywood vibes she did in Episode 1. I like that she was showing more of her knowing tea and shakers versus just using her husband as the shaker...if that makes sense. I know Sutton has all the tea...but she's a Southern girl...we don't talk.  


GARCELLE. Love, love, LOVE that she held everyone accountable. And did you see the back touch she gave EricFake at the end...basically hinting to let it go? *chef's kiss* I love that she used her Queen card. Because we know that I love when she keeps her heel to Ex Soap Opera Star. And this week she really stood up for Sutton while letting Sutton run it. For that I was grateful since I know she was worried all last season if she stood up for Sutton enough. I thought she had a good balance. And I will always love her dynamic with Sutton while continued on here when she was rubbing Sutton for not going up to Ex Soap Opera Star or EricFake. And as shown above, she's the one who read the reciept...and who is going to DOUBT Garcelle? She has proven she is about being actually honest, not just saying 'be honest'. Yes, Kyle...there is a difference.  So she was THE Trump card to this group...and I LOVED IT. Bow down or bow out. And again...that dress she wore to Harry's dinner was EVERYTHING.


SUTTON. What can I say that I cannot already say? Oh, yeah...I LOVE she remained calm and collected and threw so much nice nasty Southern shade at these heffas. It's about time in my opinion. I was wondering when she would get back to the person she was when she came on in Season 10. And FINALLY went toe to toe with EricFake. She told her to STFU TO HER FACE. I was Dorit, too, in that moment cuz that was a loooooong time coming. And I didn't like her trying to intimidate EricFake and it was time Sutton let her know...'not this year, tramp.' And I hollered at the 'so do I get an apology?' 'no.' 'why?' 'cuz I don't like you.' without missing a beat. My only worry is that Kyle is really, really, REALLY trying to start this narrative of Sutton being a cold person or cause drama. It has not worked and I hope it does not work because Sutton has been the business and it's only been two episodes.


Until next week then...

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