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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I've been behind on current RH shows because.... I've been watching Season 2 Miami. I know I should have been watching Fancy Pants on OC, but all I wanted was to catch up on the old Miami group! Honestly, Season 2 was better than I remembered. On my first watch, I thought it had too much filler (and I still think Purveyors of Pop were mediocre producers). But I was so damn wrong! I was hooked from beginning to end, and even Joanna was watchable. I still think there was too much of her dominating the season, and she and Romain were so incompatible, they should never have married.

As for the first episode of SEASON FOUR (!!!), I was so excited and it did not disappoint!

--Like you all, I just do not understand Peacock's choices for RH and FOH with this cast. There is NO WAY Adriana and Marysol should not be holding a mojito. I can only surmise that they hesitated to show more of their private lives and relationships.

--Las Cubanas and Adriana are messy, snooty, fascinating QUEENS as far as I am concerned. While S2 RHOM was obsessed with showing Joanna and Lisa ad nauseum, it was the Alexias, Marysols, Anas, Adrianas and Karents who were the most alluring to me. 

--Loved the Mama Elsa voiceover at the beginning, and the reminder of the joie de vivre and common sense she brought to the show.

--Adriana will always be the epitome of sultry femininity with her unexpected talents (art, 5 languages, classical piano), her no-holds-barred shadiness and pot-stirring, and just the way she holds herself. I miss her black hair, though.


Oh snap! As for the wealth part... Adriana was never the wealthy one on RHOM, just the pot-stirring drama queen. As an art dealer, that field is either feast or famine, and in S1 Lea pointed out that she and her son were sleeping on the floor of the gallery because Adriana could not afford a place to live. Adriana relied on the kindness of friends (Lea) but then bit the hand that fed her. Frederic her ex was a well-regarded urban designer, comfortably off, but not crazy wealth. So I imagine Adriana's lifestyle is fine, but it may not be Gucci and Ferraris all day long.


Rhoa Who Said That Real Housewives Of Atlanta GIF - Rhoa Who Said That Who  Said That Real Housewives Of Atlanta - Discover & Share GIFs

Queen Alexia has always been a RH MVP in my eyes and single-handedly carried Season 3 when all the other (wedding/fertility) SLs were bombing. Her life is pure telenovela drama, and when you think about it, she never hides from the ugly truth and always puts it out there. She was in a recent doc about the Colombia-Miami cocaine kingpins of the 80s and 90s, because of her first husband, but of course we RH fans already knew this story from the first three seasons of RHOM. The Herman rumors were around back then, too, but having her confirm it just makes me appreciate her upfront nature. Nice to see Frankie again. Like @Cheap21, I wondered if her new guy bats for both teams, but hey, Alexia seems happy.


1,000% agree with both of you. Lisa was fine in Season 2 -- as part of an ensemble cast. She was a Womp-Womp in Season 3, though, and I never understood the hard-on Bravo seemed to have for her (well, I think I know why

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 ). Did she ever actually deliver some juicy SLs? 

--Lenny and his 'emotional affair' says a lot. As for fembot -- all the botox/fillers/face-lifts are edging her into Adrienne Maloof/Cat-Face Lady territory.

--Larsa didn't bother me quite as much as I thought, cuz she was horrendous in S1. I still think she's a Kardashian lookalike and nothing to offer beyond that, but let's see. Already, she and Adriana are establishing a much-needed frenemyship.

--The Newbies: Love Guerdy. As soon as she spoke, I knew she was a French speaker, and it turns out she is part of the Haitian diaspora, just like another G -- Garcelle. Her fashion looks great, too.

Julia was more interesting than I expected. That clip as Miss USSR was amazing, and Martina is a living legend.

Nicole: not sure what to make of her yet.

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Yes but each production company is different and depending on what Kiki may or may not have going on in her life, there may not be material there that they felt was worth making her a full wife. She's not divorced and if she's dating it may be possible that she doesnt want to showcase that. Does she have family to film with. A business to promote? I'm willing to give Peacock the benefit of the doubt here

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RH of Melbourne

The season just finished airing. It’s available on Hayu outside of the USA.

The season really missed Gin(er) and Lydiot, but Janet cemented herself as a take no prisoners Queen who battled against a few very determined newbies hell bent on trying to gaslight the audience against her.

Janet triumphed. Jackie and Gamble were back and totally hilarious in their support of her. 

If you have access, give this season a watch, it was fun!

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The calm before the (Beador) storm.


Not as good as the first two episodes, but still involving all the same.


So...the takedown of Shannon appears to be really be happening. I figured from the moment Heather was announced back that it was going to be her vs Shannon. The Have and the Have-Been? Perhaps it's karma for all the times Shannon had Vicki and Tamra's back against others. Or the years of Shannon hiding her hand after throwing the rock. But in any case, that appears to be what is happening at Emily and Gina throw her under the bus, Heather won't have anything to do with her (and that scene with Terry was funny), and all Shannon have are newbies who are still new. How will Shannon think her way out of this one? I am intrigued since Shannon can dramatic as well as compiling. And that threat Heather gives Shannon next week. Ooooooo...how soap opera.


Meanwhile, we got drama with the newbies. Noella is doing all the right things...most importantly being transparent in her first season. Her highs and her lows. And I like her friendship with Shannon, Nicole, and Gina. And speaking of lows...that look Gina gave her when she came to the relationship not done up (but still looking beautiful) said it all...if they only had that house for 7 months and Sweet James was really fighting her to the point of a divorce...yeah sounds like he has a whole other family in Puerto Rico. And then there is still the drama with Nicole...who got to tell Shannon off. And I continue to see (including next week) that Nicole will be around stirring the pot...so I'm looking forward to seeing if it will come to pass that she vanishes after the cast trip.




THE JOY OF NOELLA. She's been a great newbie. Beautiful. Stunging. Fun. But at the same time showing off her life. And though Kandi did it first...a sex dungeon. Not that that helped her. This mess with the taxes and now divorce. And she has been raw in those moments, but quite self-depreciating. And that (along with the friendships she's been forming with Shannon and Gina) has made her very relatable. I would love to see how she will navigate all of them. I mean...her man turned off ALL her cards. She was a real housewife...if old fashioned to not have her own money, but we will see how it turns out.


HEATHER AND THE TEXT. OMG! Terry...SAME. That scene was so freaky hilarious. And I heard that whole text in Heather's voice. Oh, how I laughed every time she added more sentences between Terry got a word in.


THE DRAGGING. YAAAAASSSSS, GINA, YAAAASSSS!!!! Gina READ...SHANNON...DOWN. And I was here for it. Not bad for someone who said she did not want to fight. She could have fool me. lol. She told Shannon about herself and let Shannon speechless. 'I don't have to go out of my way to be kind, I'm just kind.' BOOM!!! I watched twice.




WELL AT LEAST SHE'S TRYING. Yeah, sorry, Jen. No. Nicole is giving us drama...signs she had the makings of a housewife. Noella is also giving us drama. And Jen...just gives...a husband who doesn't wear a shirt. And while he is foine and I look forward to his shirtless-ness next week, come better babe. She's coming across like Drew on RHOA...and rumor is Drew is about to get a taste of her own medicine next season. So Jen better hope that Andy does not take a liking to hers or she might be having to deal with a similar 'storyline' next season. Good to bring in the mother issues already discussed, but Imma going to need this newbie to do more.


BEYOND THE BAR. Speaking of...Emily...you been doing good and it looks like she will be great next week coming for Shannon like everyone else is coming for her. But this week? Snoozefest.


Good episode. But next week looks bananas as...the Takedown of Shannon continues...

Oh how I hollered at that RHOA gif. I said the same to @Chris B. Who is hating on Queen Alexia? Cuz I might have to pull out my Carmax. She has been nothing but living a drama life since she's been on the show. 


And you know I love Adriana, Cat, but that is what she's giving me. Because even the episode I watched the day I posted that (part 1 of Lisa's lingerie party), she was giving so much vixen fashion so this vibe clothes-wise is jarring to me. But I fully expect her to step it up. I just sooooo miss her jet-black hair. She (and Joyce from BH) for me had some of the best hair in the franchise. Jusst mmmmm. lol.


Oooh how I've been waiting for your opinion since I saw someone mention that the season had ended online. 


I even hollered when Janet said online basically three of the newbies was out and well nice try. 


Good to hear you liked it. 

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Housewives in da island behbeh! Oh, how I will miss that addictive opening song which must have taken all of 15 seconds to write!

Kenya won me over this trip -- until she dismissed Cynthia's attempts to talk to her about how she was being treated. This was the saddest thing to me, seeing Cynthia walk out of Kenya's room, her heart hardening, as she exited the RH franchises knowing that the genuine friendship she had might have been a relationship of convenience for Kenya.

Teresa, too, won me over -- underneath the tough, grumpy, neanderthal exterior is a !@#$%^&*] cat.

Kyle and Melissa are exactly as they appear on their shows: fun to party with, but but with an underlying manipulative and untrustworthy edge.

The sun must be setting on Ramona's time on these shows. RHUGT was not her best look, and as time went by, she became less indispensable to the drama.

Thank you for the head's up. It's on my Prime video account and I've watched half of the first episode. It feels weird to watch because I was SO tuned into Giner and Lydiot, but Foxtel have amped up the production aspect and it almost feels like the launch of an entirely new Australian franchise.  I will keep at it.

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I loved the theme song too. I think you could tell who the editors liked based on the opening shots, some were far more flattering than others. 

I ended up watching Ultimate Girls Trip over a few days and loved it. What a fun show.

Like you, I was surprised how much Teresa won me over - underneath the tough, ignorant exterior is a very uncomplicated, nice woman. She just doesn't tolerate what she perceives to be any disloyalty or drama. It seems she's really been through the wringer and is just trying to make the best life for herself. 

I also understand how Kyle can be fun - I'd never seen it on RHOBH but she laughs so easily and sees a lot of fun in situations. However, she and Melissa share an untrustworthy, high school mean girl edge, that I can't get past.

Cynthia and Luann being friends IRL now makes sense to me. Cynthia is a worldly person, as is Luann, and both are very measured in their reactions to things. They're overall very reasonable. Like attracts like, I suppose.

I don't leave this show with a different opinion of either Kenya or Ramona. Ramona is a bull in a china shop whose got some wild mood swings with a mouth to match. She can be horrible and also vulnerable. Kenya is a strong person, but also cruel with her treatment of Cynthia. 


Get into it @Cat it's a 10 episode season that has an arc with a beginning, middle, and end. 

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Oh yes, those opening shots were a mixed bag for sure LOL.

Teresa has real difficulty processing and expressing her feelings. So she buries them. After the Table Toss, she probably felt like she had to 'play' this comedic, OTT role even as her personal life was falling apart. The Italian concept of bella figura -- always putting on your best face in public, even when things are going south -- played into that. And then there was the betrayal by her brother and Melissa, a betrayal that still cuts deep. I give her props for working non-stop and eking some advantage from filming 11 seasons of RHONJ, even though she admitted that none of them had been happy. 

I appreciate what Cynthia offers, even if she is more introverted than most RHs, and felt for her when she talked about being isolated from Kenya especially and not connecting with the other women. I kind of wish she was returning to RHOA.

Segueing to Kyle, I thought that was a mean little comment about her and C not being close because "Cynthia isn't all that fun." Peak Kyle. If you are fun to party with, she is all into it, but once you become 'boring,' she moves on to someone else. This sums up her relationship with LVP: she 'loved' her when it was all fancy events (and opportunities to do her splits party trick). However, she had no use for Lisa when the friendship demanded a deeper loyalty. This is why I cannot warm to her or Melissa: it's all surface and never loyal.

Ramona and Kenya are more complex individuals, and that is probably why they fascinate. I can see the vulnerability with Ramona, but I just wish she would look at her behaviour (set in stone on film!) and ask herself 'What if I evolved my behaviour to get a different, better outcome?' Ramona could be the Janet Roach of RHONY with a little more self-realisation.

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