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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Exactly my feeling. A 3 episode wedding special is enough, and sometimes I felt like they could have folded these 'special' scenes into the mothership show, especially Tamra's wedding which featured her family and some of the cast.

Now, Porsha's new spinoff? Honestly, from the trailer, it looks like fire. 

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And i'm not even a Porsha fan!  (I thought her cutesy baby special was a bore). Nevertheless, I cannot help but wish some of this was on RHOA. Especially the cast's take on Porsha & Simon! And speaking of Porsha's spinoff...


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Watching the first four episodes have been a fun ride. I love how the RHs give us a peek behind the reality show curtain, especially with some of Luann"s questions at lunch.

After a strong start being a pain in the ass and antagonising various people, Ramona secured the room she wanted and has kind of faded into the background. 

Cynthia has been a consistent performer throughout the four episodes. I'm starting to think letting her go from ATL will be a massive mistake. Her friendship with Kenya is on the rocks and it feels real. Kenya has found friendships with Kyle and Melissa and wants to play with her new friends a bit. Kenya is coming across softer and more relaxed in this environment. Meanwhile, I love Cynthia's burgeoning friendship with Teresa and ongoing relationship with Luann. Cynthia has a warm understanding with these women. It is this forging of different friendships which is the most watchable thing on the show.

Teresa is unexpectedly sweethearted when she opens up to the others, or shows Ramona her cards from Louie.

Lu still has an eye for a younger, taken man, lol. His mom was literally side-eyeing her as she cosied up to him in the kitchen. 

Melissa still thinks being a participating RH means modeling bikinis and summer pyjamas. That's it.

Kyle does come across sweet on this show, but I can't help but feel like she lulls other women into confiding in her so she can use it against them at a later time! BH has ruined me, lol. And that is the reason I am so glad Toxic Rinna didn't come on this trip and mess up the dynamic.

P.S.: The opening credits song, LOL...they weren't even trying with those lyrics were they.

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I cannot imagine what Jen Shah's lawyers were thinking allowing her to be filmed in their office and then to continue with the show and post on social media. 

She appears guilty as sin and if so has targeted vulnerable and elderly people and defrauded them out of money they could ill afford to lose.

The difference between the alleged crime of Jen Shah and the convicted crime of Teresa Giudice is 1) Teresa didn't mastermind anything, she can hardly pronounce the word; and 2) it had the appearance of a 'victimless crime' because it was a tax and a fraudulent mortgage issue that the banks and the government, eventually, got fully compensated for. 

The alleged victims of Jen Shah are not going to be made whole - there is a reason she does not own any real estate: it could all be seized and sold. No, you can bet Jen Shah has sent that money bouncing between so many foreign jurisdictions nobody will be able to find it. 

She would be very unwise to proceed to trial. She should be instructing her lawyers to negotiate a plea bargain, if the prosecution is even interested in doing so. 

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The fact that nobody mentioned Part 3 of RHOP... we're all a bit over this long-ass thing. It wasn't as good as Part 2 and Andy was, weirdly, the standout of the episode. Which kind of says it all.

Wendy thought she was flexing with the cardboard printoffs, and I'm just exhausted by anything Wendy now. She got bogged down in the minutia and lost track of her argument which was: the GEBs feed on lies/gossip about other people's marriages. I still feel like she's acting how she thinks a RH should act.

Chris Bassett-Hound still coming on with a drink glued to his hand like he's a member of the Rat Pack.

I wish Juan and Michael would make the effort to show up. Juan has the excuse of basketball season, but we all know he isn't showing up because he hates that Robyn is on the show. Michael, I assume, will never do reunion again after Season 3.

Micky Ninja coming up in Part 4. I wonder how the 'Barbs' on the cast felt about her when it was all over!

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Yeah, it's still enjoyable, but nothing stand-out. Wendy has a loooooong way to go to live up to Monique's binder. 

Speaking of exhausting, I'm kinda over Mary's kooky ass on SLC. She admits to being a Debbie Downer on the girls trip, and she was every bit the buzzkill. I dunno, she just gets triggered over the weirdest little things, and her tics and mannerisms are like Ramona Singer on speed. 

Speaking of speed, with all these real-life bombshells on SLC, it's like watching a modern day primetime soap (think: Revenge) where SO much is happening so soon that I fear they'll burn themselves out too early. 

Of course, I'm still enjoying the hell outta SLC, but I hope they don't run out of steam too early and have to rely on Bravo storylines (i.e. pantygate, puppygate, cookie lady, etc.) in future seasons. 

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Well...I guess revenge truly is the dish best served cold.


It was hard to believe how much Meredith had come into her own. It was hard to digest with the PI bombshell that she might have planned this from the moment she stopped being friends with Jen at the Season 1 reunion over Jen telling her business. Picking on Brooks online sealed the deal. And she's been gunning for Jen ever since. Watching this episode and seeing those claws...not to mention how ride-or-die for Mary a potential ally...I could not help, but think that she played this arrest extremely well. Meredith as villain? I cannot say that I'm hating it. Sorry, not sorry. I think the only thorn in her side is the fact that her BFF has not quit Jen's side (on the show) as of yet. That must burn.


Speaking of people going after people...then we have Whitney going after Mary. I wouldn't accept none of Whitney's fakery, either so it was good to see Mary was having none of it from her even as Whitney kept 'attempting' (note the '') to get back in Mary's good graces. I'm sorry to see Mary/Whit friendship go, but Whitney is no friend if as soon as she has a rift she wants to have her own version of Mad Day and tell off on potential tea with Mary. The sad thing is Mary was right...Whit can get a little too drunk and what would be the point of having that talk if she was so drunk she found she had the talk?


Then you have the slights and intrigues. It's funny that lines are being drawn. And yet still there was Whit taking digs at Fabulous Ice. Fabulous Ice still taking a shot at Heather. Bad Weather working on Jeannie like they were doing to Mary a few episodes back. I would think that I was watching BH if I didn't know better. LOL!!!


And look at next week!!! The beginning of Heather vs Mary. 




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 That said...

It was so clear now she noticed them cameras!!! And wow. She was truly deluded. That said...I felt IMHO she came across waaaaaaaaaaaaay better than EricFake. However...it was clear it was a performance. Her scenes were intriguing not for what she was saying, but what Production was showing. People that screen capped said the phone call was stuart. It was hard to tell for me from the episode. I didn't think it was her husband cuz (hehe) Jen is the type who would say 'Baby' to all her close associate, not just her husband. And I thought it was interesting in the flashback that the camera angle were telling different. And even some of the cameramen gave side-eye...as if they knew the FBI were coming. Things to make you go hmmmmm


LISA. Awwww it was nice to see the Meredith/Lisa combo of yesteryear. The support. The camraderie. The matching skate suits. I missed that. But yes, I can see why the girls are frustrated with her. So willing to throw Mary under the bus...yet is ride-or-dying for someone who frauded the elderly? Okay...maybe not willing, but at least she was smart enough to know not to go completely against Mary. Still...bus. 


JEANNIE. While I'm thinking of it, I did like that while Jeannie agreed with some of what Bad Weather said, she still had Fabulous Ice's back. I've enjoyed their friendship. I also enjoy her being our Greek chrous on this mess so far. She even tried to be civil with Mary. I like a Housewife who can have her own opinions about her friend that might be different, but still have their back. And she explained it so well.


HEATHER. I swear she still has her comic moments. But she is totally fuddling the ball. I do like she is truly proving her ride-or-die status with Jen. And she is starting a new storyline with her estranged sister. Other than that, I was not feeling her. And I'm starting to loathe Bad Weather. They are reminding me of the GEB with how they keep gunning for people who like Fabulous Ice. 



*takes a breath* Like I said last week, she is definitely becoming the Ashley on this show. That said...Lord, I wanna slap that trick. Because's about to turn into the Ted...I mean Theresa...no...I think it's Terri...of this group for me. BUT to be fair...I did not like Ashley on POTOMAC pre-birth so...*shrugs* But lord, she is working over time to keep her feud going, throw Jen under that bus, throw Mary under that bus, start mess she can't finish (like a little girl), and thinking it is not messy. Girl...SHUT UP. 


MARY. Team Mary. Sorry, not sorry. Outside of Jeannie, I felt like she was being the most real even for all her oddities. She has never liked Jen, but has been civil. So of course, she is going to be I TOLD YOU SO. She's being a little brat on this trip, but you know what? She is still giving reactions and funny moments. And the cherry on top...the reveal that Meredith warned Mary the others are gunning for her. No wonder she is side-eyeing. The plot thickens...


MEREDITH. DIVA.  She is truly work all of these angles and I am loving it. If you had told me that last year's heroine would be this season's chess player, I wouldn't have believed you even with her background (thank you for the info @DaytimeFan), but I stay finding her fascinating to watch. And again...this feels totally long game from the moment she found out about Jen gossiping. Revenge. Dish. Cold.   Look at her throwing the gauntlet down at the beginning after producing that beautiful receipt of the assistant last week. Bringing up facts like the lawyer she is. And then making those girls choose. Keeping Fabulous Ice close. Staying on Mary's good side and tipping her off. All people with some pull who have issues with Jen. What will she do next?


I thought it was a good episode for bringing the intrigues as well as finally seeing Jen post-arrest. 


I cannot wait to see Heather vs Mary. Sounds like a doozy. 

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