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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yep thats her! This is a BIG come up for her and yes if she is anything like she was when she was on that show, she will bring the drama. Her boujee ass would be a Dubai housewife....LOL

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Delilah was hospitalized from an accidental overdose. I see Rinna dragging the Bravo cameras into the hospital. She isnt going to give up the chance to exploit her daughter's pain for a storyline. She's a terrible mother and she will use this to stay on the show. We get nothing about her but she loves to talk about her daughter's issues

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That reunion was garbage. They could've done that mess in 2 parts. 


I am just disgusted that yet again Erika was subtly made some victim by Bravo. 


And LVP, Kim, Yolanda, Camille, and Denise need to demand pay seeing as they carried this reunion without being there. 


Quite frankly, this show needs an overhaul. Keep Garcelle, Crystal, and Sutton and scrap the rest. 

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I'm fascinated by Erika's attempts to defend herself, so I could listen to it for days.  And the reaction shots of Kathy reapplying her lipstick makes me laugh.  I don't know if anyone has had the time, or inclination, to read this interview with the journalists who wrote the LA Times article about Erika and Tom, but it includes some gems.


First, they are very amused by the notion that all of the housewives felt that their article was too long.  "Their show is too long. It’s like 85% reaction shots. Someone makes a comment at a staged dinner party. Then we get five minutes of reaction shots to the comment, then there are three or four more discussions of the comment at different venues with additional reaction shots. And then sometimes a flashback of the original comment and original reaction shots. But sure, our story is too long."

Second, they contradict Erika's defense that she didn't know that the article was being published when she left the La Quinta trip early.  They note that they contacted her publicist and her lawyer for comment, and while they didn't reveal the date the article would be released they did give a deadline for response of a day before she left the trip.

Third, it was amusing to read how many messages they received from amateur sleuths in the Bravo audience. 

Edited by j swift
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Yeah I wanted to take a (brief) break from POTOMAC. And for me that meant playing a little bit of catch up on SLC.


And for me that meant Episode 6...


It was kinda there. Yes, we got a lot of going HW character moments. We still have the Whitney vs Fabulous Ice feud going on. And we had the real moments. Because that last scene when Jeannie's husband dropped that proposal on her. Wow. And I loved her reaction (heeeeellll no indeed).


JEN. Smh. I soooo hate myself for falling for it. She really successfully redone her image. Jen 2.0. Still has her 'that's totally Jen' moments, but no longer as OTT as she was last season. Dare I say it...relateable? Probably not.

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But it was nice to see her in this episode with Coach Shah and yet another son...who clearly does not want to be in front of the camera. 


HEATHER. Again. I honestly can't think of what she did. That's not good!! I know she was involved with something, but it is just a blur. And she was fan fave last season.


LISA. Fabulous Ice should have just owned it. If she was behind the Catering Mishap that is. It does seem like it is a case of not wanting to be seem as wrong. It is making her look worse. And when she exploded at Whitney...well...she lost. Shame because their attempt to call a truce was cute to watch. What could have been...


WHITNEY. Hehe. And if Fabulous Ice has a problem being wrong, Whitney has a problem letting things go. But then again, what else does she have going on other than this feud? Where's my Real Whitney from last season? Le sigh.


MEREDITH. I will never not find it weird to see her more with Mary of all people than Fabulous Ice. 


MARY. And yet another layer is peeled off. I liked her talk with Meredith where she revealed that she does not want her son to move out because that means she has to deal with empty nest with her husband who...she still is not sure she wants to get to know again. And yes, I hollered that the whole point of the meet was an excuse for Mary to show off her outfit.


JEANNIE. Continues to be a great addition. And her talk with her husband. Just...wow. It reminded me of why I broke up with my Russian ex who in the middle of a traumatic incident though it was a good idea to go fly off and be stupid. That whole scene was raw, and I was drawn in. Poor Jeannie, I was with her and I cannot see why he does not get it. On the other hand, he explained himself in Confessional...and I could see that. There does not seem to be a complete bad guy, but this is not a good thing. I hope they can find a way. 



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Look at Bravo leaving another ugly Erika moment on the cutting room floor. The outtakes of her this season must be bone chilling.

Exactly. This could have been a two part reunion without any of the filler. Erika just continued to deflect and evade any of the hard hitting questions. 

It's pretty clear the majority of the cast is in cahoots and only Garcelle, Sutton, and perhaps Crystal, are willing to call matters as they see them.

One thing that really irked me was Erika constantly calling the victims the "alleged victims"...No. The poor guy who suffered the catastrophic burns to his body is not an alleged victim. He sued Tom for stealing his settlement funds and WON and has a judgment against Tom. There is nothing alleged about it. 

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Episode 7...


And just like that...the momentum continued. 


Sometimes all you need when a show feels like a 'it's just there' show is a group scene. Add in some FOHs and it can be fun. And that was what this episode was bringing. I was happy to see it. I've been enjoying some individual scenes better than others. However, the show had moved on from the aftermath of last season reunion...but had not gotten to the meat of the season (Jen's arrest) yet.


So...it's starting...lol.


As a FOH, Angie is not boring for sure. Not my favorite FOH, but it's been interesting how much drama she is part of due to her connection to Whitney and Fabulous Ice. And the main storyline the first half of this season has been Whitney vs Lisa. And this episode we met Connie...another friend of Whitney's. Hmmm...Whitney sure does have a lot of friends. And Fabulous Ice has...??? I would say Jen has her back, but it was sad that she did not see Jen defending her. And yeah, Meredith was quiet. Uh oh.


Oh, and a little tea...SLC has already started casting for Season 3...so...


Things to make you go hmmmm


JEN. Wow. It's been a minute. But look!!! FUN JEN!!! And she really was fun this week. Sometimes you can't beat the Jen/Heather combo and their chest knock was hilarious. As was the race. She was truly the MVP here and being the life of the party. And yes, I bet she was happy others were having drama. lol.


HEATHER. This was more of the Heather I am used to seeing. And lol at that flashback since I remember that from last season. Wow...a year later, they had babies. Love her commentary during the first round of Mary vs Fabulous Ice. 


LISA. GIrl, jealousy is not a good look on you. Interesting that last season it was Heather that was the insecure one and now it's her when it comes to Jen's friendship. And this episode she was getting it on all sides. Mary gathering her. Whitney trying to ambush her and stage a gang-up. I do feel that the fact that she felt she was not backed up (though she was) really set her off. She definitely needs better game because in this feud with Whitney, Whitney is playing her like a fiddle.


WHITNEY. Messy, messy, messy. I think we have all see there's more to her than a pretty face with a ditzy personality. And that is what's been on display so far this season. Not sure if it's Season 2 curse-ish...yet...but like I said about Heather in my last post, I am not sure it's very Season 1 Whitney either. But...can't say she's not relevant or has done a bad job of staying relevant either. She does love twisting that knife though. 


MEREDITH. Hmmmmm Seth. lol. Other than that, just kinda there this episode.


MARY. GO ON, MARY!!!! YOU READ FABULOUS ICE!!! LOL!!! I was like Heather...I wasn't expecting that at all. Every moment of shade she threw was awesome. And her side-eying at that table at Jeannie's 'apology' was EVERYTHING.


JEANNIE. I think someone asked this before...yeah, I believe Jeannie like Mary last season started out as a FOH and when Jen got arresteed, she was bumped up. That said...that restaurant scene with Huy was brutal. Wow. I...no words. And I liked she had Fabulous Ice's back even if she was going off on Mary over frustration with her man. Still...she could have apologize to Mary. Directly. Not a good look. 


Good episode overall. Now it's cooking...






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You can lead a horse to water but you can't make her drink! That's what crossed my mind as I watched Andy bend over backwards to make Erika grudgingly say that she felt bad for the victims. It literally took 4 parts of the reunion to spit out, but once she did, Andy's relief was audible. Andy and Bravo are invested in Erika. She is now firmly tied to RHOBH and Bravo. They think she's the next Teresa Giudice: on the show through felony and beyond. Well, as long as Erika lets them televize it. And Erika has no choice but to do just that, because she is addicted to the fame and the money, and is no longer powerful enough to lay down boundaries between Bravo and her private life.

The way Erika gazed into camera so many times, disconnecting from some of the women and their comments. Or the way she periodically referenced herself in the third person. She really sees herself as acting a role, the role of 'Erika,' and it's the performance of a lifetime.

I don't know why I didn't clock until now how unsettlingly, coldly narcissistic Erika is. It was clear in past reunions how incredibly bored Erika would get listening to the other women talk, but this season really exposed the depths of her self-involvement. She came alive this reunion and no wonder: the subject was All about Erika where she could give the bravura performance of her dreams, styled as Baby Jayne. But she still doesn't get it regarding her social media posts, the 'alleged' victims or the other women daring to question her. This is what happens when you have surrounded yourself with only a dwindling band of (mostly paid) sycophants for years.

As for the rest of the cast (with the exception of, as you say, Garcelle, Sutton, and possibly Kathy who has no Fs to give), these women are completely spineless, trembling in the face of Erika's direct or oblique threats. The way Erika and Rinna backed each other up -- two enforcers in a pod. Both IMO bullies to the core.

After this episode aired, I saw on Twitter that Rihanna's beauty brand had cut Erika as one of Fenty's brand ambassadors.

Edited by Cat
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