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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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It warms my heart to see Candiace and her Cryangles ((c) @DaytimeFan) getting dragged around here. She has been playing a great game this season, pretending to be the middle ground. However, the lines have been drawn between two sides on this show, and given that Candiace gave herself and the GEBs the main house in Williamsburg, it is pretty clear to me which side she aspires to be on.

Karen's dance audition for Candiace's mv deserved to win, I'm sorry! The other teams paled in significance next to that Ms. Tina Knowles energy Karen was giving us!

Mia is ok but... I'm not sure she fills the gap left by Monique. She got caught telling exaggerated tales, and that will come back to bite her in the ass.

Wendy held her own this episode but it felt a little shaky against the Gizelle/Robyn onslaught. When Gizelle said we need to get together and talk about this and Wendy hid behind her braids, I was like Oh, no, Wendy! Because it came off like she was afraid of them. She did have a point about Robyn being hurt by what Wendy said about her relationship but not connecting to the hurt that other women feel when the GEBs go hard for their relationships. Too bad Wendy said all this in a VT and not at the table to Robyn, because a comment like that would have hit home.

Once again, it feels like almost everyone (with the possible exception of Karen) is sitting there waiting for the GEBs to pick them off one by one. Like the GEBs wield this crazy power over them.

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Mia does nothing for me. She is messy and not in a good way. I do believe she purposefully tried to set up Gizelle with the "weak bitch" comment, and her confessional proved that. Her fake voice, as well, rubs me the wrong way.

Gizelle was right to immediately say Hi to Wendy, and to offer the chance to talk. Wendy DID act like a child with her braids; she kept saying "If Gizelle had come to me," and when she did that, you flat out IGNORED her and became a child. Not a good look, Zen-Wen. Robyn was really awesome this episode. Her phone call to Juan was hilarious, and I appreciate she upfront asked Wendy if she was ignoring her in addition to Gizelle, or just Gizelle. Her friend, though? I adore her, but I do feel like she's playing flip-flop fiddle. She should've been a housewife over Mia.

I genuinely wonder why Wendy was believing Mia given their history at the beginning of this season... I'm not liking Wendy this season as much as I did last. Her crocodile tears at the cottage did not fool me.

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I would agree with most of your post. Mia just isn't hitting the spot for me. I find her a little too rehearsed and what she thinks a RH should act like on the show. I do get a kick out of the GLEE she gets from gossiping/pot stirring, though! It is also early days, and I'm more than willing to change my mind if/when she peels back the layers and reveals more of her real self like a few episodes back. 

(By the way, did you guys hear that Monique may have been asked to be part of All Stars 2 but turned it down? Andy keeps saying he "hopes to do more" with Mo. Ok, Andy).

When Wendy hid behind her braids, I felt lowkey bad for her. Like I've been there before -- feeling so intimidated that you just want to run away and hide. However, Wendy is approaching 40 and needs to woman up, look Gizelle square in the eyes and show no fear. As Yolanda would say, who is Gizelle Bryant in dis verlt?

Robyn gave us big energy this ep, so props to her. She also confronted Wendy directly and finally initiated a dialogue. What I didn't like was Robyn building up an anti-Wendy brigade during the day with everyone else. Robyn chooses not to see why Wendy was rightfully hurt because she's all about backing Gizelle, but when it was turned on her, she got butt-hurt.

Wendy's muted voice delivery is not helping matters because it makes her come across as very limp. Last year she was defending Candiace's ground like a lioness, but this year she seems jittery, insecure and almost scared. Something is off and all the other women can sense it.

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I feel like Mia is hiding behind a façade of someone she wants to present to the cameras. I've always maintained the one time I feel like we get genuine Mia (aside from that damn voice) is when she's with her children. THAT is who Mia is.

Why would Wendy be intimidated, though? She gave a big presentation the night before, arrived to a conversation and Gizelle immediately opened the dialogue (which was a good thing in my eyes). Wendy wanted Gizelle to step TF up the night before, and when she did, Wendy cowered like a child with childish tactics. Completely contradictory. Gizelle wasn't trying to get into it right there in the backyard. She said when Wendy was ready; all that was needed was an, "Okay. I'm not ready now but I'll let you know." Instead, she chickened out, ignored her and showed her colours.

I see it differently. People like to pick on Robyn because she isn't a personality like Gizelle or Karen, and I think I understand Robyn, because I can relate on some levels to her. Robyn never attacked Wendy; in fact, when Ashley and Gizelle were discussing Wendy and the tabloids, Robyn was with Askale (who I ADORE) and Wendy at her business, and was very friendly with them. Wendy went for the low-blow, especially after being one of the most excited over Juan and Robyn's engagement. Askale was right: Robyn is a loyal friend. She genuinely is. Plus, Robyn was drunk as ever-loving f**k. The anti-Wendy brigade, genuinely from my point of view, did not start until the morning after that dinner at the tennis court.

Wendy is hiding something. Straight up, fact. If the tabloids were not true, I genuinely don't think she'd be as defensive as she is. Hell, even Ashley Darby acted calm, cool and collected after the many, many times Michael's indiscretions were brought to her attention.

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Thank you, thank you.

That's how I have been feeling this whole time. I didn't know how to couch it in a way that didn't play into the Gizelle wars but that was the takeaway from me too.
First considering how much the ladies have talked about Michael and the rumors about him, the pearl-clutching over the Eddie rumors amuse me (I am not naming names but someone is being a bit hypocritical here).
But more to the point the Wendy rage feels way overboard to me AND has a bit of a Barbra Streisand effect to it. Would we have heard about it if she hadn't brought it up? She is smart enough to know that so why go there if she isn't defensive about something?
And btw it having a hint of truth to it would jive with her change of behavior and how she dresses if you think about it.

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@Liberty CityI don't agree about annoying Wendy.  I think she treasures her husband and family and really does not want to see her man smeared.  

Robyn still believes she has the same type of relationship with her roommate as the other women have with their husbands.  lol    While the other women can take that petty rubbish back to their husbands to discuss, Juan was like "I'll holla later".  Robyn simply does not mind looking stupid 24/7.  

LaDame cannot get away with this candle biz.  She needs to be called to carpet and good.  I like Karen but she may have pulled a fast one on Wendy.  I like the hustle but if Wendy is a friend, this is not acceptable!

Mia needs to work on being a bone collector because at the moment, she stinks at it.  

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I also feel Ashley Darby went into it wrong. In talking to Gizelle Bryant, she kept saying she's been there, yet I felt that was missing from her discussion with Wendy, and then she sat back and let Gizelle get the heat. She grabbed her breast milk and yeeted to the car to take her home. I think Gizelle was right in assuming the rumours are what is bringing on her sexier look, but she just approached it wrong at the dinner table that night.

I don't second-guess her love her for husband. What I do question are the crocodile tears with Askale and Karen. THAT felt disingenuous to me. And she kept going on-and-on about things. If it were me, I would state it once and say "end of story," and move along.

This issue is I don't think Juan knew what TF Robyn was discussing; she took the moment to take a dig at Wendy, and Juan probably felt Robyn was just being stupid in that moment. The ladies got it. Juan did not.

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Mia is so forced. She doesn’t really know how to slot in this group, but wants to secure her role with quirkiness and antics. 

I largely agree about Wendy, but wouldn’t be shocked if there was some fire under all that smoke. You don’t play with Nigerian families. Especially considering that Wendy and her husband’s marriage already has that added hitch of her in-laws’ disapproval.

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Now, now, there are no Gizelle wars.

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  However there are people with different opinions to what has been shown and backed in many ways. So let's try to keep the peace away from backhanded comments.  


And while Wendy is reacting in a 'where there is smoke, there is fire' way perhaps, she was not the one trying to get it on camera. 

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Yes, them cutting that makes Erika look so much worse. And I'm not surprised that Sutton would give a loan given so far this season she was acting like BFF to Erika. Holding her hand. Giving her a spa day. Doing things to cheer her up on the divorce.


And I hate to say it...but yes, BH feels like it's gotten back to what made it fun in the first place.


Yes, I felt the same about the Kyle/Kathy talk. And I'm glad they got into it. I realize so much being talked about in terms of tension about how Kathy and Kim were mad at her for it. So good to see it talked about.


EXACTLY!!! That was why I pointed out how all the Coven members BUT Dorit was telling Garcelle to sit down. It was like they were trying to make Garcelle appear to the viewing public like the 'Angry Black Woman' persona. Garcelle is very well aware of this which is why she is conscious of how she looks on screen. And I do feel they were trying to push her that way which left a sour taste in my mouth.


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You hit the nail on the head. Because of Eddie's family's refusal to give this marriage their full support, it puts extra pressure on the couple to make it work against the odds. Nigerian communities are very close-knit, especially first/second gen, and something like this would be the talk of such a community.

There may be something more going on here that Wendy is covering... Having said that, whenever I see Eddie in scenes with Wendy, hand on heart he always strikes me as genuine and present. In that moment I just cannot see that he would have cheated on her. I don't know how to explain it -- he just seems into his wife.

Mia is coming across forced and, as much as I am looking forward to the salad toss episode (!!) (I'm giggling cuz I just finished watching The White Lotus), in the trailer, from her side it rings rehearsed.

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I think the key here is Wendy, not Giz and I didn't know how to make that point in a way that didn't turn into a defense of Giz instead of a point about Wendy. Which was SELF CRITICISM on my part since that's clearly what happened in my earlier clumsy attempts to explain how I felt about Karen.
So I was appreciative and admirative of Liberty City managing to say it much better than I would have.

Point is: whatever Gizelle's motives are, I think Wendy's reaction and overall changes tell me she is on to something.

Edited by FrenchBug82
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Oh, but her explanation in her VT was hilarious! Wendy's candles only have 1 wick, La Dame's has 3 which will cause a greater fragrance throughout the room. LOL! 

But yeah, she probably should've mentioned it when Wendy brought up her candle one-season story venture. 


+1 on all the Mia comments. Her attempts at being the bone collector are falling flat. She didn't even come close to quoting Gizelle correctly. If you're gonna stir the pot, make sure you're back it up with facts because they will read you for filth if you come with assumptions and your own interpretations. 

Yes, I had to rewatch that scene and I'm glad Garcelle was smart enough to know that the optics of her standing over Dorit is something they could take and run with. Dorito has shown us she's a true Coven member and add to that, her micro aggressions and racist remarks over her nannies/staff etc. who are all people of color. She's about to put herself in Terri DeMarco territory -- gone. 

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