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THAT is how you do a premiere. Potomac continues to be in a league of its own.

I enjoyed what we got of Mia. Wendy tried to shade her while hiding all the work she’s had done, and Mia just laid it all out on the table.

I think it’s safe to say Karen and Gizelle are no longer frenemies and just straight up hate each other.

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It was odd and uncouth of Wendy to get so snappy when Mia asked her a simple question. Maybe Wendy shouldn't've had a party celebrating plastic surgery if she didn't want the question asked. Mind you, Wendy asked Mia how old she was minutes before and she answered without getting p*ssy. 


Candiace irks my soul with carrying on about being a victim. Girl, you got your ass whooped. Move on. It happens to everyone. You win some, you lose some. And her dipping out on the party was farce. Just say you weren't ready to be around Karen. Furthermore, speaking of farce, Candiace and Chris wanting to have kids...

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 These are the same people that profusely claimed they didn't want kids. Now they do. Bullsh*t. Same with Juan wanting Robyn to get knocked up too. I am so over people using babies for stories on these shows. It's tired. 


And I firmly believe that Dorothy is helping pay for this house too. Why would she have her own room then? The Bassetts are full of it. 


Gizelle pushing this faux relationship with Jamal after being exposed is stupid too.


While the premiere was good, there was too much faking it for the cameras. 

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Folks think that they can come for La Dame's marriage and finances while that she is dealing with the decline and eventual loss of her parents for sh:ts and giggles and are mad at her for asking "is Jamal's coming?" at a reunion, huh? I guess folks truly believed that the Grande Dame would be shaking in her boots because that little Heathers act she and her sycophants pulled on Monique last season died from the moment that she let them know that she's "a wh0re from Hampton".


Oh, and people whining about La Dame's "Sing Sing" shot being a low blow can go kick rocks. It's okay for folks to air out Karen and Ray's tax issues while she is dealing with dying parents, but folks allegedly being institutionalized because they couldn't handle Pastor's Holy Whoring is a bridge too far? Fvck that.

Edited by VirginiaHamilton
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Once again a perfect debut for Potomac! This was refreshing and you know it's going to be a great season! Mia was the pefect new addition and she seemed to fit right in. I feel like you could definitely see Wendy judging her based on her looks and husband and I look forward to seeing where that goes. I feel like everybody did their job here and I loved the lack of Candiace. I'm glad our ladies are back. It's nice to have another good HW show to pair with Beverly Hills while New York goes through their growing pains. 

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I am going to put my hand up and say I don't understand ya'll. They are all messy liars with dirt in the closet and everyone exposes everyone else. I am not sure why Karen should be getting a pass for her own BS.
I love Karen! But she is not anymore above the fakery than any of the others. 
Everyone on here acting as if calling Karen out for stuff is an act of petty sacrilege.

I know nothing of their history with kids. Would be perfectly plausible for a Housewife to use "trying for a baby" for a storyline.
BUT. I am also sure we have all heard of women or couples who once thought they didn't want kids and changed their minds as they got older.

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Mia... honey.... for a woman who runs her own businesses... she is dumb as a rock. That math scene was painful. Beyond painful.

I also loved seeing Gizelle and Robyn continue their never-ending friendship. Walking around the table? Iconic.

Robyn struggling during the pandemic is real, and it is relatable for a lot of people.

Gizelle vs. Karen is always entertaining. It'll never not be.

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This is indeed an AWESOME quote but she has been found plenty.
The timing of the whole IRS/house moving needling by the rest of the cast was distasteful but she WAS lying her ass off about her money troubles. 


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Actually the timing of it was as Candiace would say was unfortunate.


And more importantly she OWNED it, dealing it all with a class and grace and humor that most of her costars have not in their own lives. 


Meanwhile we have Gizelle still trying to fake a storyline with Pastor Holy Whore which has been PROVEN was just that...a FAKE STORYLINE.


Perhaps if she OWNED it, she would be allowed the same latitude among us that La Dame gets here that you do not seem to understand when there are pages, mentions, and discussions of why.

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The fakery.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised really. Now that everyone sees the diamond they have in the rough that Is POTOMAC, it was just a matter of time before it got the treatment it deserved. And the advertisements we got as far back as the beginning of RHOA, it was great to see. But usually when the masses discover something that the cool kids already knew is usually when it starts to leave a sour taste in the mouth and becomes uncool. Hopefully, POTOMAC will not be that way. The girls (without Monique) still gel extremely well. I still hollered several times. And we still have La Dame Grande...in all her quirky goodness.


BUT there were just several times when I was watching and I was taken out of my viewing when I thought...oh you are just doing that for storyline...Wendy trying to excuse the second season cure and all of a sudden Eddie all around, Gizelle and her 'relationship' with Pastor Holy Whore, Candiace and the kids (though I can believe they were in Quarantine together), Robyn's reason for waiting out the wedding. It just felt phoney. Especially after last year's reunion.


HOWEVER, there was enough more organic things going on. La Dame and Ray being La Dame and Ray while trying to avoid the vow renewal curse. Ashley getting ready to have her second child while Michael tries his best to NOT be on camera...lol. The introduction of Mia. And of course Gizelle vs La Dame...the feud that almost never gets old.


It looks like it will be another great season, but I hope they tread lightly to not do anything to take away from what makes this show POP!!!


LA DAME. SHHHHHEEEEEE'S BAAAACK, BABY AND THE LOOK IS SPECTAULAR!!!! LOL!!!! As usual...worth the wait. I liked that unlike most, she touched on the tension between her and Candiace and what to do going forward. And oh look! Her and Wendy had lunch (Production should have shown the whole scene.

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 ) and I already like her dynamic with Mia. And as expected with Monique gone, she is the target...FOR NOW. And as she said they don't want that. I look forward to see how she pivots since we know La Dame reigns supreme.


GIZELLE. First of all, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! After years of the whole world dragging her on her fashion, she has stepped up her fashion game. But...that's not the only thing she stepped up. It was clear that Monique did not miss with her binder. Gizelle is still very unmasked. So...it is clear she is working on changing her image. So eventually, she will see that 1)she needs to let that fake storyline with her and Pastor Holy Whore die and 2)the best way to improve her image is to make a truce with La Dame. Bravo might be on her side, but the main audience is not. And if she wants the AUDIENCE'S approval, she will need La Dame. Until then...since she can be slow...I will enjoy every drag La Dame do on her. Nice baby steps though and trying to change the image.


ROBYN. I liked what she wore to the nude interude and Juan's butt in his sweats. And her telling look when La Dame when in on Gizelle when she tried to attack La Dame. Otherwise, forgetable.


CANDIACE. Speaking of improving images, I see Candiace is trying a page from her new BFF Gizelle and doing the same. Kids. Trying to be independent. Making herself and Brown Pen being this hilarious duo in Confessional. Going along with Gizelle's fake storyline. Yeeeeeeeah, I was not feeling it or her. For now. I look forward to her sitdown with La Dame.


WENDY. COME ON THROUGH, DR. WENDY!!!! lol. Not once did she say a thing about her four degrees. She was just...there. The invite and everyone's reactions was hilarious. But like everyone else, self producing, self producing, and self producing. However, it didn't bug me as much as everyone else's. And we got our first event so how can one hate. Still love the family. And her baby has grown.  


ASHLEY. Speaking of baby...look at her!!!! That baby is coming. What I took from her is that Michael clearly no longer wants to be on camera. SHOCKER!!!! lol. And she is still in Mom mode and I love her like this. I know she's going to be messy, but I hope she will be able to balance it like she did last season. I loathed Early Season Ashley.


MIA. So far...I like her. And liked how she chin checked Wendy over plastic surgery. 


Good premiere, but I have my worries. 






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Listen I do not want to turn myself into a Karen basher coz I love Karen.

But she didn't own it. She spent the entire reunion of that season deflecting and refusing to answer any factual question. At times with legit complaints about the timing and manner of it all.

But she never OWNED the fact she had been BSing everything that season. Everybody moved on the next season and those particular issues were never explored in depth again. That's definitely clever of her to have managed to deflect it so well. But that's not owning it.

I doubt Gizelle will be given as much leeway to bulldoze through her own receipts and everyone's mileage will vary on whether Karen earned more leeway or what not but no. Karen does not own her own BS anymore than the others.
She is just slicker which, great for her! But I am not there for pretending she is above it all.

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Wendy went the Jennifuh from Jersey route and got a whole new body for her second season. LOL at her only admitting to the tittie job though. 

New girl Mia, while not a mathematic genius, had a decent debut. Sadly, she's one of those women who've had too much work done to the point that she looks like she's 15 years older trying to look 15 years younger. And she's only 36! (That was her final answer on her age, right? lol)  I'm glad the Grande Dame has an instant ally though, as she'll need it (at least while preggo Ashley is busy in labor). 

It was a great debut! It felt a little off without Monique, and a little too much Wendy. Sorry, I'm just not feeling her. She gives me low-budget Omarosa vibes. However, if she aligns herself with Karen and sees the light about Gizelle, there's good promise. 

+1 on liking Gizelle/Robyn looking around the table looking at the place cards. I can appreciate their genuine, fun friendship together. 

Candaice. Ugh. That's all. 

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It's bad enough I have to suffer through Gabrizelle's horrid fashions but now I have to see her butcher her own house? What in the hell was that hideous attachment on the end? Her lack of taste astounds me.

Can we get rid of boring ass Robin and trade her for Monique? Juan clearly doesn't want to be with her, he just doesn't want to lose her parents. And now they're trying to prolong her inevitable firing another season by bumping the wedding to season 7? No ma'am! Go back to bed with this tired ass "lets have a girl" fakery! 

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Loving Mia and her bluntness when it comes to her surgeries. Take note, Wendell!

The Grande Dame continues to reign supreme! This is her show! She knows it! The other girls begrudingly know it! That's why Gabrizelle is so bothered! I look forward to another season of her effortlessly dragging the green eyed monsters!

Edited by MrPrezident
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Like @Taoboi said -- RHOP was Bravo's best-kept secret which only the cool kids (well, us obvs

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) knew about. When last season aired, the network kind of woke up and realised that Potomac is its best show. Bravo is now holding RHOP ever closer to its breast & whispering "Precious, Precious."

We are already starting to see a glow-up. Candiace got a big new house in the boondocks. Gizelle threw off her fur jacket to reveal a shimmery, boss-lady new look. Wendy dined with Karen, a fur stole thrown over her shoulder like this is 1940s film noir. Physically, Wendy is borderline unrecognisable to me, and it's not just the bubbies. Something changed on the face and I can't tell what it is, if it was plastic surgery or just fancy contouring.

As a 'person,' this didn't feel like the Wendy I had known either. She was performing a script at the dinner party. I think production put pressure on her to 'relaunch' herself. Eddie is as sweet as ever and their two boys are so cute and pure. 

Robyn IMO has been struggling with latent depression for years. With the pandemic she has leaned into some old coping habits. People may feel she is a bore, but I appreciate that Potomac shows that middle-class experiences can be precarious and change on a dime. I was actually gripped by Robyn and Juan's conversation. 


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Hi! I am K Anon, and that IS an act of petty sacrilege. How dare you side-track us from our plot to have La Dame installed as the new host of WWHL. 

J/k!  Look, everyone is entitled to their opinion and surely they can express it on here. With this episode, I didn't need to call Karen out because Gizelle was already doing the work for me! And for the rest of the season, if I'm to understand her correctly. However, if it's anything like she said in the episode, much of this was raised in S3. (Incidentally, the season I really started liking Karen. Not because I am blind to her faults or her fakery, but because I couldn't bear seeing 3-4 people rejoicing in her misfortune. If Gizelle wants to know why Karen wasn't a friend at reunion, that is why. The animosity all stems from S3).

So let's see what Gizelle said about Karen's dirt:

1. Ray's ding-dong is broken.

NEW. Unconfirmed (and Ray is not going to pull out a doctor's report on this). Therefore, verdict: hard to verify. May Bravo never try.

2. There's some cheatin' goin on.

REPEAT. In S3 Gizelle said Ray had heart-eyes for Giz's business partner Erika Lyles (if the ding-dong is broken tho... ). That same season, Ashley said that Karen was having an affair with Blue Eyes, who may or may not have been Ray's chauffeur?

Verdict: we will see if Gizelle continues to ride this horse, but a good ole cheatin' rumor worked before (Michael Darby, Karen, Monique, Jamal). This always has potential to be a stinger.

3. The Hugers are Broke.

REPEAT from S3 and S4. We all saw the empty house in Great Falls rented for filming. I do think the Hs squared up with the IRS (as anyone with a braincell would), and now Karen is jumping on every business opportunity to (as they say) Maximise Revenue Streams.

Verdict: Potomac's portrayal of middle-class existence is financially precarious. Robyn has had tough times, Wendy has student debt, Candiace has Ms. Dorothy, Ashley is reliant on Michael. This may not be the big scandal Gizelle thinks it is, unless Karen maintains a tangled web of lies around it. 

Conclusion: If Gizelle is serious about exposing Karen's truth and nothing but -- this may not be enough. Also, two can play that game, and Gizelle is deluding herself if she thinks Karen will quake with fear and take this lying down. Karen has exceptionally quick comebacks, and she's got a lot in the vault on Gizelle, too -- starting with Jamal and whether that relationship is even real. So...  evenly matched.

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