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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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The heat is being turned up on Erika...lawyers are alleging that she is withholding records connected to her companies...the very same companies that apparently received $20 million from Tom Gerardi, and the lawyers are arguing that Erika is publicly dissipating assets that could form part of the monies owed to the widows and orphans.




I think it's occurred. All of her clothing is on steep discounts...

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Oh, for sure Production want to have their cake and eat it too. They are giving Erika a sympathetic platform but also dropping little hints -- Erika talking about how it's going to get MUCH worse; Tom snapping at her in that S6 throwback; Erika talking in Tahoe about how Tom "lets me be me" and now we know that's a lie! Production want to make it ambiguous so that the audience gets invested in the 'mystery.' The whole trailer was basically IS ERIKA LYING? FWIW, I'm not sure I believe Erika driving Tom to work and telling him she loved him and then filing for divorce. I do, however, believe that Tom shut down any complaints she had about being his geisha wife, and I also believe the story about him telling another man at dinner "You can have her." He viewed her as a tradable commodity. One thing that gets lost is that while the focus is on Erika, the #1 villain in all this is Tom Girardi. 


Kyle let drop an interesting tidbit on WWHL some months ago. She says that before every season, she sits down to lunch with the EPs. And presumably goes through SLs and what they can talk about and cannot. I think the EPs really do acquiesce to the RHOBH's demands much more than some other franchises. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean they're not going to be shady in the editing room, lol. That meal with Erika snapping "OR WHAT? OR WHAT?" at Sutton looks like a mask-dropping moment for sure.


Interesting that Dorit and Garcelle might have a feud. Dorit told TMZ recently that Garcelle was the most 'inauthentic' -- at the time, I assumed she was backing up the Faux Force Five, but now I'm wondering if she was laying the groundwork for a feud. It's about time because Dorit is doing not much for me so far.



The Daily Mail article indicated that the biggest lawsuit is for $2mn! The Girardis are so greedy, god. If they'd just quietly paid the $2mn to make that lawsuit go away, Erika would still have $18mn to hold onto for a bit. I am seriously stunned. They could have sold the planes and the Pasadena house, paid off the most pressing lawsuits/creditors right away and restructured the remaining payments. Instead, Tom wanted to hide assets and declare bankruptcy. Wretched.


Did NOT know that about Rinna's dusters on QVC. 


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Kelly Dodd is doing the MOST this week. It's like she thinks Bravo will rethink their decision to fire her and ask her back! Not only did she call Golnesa 'Ghoulash,' 

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 and blames Braunwyn's 'wokeness' for getting them fired, but she also announced that she and Fox News  [(c) GG] got Lyme Disease! (Yolanda: "Who is Kelly Dodd in dis vorld? I mean, really." Sigh. I miss Yol sometimes!)


She also said that she and Fox News  got Covid in January from (wait for it) HEATHER DUBROW'S KIDS! I mean, how? How are Kelly Dodd and the Dubrows even hanging out? It couldn't possibly because QAnon Dodd said masks were a hoax and that people who wore them were sheep?? Truly, the OC is the Florida of California.


Speaking of Florida...



Are you serious? NYC really shut down hardcore this winter huh.


Tell me RHONY didn't head to Florida! Oh wait, it's Salem next, yes? Also, we have someone in the cast (Leah? Sonja? Ramona?) getting Covid and shut down filming for a bit. I'm also hoping Production use some pap shots of Ramona running around Mar-a-Lago in her macramé beach cover-up as a guest of Douchebag Jr.

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Some RHONY tea from the Slut Pig podcast:


The host said a network source said they pulled the show this week last minute because of the poor response to the season. They also reiterated that the show is going to have a long season which I know is a disaster for them with this type of reaction. I wonder if there’s a chance they could cut it from 21 episodes to like 15 or if they’ll ride it out. 

He also said his network source said that Leah was one of the best received new HWs they’ve had and her fall from grace with fans is HUGE! I hope that means they’re smart and get rid of her ass. 

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That's... not good news. I feel bad for RHONY as we still have a long way to go with this season. I mean, if not much is going on, maybe they should reduce it to 15? Dallas was stretched out too much with three unnecessary episodes in Oklahoma. 


Leah's fall from grace is major. And in some ways I don't quite understand the degree of disillusionment. Yes, she's deeply annoying but... I don't think she's that bad...? 

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 I suspect people were really looking forward to Heather being around the whole season and Leah stopped that from happening, so now they want her out because of that.

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I was over Leah halfway through last season, but I guess Bravo thought, wow, we have a young vibrant woman who’s connecting with the audience. Let’s make her the face of the show! And for me, that’s unappealing and not why I watch NY. Leah is so transparently thirsty in a way that has no finesse. (At least Bethenny was there from the beginning, with real and interesting relationships with the women, and has legit star quality, even if she eventually became too much as well.) And Ramona, Sonja, and Luann all feel like supporting characters to Leah and Eboni now. The Golden Girls have been sidelined for the young up-and-comers. 

But that goes back to the point of too much Hamptons. That was one moment in time, yet they stretched it out, so there’s a feeling like, this dynamic is the new RHONY. When you’re 7-8 episodes into a season, audiences should have a feel for where the show is going, and if this is it, God help them.

We just needed different types of episodes by now, and perhaps the pandemic didn’t help, since daily life was on hold when they were filming.

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I hear ya. Bravo hyped Leah too hard and too fast, crowning her the Second (third?) Coming of Bethenny. Losing three women (Bethenny, Tinsley, Dorinda) within a season did not help, so it feels like Bravo pinned ALL their hopes on Leah while trying to gradually reduce coverage of the OGs. And NOBODY can carry an entire RH show, not even Bethenny, let alone Leah. Leah also fell back on predictable SJW soundbites she culled from Twitter and figured would play well. Rich white girl in Manhattan threatens another 'Karen' with cancellation? Yeah, I see enough of that on my timeline.


ITA that The Hamptons episodes should have been cut by at least one episode. We jumped straight in without the usual NYC-setting scenes (difficult during the pandemic, although not impossible. Cuomo/DeBlasio by that point had lifted some restrictions and encouraged outdoor dining in a bid to relaunch the restaurants). NYC has such a uniqueness. We forget that, on RHONY (just like with SATC), the city is like another character.


I would add that the reduced size of the cast is... a challenge. I would have loved Heather to get full HW status -- despite her protestations, I think she wanted to be a fulltime HW, and it would also have made it more difficult for her to stop filming from one day to the next. I also think they should have kept Dorinda (this season could have been a re-set, redeem and rebuild for her) and had Carole as a FOH. All these women have history with us.




Cynthia on Wendy Williams yesterday. She didn't say one way or another if she's gone, however, Wendy was adamant that she should no longer be on the show!


Too bad Cynthia doesn't want to move back to the city (whisper it *RHONY*). She is friendly with Ramona and Luann.


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Yeah, they bet on the wrong horse with Leah alone. Just shows how little they understand what makes NY work. And, yes, NY is absolutely a character on this show, but it’s only really started to recover in the past couple of months here. I went out a few times back in March on beautiful days, and it still felt eerily dead, even in Hell’s Kitchen.


I wanted Dorinda gone at the end of last season, but I’ve really missed her this year. Still I think it’s probably in her best interests to rest a season. Carole would have been a good addition alongside Heather.

And beyond the sweet scenes with Sonja, I feel like Eboni has been a miss so far. She’s also hitched her wagon to Leah, but she likely didn’t have a lot of options with this tiny cast with three older women. I have no doubt she’ll get a second season, as they’ll make damn sure the first black NY cast member isn’t deemed a failure (even if Bershan pops more, moving forward). I thought the small cast might have been a boon for Eboni, but with all the exposure, they’ve made her come across as incredibly one-dimensional. In a normal season, we might have had a better sense of her family, romantic, and work lives, beyond phone calls and glimpses of her recording her podcast.

She’s clearly smart and funny, but I just don’t think this is the cast for her. Again, I could be wrong, but this is what happens when you have seven episodes go by with so little movement.

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I'm looking forward to Bershan...just from the glimpses of her...she seems like she would be fun to hang out with.  Maybe she could help remove the stick out of Eboni and Leah's asses.


I wonder if Dorinda will be lured back for next season.  I've seen lots of pushback from viewers for this season...and I have a feeling next season will be a revamp.

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Excellent write-up. I couldn't agree more with everything you said. I loved that Sutton called a spade a spade and production showed the receipts on Crystal. 


Garcelle continues to be full of win and a voice of reason; a true Greek chorus (but without hawking a Skinnygirl brand every two seconds, thank you Jesus) 


Kathy Hilton is reality TV gold. Even her appearance on WWHL was hilarious. Kyle definitely needed a boost and she's using the right sister this time around. 


Rinna's squawking like a cat in pain is ridiculous. So is her hypocrital loyalty to Erika. I guess she can't tell Erika to "own it" because she owns nothing? 


Erika. Ugh. I can't even. You already said it all.  Even True O'Brien is a better actress. 



To be honest though, I'd be fine with both of them going. But if it were to happen, Bravo should then shovel buckets of money to Monique to return for Season 7.


Personally, I'm glad to hear she's tanking.  She is the absolute biggest buzzkill. Hubby and I groan and roll our eyes at nearly everything she says and does. It's so desperate and obnoxious. And the Susan Banks clothing? Eek!!  She definitely brings down my enjoyment of RHONY this season. Jill Zarin, get your ass back, stat! 

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Re: Leah.
One of the most essential skills of a Housewife needs to be good being good at faking sincerity. These women are acting for the cameras, pretending to show their lives, improvising drama. 
Some are crazy enough to believe what they are doing (Ramona), some are savvy enough to know how to play and fake it (Bethanny).
Leah is desperate and thirsty and obnixious and it *never* rings true. It got lost in the shuffle of the last season, partially because it was mostly with "Look how sex-positive and quirky I am", a light-hearted play which played well in comparison to Dorinda's angry meltdown.

But she can't pull it off beyond that now that the cast is smaller AND that she is the center of attention AND she is trying to start more serious storylines. 
She reeks insincerity and attention-seeking.

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Quite frankly, Vyle Kyle has been a failure since season 1.  Kim and Kathy are what keep her relevant.  Even in childhood..Kim had the more successful career.  


Kyle should just be a Hollywood wife..and stay off tv.


Regarding Gizelle wanting Candiace off the show...let's go back to season 3 when Candiace would effortlessly gather both her and Ashley.


Why is Ashley on the show still?  Time to fire her..unless she cuts hubby loose.  I think she got pregnant with baby #2 to ensure she wouldn't be fired.  Just a theory loll



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