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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Apparently, Skanka Lame was on Wendy's Williams today. Her boring ass gave opinions on LVP's exit and Brandi/Denise. 






And I do agree that everyone is replaceable on Housewives ... even this dullard ass cast, which I pray will be replaced after this upcoming dud season.

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I've been catching up on past RHOC seasons I missed. I'm a bit confused by the season Meghan came into the show. Was Lizzie originally asked back and they got rid of her during filming? She's there as of the first four episodes, but not in the credits. There's also someone named Katie they make a big deal of but  I also assume she vanishes because I've never seen her. I am glad she vanished because all she talked about was church and it became way too PTL for me.

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That's a shame as I liked her. The season so far just seems off as if the producers didn't know where the focus was going to be. Meghan is the star so far and I love how she riles up Shannon who I loathe (wish she had been axed instead of Tamra). I'm up to the bunko party, and it was devastating to see Vicki get the news about her mom. She's a vile woman, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone. 

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To me this season what reminiscent of BH last season. It was obvious that production and the cast were hell bent on making Vicki the villain. 


Do I think she lied about Brooks/cancer? Yes. 


However, these women dragged it on for 2 additional seasons after it happened. Be prepared. 


Much like dog gate, I believe cancer gate was dragged out b/c none of the other women had much to offer. This is why I am ALL for the reboot of OC. BH needs the same dosage. 

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I know many loved the Brooks storyline, but I found it dominated that season too much and it was boring to watch. Also, with Lizzie, she filmed that entire season and said she was cut out. I still find that so odd. OC did that often though. They had the lesbian housewife in season 6 who even appeared in the first cast photos, but she was an extra by the time the show aired. 

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S9 was a great season with variety and both newbies worked well. But for whatever reason, Tamra lobbied hard for Lizzie to be dropped and production acquiesced,  even though Tamra vs Lizzie was good drama. She even released Lizzie's home address on social media to some of her rabid fans, which tells you a lot about how vicious Tamra is.


S10 didn't quite work for me. Meghan talked about cancer the whole time and so did everyone else. It was a toxic, exhausting season to watch. I still cannot stand snotty Meghan because of it. The only bright spot for me was Jim Edmonds whose disdain of his wife was entertaining in a Jim Bellino way. But overall... OC never really got over this season. It is only this last season (14) that I felt the show truly managed to extricate itself from S10's toxic shadow.

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I saw that. She also did one of her Chicago numbers with what looked like a minimum of steps (and minimum of Fosse hands). Ann Reinking she ain't, though she looks the part.


I don't know why, but a part of me likes Erika and always hoped she and LVP would reach a meeting of the minds. I like that she reads people well. Another part hates that how contrived she has become -- and how bitter and bored she seems on the show. 


I wish Bravo would release Garcelle from whichever dungeon they put her in and let her do press for BH. Wendy even asked Erika about her so it's not just me who is curious about how she handles herself on the show.

Edited by Cat
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 I find Meghan refreshing and I like how she speaks her mind and doesn't allow Shannon to get away with her b.s. Shannon is so rude and dismissive of anyone who doesn't cater to her every whim. This season makes me feel so much for David and I don't even like him. I don't know how he put up with her for that long. She is the most self-centred housewife I've ever seen. She's constantly ruining a good time by getting upset/angry over the least little thing. It's all about her feelings and that she should be allowed to express them. UGH. As for the cancer stuff, I'm just now getting to episodes where Shannon is starting to question Brooks's behaviour over his "cancer treatment." I am not sure I will mind the cancer storyline as it feels more organic and serious than Puppygate (which I heard about rather than watched). It plays as one of those long-term soap opera storylines that finally pans out after years of storyline building. I think Vicki should have been fired after this season and RHOC might have been able to recover. 

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Did you watch seasons 11 and 12?


If not, your opinions will change. Cancer-gate gets beaten to death. 


Kelly Dodd literally saves this show in season 11. 


Season 12 was a mess. While I liked Peggy, she was a horrible casting choice. So was bringing back Lydia. Bravo missed the perfect opportunity that season to bring back Gretchen and Lizzie full-time.

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@chrisml if you hate Shannon, you may want to speed jauntily through the end of S10 as well as seasons 11 and 12. She hits peak self-righteous mode then.


Shannon and Tamra had such a good cop/bad cop mean-girl vibe together that it will be interesting to see Shannon without Tamra there to do all the dirty work.

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That's why I think Vicki should have been fired because the cancer storyline was never going to go away because she was always going to pretend it didn't happen (she was still obsessed with the "I'm not a con woman!" nonsense this past season) and the other women had to explain why they disliked her. Vicki never recovered from the storyline. It's sad because the tenth season could have shown Vicki in a whole new light, and it could have been the most emotionally satisfying for viewers. It's very obvious so far (and I'm up to episode eight) that she knew he was lying. Is this the season where Meghan calls Vicki a bitter old woman at some sort of lunch? Am I wrong in remembering that at one of the reunions Vicki calls Brianna a liar and says Brooks would never come onto her? 


I've seen seasons 11-14. I watched them in reverse chronological order. I agree about Kelly season 11. I thought Peggy was hilarious up until her strange behaviour in Iceland. Her reactions at the Quiet Woman confrontation were hilarious. Lydia's disdain for Shannon was a highpoint, but I got fed up with Lydia talking about her husband's balls. I did get sick of the aftermath of the cancer storyline because it was hate vicki/like vicki/hate vicki/like vicki. 

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I never understand wanting Gretchen back. She was pretty terrible her last few seasons and had no real sorry to offer. Just like Lauri who could’ve gotten her orange back, she ruined her return with that stupid Eddie rumor. That proved to me she still has nothing to offer as a HW. I wouldn’t want her or Alexis back. I feel their time has passed. 

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