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RHONY - I can see why Jill Zaren felt cut out.  We went from two episodes that took place three days after Halloween, November 3-4, cut to a month later and it's Christmas!  Zarin must have been lost somewhere in the missing days of November...  


I still don't get Barbara's "clay event" or why it wasn't worthy of its own scene?  However, Ramona's response to Barbara going out with her in Miami was as amazing as her ability to do her makeup while Sonja was going insane.


But the real mystery of the season is how did Ramona manage that low cut gown without her boobs falling out?  I know they are lifted, but did she paste that dress to her chest?

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I actually enjoyed this week's BH after last week's lacklustre Motel 6 Hawaii episode. Part of the reason Tuesday's episode worked was Kyle and her family. Love or hate the Umanskys, I do think what we see of their interactions as a family is warm and authentic. The highlight of the episode though was KIM. I cannot believe how joyous it was to see her again. The way she snuck up on her sister to hug her was cute. She looks healthy and grounded and happy -- and that may be why Rinna was so pissed.


I've been done with Rinna for a while. I love her soap/QVC self, but she's so obsessively mean in her rivalries. She doesn't just want you to go down, she wants you ruined personally and professionally, completely obliterated. She always said that Kim was going to die as a result of her addictions -- seeing her in a good place runs counter to that, and that's why she had a tantrum. Because she was not proved right.


BH has made LR arrogant and dictatorial. If Kyle went to LVP to accuse her, it's because Rinna riled her up and essentially made Kyle 'prove' her loyalty to The Clique. Rinna has been hating on Camille for a while, and now has stirred up the rest of the group just in time for France. The fact that she threw a hissy fit over Kim being at her OWN NIECE'S birthday party -- what did she expect?? Rinna is the one being invited to another family's event, not Kim. Rinna seemed to be annoyed that nobody outside of Erika really gushed over her costume (personally, I thought PK as Karl Lagerfeld was the best! I love KL). As Kim pointed out, Rinna needs attention, and when she doesn't get it, she acts out.


I wish Kyle had shown Rinna the door instead of trying to keep things easy and breezy (sigh, Kyle. Shades of S1, when Kyle would not have Kim's back because she valued being part of The Clique more). I do understand that Kyle was focused on hosting a party for her daughter. But it was left to Kim to confront a rabid Rinna, which she handled perfectly. Kim definitely came out the winner without breaking a sweat. I sort of wish she was back on the show now! Rinna did herself no favours.


And WHERE is Harry Hamlin? He has not been at any events. I can overlook Camille's wedding, but no-show at a Hallowe'en party? Rinna and Hamlin live for showing off their Hallowe'en costumes to the paps. I was really surprised he wasn't there and wonder if something is up.


(Haven't seen NY yet, but just want to say that I loved the return of Ramona to the fold last week. I liked her talking about her childhood and bonding with Bethenny and Dorinda. I had missed her this season).

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Potomac is such a pleasure, I can't get over it. Travelling to NOLA reminded me of back in the day when the Atlanta ladies went to Savannah or Charleston (I forget which) and there was a truly hilarious and fiery ensemble dynamic. 


Candiace came off well this episode, especially the way she smacked down Ashley and her pot-stirring. Last season, Ashley was allowed to get away with this because her mantra was 'I expose everything about my life, can you say the same?' The truth is, Ashley was only exposing stuff that made her look good (put-upon daughter, self-sacrificing wife). She and Michael are not an open book, something this season is now picking apart. I mean, does anybody truly believe Ashley is lusting after the Crypt Keeper's bod? I am ready for some roosting chickens to touch down. Right now Candiace and Robyn hold the key, which in true Bill Bell form, they are waiting to use a little later down the line.


Also -- Michael was referring to Juan, right? 


I don't know what to make of Katie. I'm happy she is back as I liked her S1, but something is definitely off. It does seem that she changes persona with each guy she dates/marries, and that begs the question, who is she really? She seems to be going through some frankly horrendous stuff off-screen.

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The Miami trip is shaping up to be a bit like St Barts or Tirks and Caicos, and that's not a bad thing. 


Great to see Jill Zarin again. She was only on for 30 seconds, but she made sure she was in every camera shot, and somehow managed to hustle her way next to Dorinda for the tree lighting ceremony. I tip my hat. This is the kind of thirsty camera presence we need! Why were her scenes cut? Did Bethenny pull a fit with production? I like Barbara fine but Zarin on that trip would have been insane.

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You bet they do...and not one word about them on the show. So the whole show rings false.


On NYC, Lu went to jail, on ATL, Nene got hit with that IRS Debt, on OC, half the cast lost their houses to foreclosure, we've seen divorces galore across the franchises - yet on RHOBH it's about a f--king dog.

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Jill did an interview and said they filmed her inviting the cast to her birthday party which Bravo wanted to film, but they all turned her down LOL. I think the cast is probably banding together to keep her off the show, or at least the important ones (Ramona/Bethenny). 

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The BH women are *obsessed* with how they appear to the public and have too much control behind the scenes (mainly because of their money and high profiles). It is killing the show and explains why it has become so scripted and poorly contrived. 


When I think of Lynne's daughters served with eviction notices and Lynne's husband confessing that he had hidden the full extent of their money problems... or the police cam of drunk Luann losing it in the back of a squad car... those were gasp out loud moments. I'm sure both women would have preferred the footage not to air, but they also had an attitude of 'I am on this show which pays me and raises my profile, and this is the price to pay.' Certainly, in both instances, my sympathy grew for both women and I appreciated them showing ALL parts of their lives. OC and NY especially do not shirk from presenting the many facets of these women.


Question about the Umansky case: From what I initially gleaned, this Sweetwater guy is a corrupt dictator's offspring, trying to launder ill-gotten gains (while his country languishes in terrible poverty) by purchasing high-end property in the US. The Feds are breathing down his neck (hello RICO laws) and this lawsuit is a diversion tactic to wash his hands of the money laundering allegations and turn it on Mauricio. In your assessment, would you say that the Umanskys are being somewhat unfairly dragged into a lawsuit by this unscrupulous individual? That is an argument I have seen posited elsewhere.


That is not to say that the show should avoid mentioning the lawsuit. It should, and it is a fascinating case. The lawsuits I also wish they would talk about are the ones for fraud and debt featuring the Kemsleys. 

Yikes. I thought Ramoma is chummy with Jill now and wanted her on the show. But yeah I bet one person in particular was categorically against showcasing Jill. 

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So I went to Countess and Friends last night in Atlanta and it was absolutely AMAZING. Luann is actually quite the entertainer and is very charming. The place was packed out and everyone was totally engaged. Luann has an AMAZING figure and wore some beautiful dresses. She even had us all yell out the designer at one point which was like cathartic for everyone lol.


I can't say enough good things about the show. I now see why she's so excited about it. If you get a chance to go, you absolutely must go guys.

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@Antoyne Sounds like an amazing night! Her shows always look like a lot of fun on the show. And Lu clearly ADORES doing #CountessAndFriends. It seems to make her happier than anything else in this world. It has replaced (some of) the drinking in her life, which is both a good and bad thing, because I worry that if the cabaret work dries up, she will be absolutely devastated. However, it sounds like the shows are very popular so hopefully she will continue to do this for a while yet!


Her figure in that bikini in the last episode was INSANE. She does look incredible-- at any age.


Did she spill any tea??

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Sounds awesome! My hubby actually wanted us to go (and the hubster is NOT even a LuAnn fan!) a couple weeks ago when she appeared in Milwaukee but it was too last-minute. Perhaps in November when she comes to Chicago. 


Judging from Instagram and trips taken together, I think Ramona and Jill have patched things up. It was disappointing that her presence at the tree lighting ceremony was such a non-factor. Agreed @Cat having Jill on this Miami trip would've been blockbuster. 


I am SO entertained by their trip. The place they're staying at is gorgeous, Ramona was up to her usual antics of explaining all her outfits to the hired help as they helped her unpack, Sonja was blitzed out of her mind right off the bat, and Dorinda was about to catch up. I thought it was a tad ill-timed for Bethenny to storm into Lu's room and lay into her about her Cabaret behavior. But, I guess she was piggy-backing off of what Drunk Sonja and Slowly-Turning Dorinda were saying. 


LOL at poor Tinsley always getting the leftovers as the "baby" of the group. I finally love her. What's funny is that she can speak honestly about people (i.e. LuAnn's behavior) yet it doesn't get validated because nobody acknowledges what she says. 


I loved Ramona lightly dissing Barbara and rolled my eyes at Barbara acting all sour about it. Sorry, but I'm Team Ramona on this one. Babs is kind of a buzzkill. Not Cindy Barshop bad, but meh... 


This trip is the kind of messy fun that I love and I can't wait for next week. This is gonna go down as one of the best trips, IMO. 


Yesss!! Forgot to add that to @Antoyne 's comment.  And what a perfect view in the pool as the sun set over Miami. 

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So she does a Q&A session where audience members get to ask her questions. As far as the other Housewives go she was really diplomatic and professional with her answers, she didn't bash anyone. She said coming out of the reunion she's closest with Sonja and Dorinda. She was really excited about being friends with Dorinda again and was like "We're back!".


Someone asked if Tom was well endowed, and she stated "Why do you think I married him?" She said Jacque and Tom were excellent lovers. She said she never had sex with the Pirate, but that Sonja did. She also said the Pirate was a little dirty for her but that he was hot.


She defended Barbara against an anti-Barbara question. The people I was with and myself, were shocked how many people at the show don't like her. I find her pretty inoffensive and it seems they've minimized her role as the season has progressed.


She made some jokes about her most recent brush with the law which we all laughed about. She was honestly in great spirits and seemed super appreciative of what a packed crowd it was.


Jill Zarin's daughter Allie was in attendance along with Tanya from RHOA.

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Thank you for the delicious tea!


The fact that she and Dorinda are in a good place again leaves me thrilled. And Sonja too. I know Bethenny is considered the 'star' of NYC, but for my money, anything involving Lu, Sonja, Dorinda and Ramona is the most watchable. 


I am also glad she defended Barbara against the boos! That sounds like the 'old' Lu I know and love. I like Barbara -- she is genuine and true-to-herself. She is the one who reached out to Bethenny when Luann was spiralling out of control in order to stage an intervention. That is a true friend right there. While everybody else  on the Miami trip gets piss-drunk on Dorinda's delicious-looking mojitos, she is probably going to be Luann's anchor.


I always thought it was a shame that Luann and Jacques never worked out, he seemed to provide stability for her. When they broke up, that's when Lu went down a bit of a slippery slope. I'm shocked she didn't boosh the Pirate, but I still think they did more than flirt! 


Interesting that since S1, Luann and Jill have been close and never really had a beef with one another. That's nice of Ally to come see the show.

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Agreed. Sometimes Bethenny is like a little grey raincloud that hovers into view when you've laid out to catch some rays. She arrived last and immediately tried to shoehorn herself into drama that had already gotten underway. It's like, girl, sit your ass DOWN. Dorinda, Ramona and DrunkSonja have already got this round covered.


I noticed B brought a glam squad with her for the trip -- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I don't care about glam squads for fancy NYC events, but this is meant to be vacation! There is nothing I enjoy more than Ramona and Sonja glamming it up out of their own messy suitcases and sharing a straightening iron. The last thing I want to see is the Erika Jaynization of RHONY!


I too have a good feeling about this trip. Like, St Barts/Turks & Caicos-good. Next week looks hilarious.

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RHONY - I feel like production is playing a prank on Barbara K.  She's in every episode, the other women constantly make fun of her wardrobe, and she went on the cast trip, but maybe because she threatened to sue last season, they won't give her an apple. 


I also feel like Dorinda quietly disapproves of Tinsley.  Dorinda didn't stick up for Tinz when Ramona kicked her out of the car, she criticized her ringmaster skills, and I get the feeling that Dorinda does not think Tinz is bright.  There is an amusing Bravo aftershow on YT, Dorinda and Sonja are interviewed together by producers, Lu is by herself, Tinz is with Dale, and Bethanny and Ramona just don't appear.   This week Dorinda said that she wanted to be in the car with Sonja and Ramona in Miami because she knew them the longest, which seemed like a euphemism for "I was already  tired of Tinsley."


Also, quizzing Sonja on what she remembered of Miami before she watched the episode is a very funny idea.


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