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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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So from Atlanta... I think I see Kandi, Cynthia and even Porsha?!?! 


Nene and Kenya have always had a complicated relationship so I'm just assuming this is one of the times where the two aren't speaking.


And one of the reasons I'll always love Kandi is that she's the one person that has never bowed down to Nene ever.  It has to drive Nene crazy, yet at the same time, I think Nene kind of admires that as well.  Nene/Kandi have always intrigued me because there seems to be an unspoken understanding between the two.. and anytime Nene tries her usual passive aggressive stuff with Kandi.. Kandi shuts her down without raising her voice or even batting an eye lash

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Kenya and Porsha buried the hatchet during season 10 and have been supportive towards each other since. 


It makes it even more pathetic that Nene holds a grudge when Porsha/Kenya, who literally brawled, have moved on. Same thing is happening on M2M with Mariah/Toya being closer than ever and Quad still holding a grudge against Mariah. 

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Those Nene pictures aren't coming through, but I did see this morning that Nene was tweeting really positive things about Kenya - and how she really thinks Bravo made a mistake by not letting her be a housewife, etc.  Did she change her tune in the last 24 hours or was that more of her being sarcastic?

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New Jersey taglines and intro:




A bit boring and average to me.  Margaret has the best, especially the way she delivers it.  She's also front and center with Teresa (in front of Melissa and Delores)... that's interesting, she must have a big presence this season.

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Megyn Kelly is sparking backlash on blackface comments... and those comments were in regards to Luann as Diana Ross.  Luann always has a way of finding herself in the news, whether she likes it or not.  

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Team... Both Sides? I understand where Shannon is coming from: OC vacations are like Survivor, where one HW is singled out as target. She thinks that is what Tamra has done with her. Tamra is giving off Old Skool Costa Rica vibes and definitely playing up to the new girls.


OTOH I get where Tamra is coming from. Shannon is self-involved. This is not Breaking News. Kelly also has it right: Shannon has been depressed for years, probably before she even came onto the show. While I applaud Shannon for not wanting to numb her emotions with hardcore medication and is happy embracing her feelings, the good and the bad, clearly she already self-medicates with alcohol. Surely therapy cannot hurt?


Emily is *gasp!* growing on me....?


Vicki's outfits this episode, oy. That dress was too low-cut and I was seeing waaaaay too much 59-year old boob. Also, Ramona called. She wants her black macrame cover-up back. God, I love Vicki. She was FABULOUS this entire episode. I also like that she is the VOR and trying to be supportive to Shannon.

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I get what they mean about Shannon, but I feel like Tamra is very strategic with the cameras and plotted this. I think Shannon was fine on the trip and Tamra kept prodding her into a meltdown. The new girls resent that she doesn’t like them, but she doesn’t have to like them. The pile up felt like typical Tamra. She was leading Shannon to believe things were fine, but going behind her back still talking about the Eddie thing. She riled those new housewives up and got what she wanted. The bad thing is Shannon will forgive her and fall for it.  

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Easily the best episode of a lacklustre season. It was, essentially, an hour long fight.


I didn't expect to identify with Tamra...but I did. Shannon is exhausting and being a friend to someone who indulges in their own pain ("I have a right to feel my pain!" was like nails on a chalkboard to me - Shannon revels in her pain) can be very wearing and very trying because they become emotional vampires. It's no surprise that Tamra snapped. She is a highly disciplined person and is able to push through the crap in her life (I'm not saying I admire Tamra because so much of what she does seems mean and spiteful and calculated) and I can see how she would find Shannon frustrating because she refuses to take help. Part of that may be down to the fact that Shannon either has clinical depression or she's in menopause (or both) and she can't see the forest through the trees.


What I did think was admirable was Vicki admitting she used an anti-depressant during her divorce from Don. Not everyone would be gutsy enough to admit that given the stigma around mental health. I also thought Kelly handled everything quite well with Shannon because she could have flown WAY off the handle, but she kept it together. Vicki's dress, however, was tragic in every way imaginable. 


Shannon obviously felt attacked, but she is oblivious to how self involved she is and how easy her life actually is. Divorce sucks. Her marriage to David brutalized her. But she has her health, she has her kids, she has resources. Tamra is right about Shannon's penchant for making everything a catastrophe.


I liked Gina and Emily. They're less jaded than the veterans and I think it's interesting to see two newbies not get slaughtered by Vicki. She hardly hazed them at all.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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