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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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@DaytimeFan ok so now I am hearing a different slant on the de Lesepps lawsuit. The slant is that Luann just started dating her new agent, Rich Super, who is booking all these cabaret gigs for her. Things have gotten sufficiently serious where she wants to sell the Sag Harbor house and find a place in the Catskills, perhaps with him. Victoria and Noel have been blindsided by the news that she may be selling, so they have put an injunction on the sale as they have a stake in that house as per the divorce decree. 


If this ^^ is true, then the children may be worried that Luann is rushing into a new relationship and house sale so soon after rehab. The lawsuit I guess would be to protect their assets going forward in case Luann gets screwed over by an unscrupulous golddigger. I mean, I love me some Lu, but she really has poor taste in men. 

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@Cat thank you. That makes a lot more sense to me rather than the Count and her kids being made at her.


And....OC's intro has been dropped. Shannon, there's a housewife that wants royalties for using their line.

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NYC has been delivering but I found this past episode to be a bit boring. I did crack up when Bethenny emulated thirsty a** Ramona, who of course wanted the dude that was after Bethenny. Ramona cannot stand for the spotlight to not be on her. 

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 Also, I am over Tinsley & this hotel story. It's boring as sh-t. Dare I say it but can they bring Jabberjaw--I mean Heather back? Jill too. 


I'm so eager for this trip next week. Booze & these ladies = epic drama. If the trip is anything like the trip last season, it is gonna be epic. 


RHOC intro has been release and I am unimpressed...


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Damn those taglines are.... not great. Kelly's is the best, and that's saying something because it is corny AF! That's the best they could do with Vicki and Shannon's? Vicki's sounds like a rip off of her "My love tank is full and I'm driving into my future!" tag.


Nevertheless, I am looking forward to this season. I've even been missing Tamra lately, and I am more than ready for Tamra, Vicki, Shannon to get back together.

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Yeah.. those aren't the best taglines.. but I don't judge a book by its cover.


I'm not a fan of NY (too much group.. and almost all of them aren't married so they might as well rename the show)... so I'll be looking forward to some family stuff/drama on the OC.

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Gizelle is a blatant liar. Not only is she a mean bitch with an ugly heart but she is flatly dishonest and then smiles when she's called out on her lies, despite trying to throw all of the other women under the bus about Robyn showing up ridiculously late. That is a major character flaw. 


Ashley...gossipy bitch who should really stay in her own lane since her life is a shambles. Who is she to make any comments about Ray and Karen's marriage? 


Candy-Ass sings beautifully but she brings nothing else to the show.


Robyn and Juan's 2007 Europe pictures so a couple so in love and so happy. I do hope they work out their relationship because they seem made for each other.


Karen continues to amuse and entertain and all without having a wig shift. She was recently on The Breakfast Club the day after filming the reunion...there might be some subtle spoilers, but I really enjoyed the interview:


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This LuAnn news is really disheartening . . . she's been enjoying an epic comeback/redemption tour and this is about as serious an accusation as it gets.  I know many hate on season 4 LuAnn, and without getting into the Alex stuff (which I thought was justified), I think the most significant wrong a NY housewife has dealt another was Ramona calling LuAnn out on her parenting and then going after a teenage Victoria at the reunion.  Just WOW.  In her blog a few weeks ago, Carole came after LuAnn similarly, saying Adam was an unpaid babysitter for Noel while his mother was gallivanting around with men . . . I get why Carole felt compelled to defend Adam when LuAnn was carrying on about how he took advantage of her/Nicole/the family . . . but I also felt she just didn't need to go there.  Would Adam want her to do that?  Would Noel?  But if LuAnn's own children are coming after her now, it looks like there was a fire behind all the smoke.

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On a related note, I think Carole/LuAnn is one of the more interesting, under-featured relationships on this show . . . from a silly feud in season 5 to becoming actually really good friends in seasons 6 and 7 and for it to all fall apart . . . there's a lot to mine here.  And Carole is stupidly not learning from LuAnn's mistakes . . . Carole got off the hook for Adam/Nicole because LuAnn ridiculously started slandering Carole and Adam every way she could think of instead of concisely expressing her grievances (shades of NJ's Jacqueline) . . . now Carole is coming down so hard on B on social media that everyone might forget that B was actually the original culprit in this war.  Even though I never understood their friendship, it's always sad to see a real relationship destroyed on these shows.

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God, I hate Gizelle. When she told Robyn that everybody wanted to leave without her (when in fact they wanted to wait!), that was straight from the Controlling Husband Handbook. Isolate your prey, make them think nobody cares about them but you. This is how Gizelle makes sure Robyn stays her loyal little attack dog.


Speaking of Giz's attack dogs, I LOLed when the women asked Ashley if she was going to report back to the light-eyed losers. Sure enough, at dinner, the three of them tag-teamed Karen and Monique. I dislike Ashley as much as Gizelle. This shark-eyed alley cat would sell out her nearest and dearest for a quick buck. And this is why Michael extended the pre-nup -- because he does not trust her as far as he can throw her.


I love Karen. Karen who lies about her houses/finances/marriage/blah blah -- I don't care! We know she's lying. She knows she's lying. Karen is super-meta and plays for entertainment. Gizelle tries so hard but cannot break her, and that makes me love Karen all the more. Those three b*tches are coming at her with knives! Unpopular opinion, but I like the Karen/Candy-ass friendship. Candy-ass teases Karen with her singing, and Karen gives her honest advice that C needs to hear, even if she doesn't want to.


Monique needs to stop hanging with Gizelle one-on-one. Monique always spills too much personal detail, and Gizelle is going to twist that and won't rest until Monique's marriage/friendships are lying in ruins.


ETA: Did anyone catch Ashley pulling a Rinna and demo-shaming Bravo? 'Karen and I are from different generations! I'm a millennial who puts everything out there on social media! Karen is a closed book!' Are we punishing HWs older than 45 now? I like that the RH shows are multi-gen. They need women of a certain age who live dramatically. Where would OC be without Vicki and Shannon, NYC without Ramona, Sonja, Luann? Can you imagine if Potomac went millennial-only? It would be Ashley, Candy-Ass, maybe Monique and Robyn.

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 Ugh, Ashley is working my last nerve atm. 


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