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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Finally caught up on NYC. I'm sticking with Team Dorinda. I don't find her to be a mean drunk, but rather a blunt drunk. It's got to be exasperating, whether drunk or sober, to put up with Sonja's delusions about her own life and the frivolous mean-nice chatter that Sonja blurts out. 


Very telling that Ramona now considers to be closer to LuAnn than Sonja. 


OMG, Carole. Great, you ran a marathon. So have I. So have thousands upon thousands of others. You got a toast and a cake. Now shut up. 

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Candy-ass is low class but the bubble soccer event did give us the amazing moment when Karen had to shift her wig. God I love Karen. She is so funny. 


Gizelle remains a hateful bitch with an ugly heart. 


Robyn remains an absolute idiot - paying someone to decorate that townhouse? Fool. Still can’t hold onto a dollar. 


Ashley’s mother is toxic to her relationship and when it’s Michael’s money paying the bills he has every right to say it’s time to cut her off. The woman is an immature leach.


Charisse remains a pig. 


I love Potomac. 

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OC: Cast trip in Jamaica. 


Dallas: Cast trip in Copenhagen, Denmark.


I really want OC to come back ASAP. It'll always be my favorite franchise. The crappy last season is still miles more entertaining than BH and ATL.

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100% all this. Potomac is so easy to enjoy this season. Even though I can't stand Gizelle.


I'm excited to see Jamaica (it was spectacular on RHOA), but I have a feeling the OC HWs will probably never leave the hotel resort. It always amazes me how the OC ladies fly miles away on vacation to stay at a beach exactly like the one they have at home! Hope it's a good season this year.


Copenhagen is a beautiful city. The Dallas ladies will probably feel right at home. Everybody there is blonde and good looking and speaks English and loves a strong drink or five.

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Lol 😂. I loved how you ended it.


I almost feel bad for Charisse. It’s clear they had her film the whole season and then demoted her.


Candiace seems harmless. 


Gizelle still sucks.


This really is one of my favorite franchises now. It pairs well with New York.

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Charisse is a charmless turd so it makes absolute sense they demoted her. She is so impressed with herself yet she’s a zero. 


It’s one of my favourites too because it’s still fun and light for the most part. Pairs beautifully with NYC. 

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I recall when the girls from the OC went to Ireland... they did a pub crawl, went on several of the tours, Meghan even researched her family history then went up to random strangers with Kelly asking them if they were related LOL


Plus, the year they went to Bali.. they went on bike rides, toured rice fields, went to the little shops, even had their feet dipped in the water with the fish, etc.


The downside of the OC women on vacation is their lack of adventure in terms of food.


I admit I didn't watch their vacation last season..tbh



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Yeah they do visit places. I'm being harsh. I love when they went to Costa Rica, and Bali.


Last season they went to Iceland. It was all trips around glaciers, but it got side tracked when Vicki took some pills Kelly gave her, had a bad reaction, went to the hospital, and nobody in the group cared. 

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It just occurred to me.


Lil Bucky as in FLAVOR OF LOVE Bucky?


Haven't seen this week's POTOMAC yet. But I am loving the tea on the trips this year. ESPECIALLY Denmark. I can't wait.




And I see TT just had a blind item reveal having to do with Ms. Pretty Mess which explains a lot and perhaps she is right and she won't be back next season given the blind item itself.

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It's like Icy B*tch purposely sabotaged her HW position so that she doesn't have to come back next season when the divorce breaks!


BH should call it a day. Maybe some years down the line we get a RHOBH featuring Kyle, Camille, Faye Resnick, Kris Jenner -- and guest-starring Kathy Hilton and Kim Richards. Ok, I know most despise Kyle, but imo Kyle still has story to milk, especially her fear of Kathy Hilton and the loathing Kathy has for her.


Erika needs to GO. She clearly hates the women, the show, Andy, and Bravo. She bought into her own hype and it's an ugly look.


Rinna is awful. She did f*ck-all this season except attack LVP in her VTs. Rinna is basically the Charisse of BH. She can GTFO also.


LVP has out-grown this franchise. She should stick solely to VPR where she can focus on trying (and failing) to make Scheana Marie happen (we all know Lala is the real star!). 


Dorit. Ugh. Blatant liar. I hope we never see her on reality tv again.

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It's interesting that BH has taken a dive since it's stellar first two seasons, and no matter what the producers do.. it doesn't seem to fix the problems with this particular franchise.


RHONY had issues, and even though their fixes didn't work right away.. the show eventually recovered and is firing on all cylinders (though I think for season 11.. they might have to do a reshuffle so it doesn't get too stale).


RHOC.. this show has always added and subtracted housewives since it's very first season.  The show realized Lydia/Peggy weren't working so neither came back for season 13... Tamra/Vicki/Shannon knew they had to make up and be social friends for the good of the show (and I've seen some fun Shannon/Kelly pics as well as some fun Tamra/Shannon pics.. so I'm hoping the fun scenes are included when the season officially premieres).  They've always managed in the past to fix and evolve this franchise.. so fingers crossed season 13 continues that trend (it can't be any worse then season 12.. and there were some fun stuff in that season.. it just was too divided without any fun group scenes).


RHOA.. touch and go this past season.. but they always fix themselves.  Kim/Sheree leaving is a start.. but further house cleaning is needed.  Porsha needs to be demoted.. and we need some married women on the show to keep Kenya/Kandi company.


I don't watch Dallas nor Potomac very much so I can't comment on those.


@Cat Sorry if I sounded a little harsh on my rebuttal on your OC views.. but it's my favorite franchise and I can't help but defend the OG of the franchise (which gets little to no respect from the Housewife viewing public, nor from Andy).

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@Soaplovers You were not harsh at all! I had forgotten that OC went on some pretty out-there trips. I found OC unwatchable last year, but maybe the women needed an off season to shape up and put 3-year old issues behind them. OC has always been about the relationships between the women, so to have a season where the main three refused to film with each other was hard. IA with you that OC is underappreciated sometimes, but when it's on fire, it puts the other franchises on notice. For girl drama, relationship drama, family drama, and drunken shenanigans, OC cannot be beat. Naked Wasted, the Bus Ride From Hell, Brooks, "YOU WILL ALL KNOW THE TRUTH, YOU WILL ALL KNOW THE [!@#$%^&*] TRUTH" Vicki screaming from the top of Whistler that she's never had a threesome in her life -- you couldn't make any of this up.

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