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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I found this latest episode rather slow-going. When Erika's Gestapo dominatrix outfit, and Lisa Rinna in a procession of bikinis, are the talking points of the episode, you know it's not going to be a banner one. Still, it's early days.


Also, Adrienne and Camille were there but they barely got a look-in! The show really has drifted from some of its original roots.

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IKR!!!! I opened my internet and there it was!!! Poor Lizzie.


But like SoapLover said...it was a very brief scene and Lizzie was quite drunk.

But regardless of what was said last night Camille DID get a brief TH. 


I expect her to get another one.


And I was shocked to see Adrienne again. She seem so shy to be in front of the camera again versus Camille. Shake it, Girl!!!

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“I kinda feel bad for Lisa because Eileen’s not here to back her up” and then she giggles. God bless you Camille. That was the best moment on a pretty boring episode.


And Jesus Christ! Adrienne won’t stop ruining that face of hers. Sheesh.


I don’t like Dorit’s Erika-love. 


I still like Teddi. Please don’t kiss Erika’s ass.

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I think Adrienne has been burned badly by what happened in S3. She shouldn't have lied and said outright in interviews that she gave birth to her kids when she is plainly 50+ years old, but she got exposed publicly and it signaled the death knell of her marriage too. She is a bit of a control freak so I imagine even being a FOH is out of her comfort zone.


When Camille relives her Club MTV dancer days, it is so amazing. I notice Kyle ALWAYS comments snarkily on her dancing, but I think she is just jealous because nobody is noticing her whipping her hair or doing the splits in the corner. 

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 Sigh. The Camille vs Kyle rivalry! I know Camille was meant to be the most hated HW but I was so Team Camille S1!



I can't believe I missed that A+, gold star, elegant shade!  It's like the old Camille came back for a second. "The morally-corrupt Faye Resnick." Faye should have showed up on this Vegas trip too!


When Adrienne walked into the room, I was shocked at the aura she projected, like that of a little old lady. The cat-lady work could be part of that.


Dorit is laying it on thick with the Erika love, and it is so odd given how much Erika targeted her last season.


If Teddi won't kiss Erika's ass, she might not be here next season. Sigh, I still say Kathryn should have been given another chance.

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Camille was not only a villianess in season 1...but she actually had friends, had fun, and read deep books.  She was always fairly calm in her confrontations (even her s2 smackdown where she outed Taylor's abuse..she was fairly calm).  


Adrienne is better as mediator then causing drama..  it's nice to see her and Camille back for visits.


You all say boring....i say the calm before the storm.

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Camille's quiet, elegant shade about Rinna and Eileen as her backup was delicious. It went down smooth. The same applies to her ice dildo love - that is the Camille we all know and love. 


Adrienne is looking like Jocelyn Wildenstein. She needs to stop everything she's doing to her face and go see Paul to sort her out on an episode of Botched. 


Kyle's new home in the Valley was burglarized and apparently $1 million worth of jewelry was stolen:




It's also confirmed that their Bel-Air house is on the market. 

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I despise Venus. She is a blatant liar and cannot be trusted. Worst of all, she's a bad liar and thinks they're all stupid enough to believe her pile of crap that she was spewing all episode. She couldn't even keep a straight face while lying. She is such a creep. It's so inconvenient that she did such a bad job hiding her tracks because Janet made mincemeat of her. 


Gamble is right about the lord and lady thing. "They're as rough as guts" - she can be so hilarious and savage. 


If Lydia didn't know why Janet doesn't like her then she'll find out next week. Lydia is the ultimate sh*t stirrer and her fat ass needs to take several seats because she is as thick in the head as she is in the waist. If Janet was critical of Jackie and said some crappy things about her, it says an awful lot that Lydia thinks it's her right to tell Jackie to her face.  


I feel sorry for Sally for the loss of her husband. 


Not much out of Gina and Jackie this episode. 



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Nikki, Sharon, Hillary, and Jill had it in spades. Laurens was cute. As was Ashley.


Funnily enough Chelsea sounds like a first season housewives tag. So does Phyllis's. 


Vikki...meh. Lily...meh.

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That is called 'posting pics of everybody in Aspen on Instagram, and the burglars targeting rich, famous socialites knowing that's a good time to drop by.' Def sounds like an inside job linked to either the staff or the workmen. They knew exactly where to go. Plus the alarm was not on. I don't think either Kyle or Mauricio are dumb enough to leave for vacation without turning on the alarm. Which means someone disabled it.


I feel bad for the Umanskys. Having your home trespassed and burglarized is a violation. You feel unsafe in your own home, exposed, and as if the place has become contaminated by a faceless enemy. Still, thank goodness no-one was home when they broke in. Kyle has her kids and her husband safe and that is by far the most important thing. Watches are replaceable! Especially if you have contents insurance.

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