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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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^From the last few Tamra and Shannon appearances on WWHL this season, and by following those two on IG, I think it's safe to say they're still very tight and will come to the reunion as a strong pair.  Seems like Eddie and David are pretty tight too.


I noticed that Michael Beck was a supervising producer for Dallas Season 2 and then moved on to be EP for the first time on Don't Be Tardy and Atlanta.  If he had anything to do with Dallas Season 2 being this good, then I'm hopeful for what happens with Atlanta, unless he's spiraling out of control as EP for the first time with no one to guide him.

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NJ ratings went down...  they're barely hovering over Dallas, but well below OC and NYC.  They'll get another season with these numbers, but man, it's in trouble.




Source:  http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/daily-ratings/wednesday-cable-ratings-oct-11-2017/



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LMAO. Girl bye! Dina and Caroline's grouchy asses would rather chew glass. 


I hate cake covered in fondant. Throw that sh-t in the ocean Teresa!


That moment was genuinely funny and I'm here for Teresa and Melissa the stripper as allies.


Pig Tails is a straight shooter and I'm perched for her dragging Saggy every week. 

These shows always premier low and start to rise as the drama gets popping. I'm not worried at all. I expect it to get real good once Kim D's thirsty ass pops up saying Teresa is cheating on Juicy and Danielle eventually goes off the deep end with her crazy ass. 

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Siggy SUCKS. Good lord, what an assh*le. Dramatic and delusional. So extra. 


Delores has played it all wrong piggybacking on Siggy's ridiculousness. 


Danielle is absolutely fun and a breath of fiery fresh air this season. 


Margaret is a great addition. 


Teresa and Melissa on the same side of an argument is lethal. 





I've watched all five episodes that have aired and I've actually enjoyed it quite a lot. I don't even notice Ampika isn't there. And I liked her!


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I agree with this. They should've went all out with this season. I would've added Siggy and Delores with the 6 you selected b/c Delores has ties to Teresa and the Manzo sisters. Would've been interesting to see where her allegiance lied. 


I know you might curse me for this @Cheap21, but I would've had Kathy on as a friend too with Margaret. 

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You traitor!!! 


But I've peeked in too, and it is OK. I still don't see the purpose of Nermina or Rachel. Seema is FINALLY adding to the drama and that's because of Ester. 


Still not must see for me anymore. I still believe that they need to bring back Ampika and Magali.

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I know! I felt guilty once I dove into episode two...and then finished episode five a few hours later...


Nermina I sort of see the appeal in because she's a footballer's wife and is eastern European but not crazy like Ester. Rachel is basically a friend for Dawn. I think her twin sister hosting them in Gibraltar is all she's good for. 


I absolutely miss Ampika and Magali...but the show is still quite watchable without them, which I admit to my chagrin. Lauren has stepped up her game and is fun to watch, and the clashes between Dawn and Tanya/Leanne have been good too. 



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@Nothin'ButAttitude @alwaysAMC There is nothing hugely surprising about Tamra's reaction to Shannon, which she has with every female alliance she forms. For me, the most interesting part was Shannon snapping orders at Tamra. Shannon truly let her first season of fame get to her head. She is acting just like Vicki, trying to manipulate and control the narrative. Tamra's power lies in the fact that she lets Shannon believe she is queen bee, and panders to it. Until she is ready to pull the rug from under her.


These two will stay thick as thieves for the time being because their hatred of Vicki outweighs their annoyance at not being able to control the other. But Shannon better check out Tamra's IG. Heather is all over it, Tamra's old-new BFF, and Tamra is actively trying to get her back on the show. Shannon cut ties with her when she left, but Tamra didn't. Hmmmm.

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Lord...Could Fancy Pants actually make a return? I don’t think that’s in the cards with Kelly as the new queen bee, and her treatment of Kelly was a huge part of the fan backlash against her last season.


Truthfully while I really do love OC, I literally will not watch another season where we talk about Brooks and cancer, once this one is done. I gave up on Jersey for a few seasons, I have zero problem giving up another one.

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In hindsight Bravo firing Fancy Pants was a mistake. OC is missing something this season. As evil and nasty as Heather could be, she was also quite smart and incisive, and could be the voice of reason in some situations. Yes, her treatment of Kelly on the bus in Ireland rightfully earned her mega backlash. However, I have a hard time believing that Kelly is the new queen bee. If anything, I have found her segments (at least in the episodes I watched) mostly filler. In Bravo's eyes, Shannon is the queen bee, followed by Tamra. The producers seem to have given up on Vicki.


...which means that Heather could conceivably come back. Andy apparently hates Terry Dubrow, but this season's ratings plunge and the huge problem getting these women to film together works in Heather's favor.


I could happily live without ever hearing the words "Brooks" or "cancer" on this show ever again.

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There's no chance in hell that Heather won't come back to show off that mansion once it's finished... speaking of, IS it finished??  Is her radio thing and closet show still going?  Once those dry up, she'll be crawling back.


I do wonder how Shannon feels about Heather.  Shannon's other Bravo besties HATE Heather (Jeff/Gage/Jenny)... 



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Tamra, Heather, Shannon were allies with a common goal last season and the season before -- which was to get Vicki off the show. But the season before all that, Heather was telling everybody that Shannon was having a 'psychotic break' and even offered to call for an ambulance to the loony bin at Lizzy's party.


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Once Heather left, Shannon didn't seem all that sorry that she had gone.


Yes, if Heather does return, I want to see the house and the Dubrows living in it! I'm pretty sure Heather's OC job and the opportunities stemming from that (along with Botched on Terry's side) were helping to pay for that monstrosity. In fact, the rumor is that Heather asked for more $$$ to appear this season and Bravo refused. So now Botched is paying for the McMansion with the porte cochére all by its lonesome. Personally I would welcome Heather back if it meant Meghan and maybe 1-2 of the other bores are shown the door.

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I think if Heather comes back, which I wouldn't be surprised about, Shannon would be ditched. Heather has to be seething over the fact that anytime Jeff and his crew are on WWHL, they slander her even more. The fact that Shannon has not spoken out against it speaks volumes, and you all know that Heather has internalized this. If Heather comes back, I see her targeting Shannon again and Tamra complying. 


I just do not believe that Tamra/Shannon are close. Yes, they are allies against Vicki (for the moment), but we've all seen how Tamra will flip on someone in a second. She did to Gretchen. She did it to Vicki. Shannon is not the exception. It'll happen to her in due time as well. 

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