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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I can't watch Kim. She's just dirty to look at, and listening to her gives me flashbacks of my chain-smoking relatives. She looks awful - huge piles of fake hair on her head like an old truck full of used extensions blew up as she was walking by. And she's so entitled for reasons I do not understand. She looks like when gay porn producers take pity on aged out porn actresses they know and put them in some role of a wife or mother who shout-rasps all her lines through a death mask.


The only time I enjoyed seeing her was when Nene would bitch her out. 

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I've been saying that they're phasing Marlo out now that Nene's return is upon the horizon. I think even she knows that, hence why she tried to get a last "hoo-rah" but to no avail. I was proud that Kenya walked past her without even acknowledging her and that killed Marlo. I doubt she'll be back as Nene will most likely make it a stipulation upon her return that Marlo is to get no camera time. Plus, Marlo is a Carlos King pet. Now that he's gone, I doubt she gets invited back. 



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You defined her so perfectly. 


When it comes to Kim, she feels like she's always built RHOA when she didn't. Most people tuned in the first 4 seasons to see Nene drag Kim all up and down Atlanta. 

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Bye dusty ass Marlo. I liked what she brought in the past but she overplayed her hand trying to make a storyline out of feuding this season. Im proud of Kenya not giving her anything to work with by basically ignoring her. At first I was disappointed at her apologizing and making peace with Marlo but it was a good tactic bc Marlo wanted to continue the fighting for airtime but Kenya shut it down. She seemed so desperate in the finale when she saw Kim and Sheree arguing with her and thought she was choosing the winning team by trying to gang up on Kenya. You failed


Oh and cant with lying Phaedra. She lied last night when Kandi asked her if she had anything to do with Johnnie suing her. She gave some BS excuse about how she cant discuss that bc of client lawyer confidentiality yet she had her meetings with Johnnie recorded on camera for 2+ million people to watch on tv, which Johnnie signed off on so confidentiality doesnt apply. Lying ass bitch.

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Amen! I never liked that lazy-ass two-cent hooker who only ever did a day's work on her back. She is a liar (implying she wore wigs because of cancer) and user of people (Nene, Kandi included -- she did Kandi SO wrong). If you are in doubt about the kind of ratchet she is, check out her Twitter/IG, where she has turned Brielle into her rubber-faced mini-me. Or catch up on her and her crotchfruit running around Italy complaining about the food until they hit up the local McDonald's.


ThirstLo and Kim Thirstyac were doing the most this episode to try and be relevant -- they looked [!@#$%^&*] ridiculous. I was pleased to see Dwight though!


I feel like this season of RHOA has been a LONG, HARD slog, and I can't believe there will be 4 parts to Reunion when nothing really happened this season apart from the Kandi vs Porsha stuff. Yeah, I know, Cynthia's divorce, Matt smashing Kenya's windows, Sheree & Bob's marriage... All these things could have been condensed into a season of under 10 episodes imo.

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^Kandi vs. Phaedra... and all of Kandi's side stories... Block/Riley (which btw was so uncomfortable to watch and completely unfair to Riley - not a good look, Kandi)...Johnnie and the lawsuit... bringing Apollo's girlfriend to the OLG opening... speaking of OLG, what happened with Mama Joyce - she was strong in the first part of this season and then completely dropped out?  And then Phaedra's bomb "scare".  Just seems like so many weird, crazy events that production just said 'keep going'... 


This season was good though - completely proves that you don't need Nene to survive. 

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LMAO at Karen trying to leave a message for her daughter. That was a fun scene


Emu tartare...that sounds gross. Exotic game? Stuff that doesnt live in the US, which means its imported and hence more expensive. Who buying that?


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Katie! I miss her. She should have been a wife. Karen was wrong for her shade...lol. That Casino Royale looked boring


Charisse is not cute with her burly self. Why is she acting like this is Love and Hip Hop? She needs to put Cha Cha in her back pocket


Monique is slaying with her talking head look. She is one of the most beautiful housewife


Karen aka Sheree Huger...what the f--k was that mess throwing Robyn under the bus?


OMG someone get her a bra

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RHOCheshire (watch here):


All these women besides Tanya, Lauren, Ampika, and Leanne annoy me. Like seriously. 


Seema & Stacey are so far up Dawn's a** that it is sad. It is obvious they are aligning with Dawn to keep their positions on this show. Pathetic because these 2 couldn't stand Dawn about a year ago. 


Stacey wants a rivalry with Leanne so bad that it is borderline tragic. I liked Stacey last year, but her awkward ass can go. She's exemplifying and strengthening everything Tanya and Leanne said about her last year. Stacey is one big ass phony. 


Misse's trashy a** wants to call Ampika a nobody practically, but obviously Ampika was doing well w/o the show and didn't need a footballer to do it. Misse needs to go. Like Ampika said, she's a guest--one which I don't think is needed anymore. She's served her purpose. Exit to the left, mole face. 


I still don't like Ester. Something is off with her. I think she's trying to whore her mother out to Marc b/c he is obviously loaded. I hope Ampika does not allow Marc to fall for that crap. 


I didn't pity either time that Ampika gave it to Dawn and Ester. If both of them b-tches can dish it, be able to take it. Also, I am so happy that Tanya isn't as blind and stupid as I thought. She knows deep down how manipulative Dawn can be. 


It is obvious that the audience wants Magali back. She is needed. The energy is so off with this show that it is pathetic. Drop Misse & Ester and bring back Magali. She's the shot in the arm that this show needs. 

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I don't miss Katie and her dreadful storyline(s), yet I loved her fights with Gizelle.


Karen on the other hand... I "love" how she keeps stirring the pot between Gizelle and Charrise yet it's all under "we need to clear this up and move along". LOL.


Gizelle is nuts but she's fun to watch.


Robin is such a bore.


When is RHODallas coming back?

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BH: I've yet to watch the final 3 episodes, but this hasn't been a particularly interesting season:


Kim needs to never return. Whenever she shows up, things come to a screeching halt and we're thrown back to 2-4 seasons ago. She will never bring a different SL besides her addiction.


LVP's mask has been slipping re: her hate for Lisa Rinna. She hasn't brought anything interesting this season (other than house porn). It'll never happen...but she should be demoted to a FOH. 


Erika is my favorite. Great attitude, great music, the fashions! Also, she seems to have genuine friendships with Kyle and Eileen.


I read somewhere that LVP is jealous of Erika "taking the gays away from her". 

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I guess I watched a different show Sunday because Kim dragged that stank bitch Kenya. I don't even like Kim like that but I was living for her taking down Kenya. Kenya literally has the lamest, most rehearsed, high school reads ever. "At least I don't look like a duck, like your lips." Good one Kenya, good one.

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I'm sorry but Kim did not drag Kenya at all. She used the same, tired reads that Porsha and Phelony stayed using on Kenya--telling her that she has no man or kids, which is moot. When did having a man and kids be the end all, be all? Actually, Kim's comeback to Kenya's duck comment was lame. Saying that at least she paid top dollar for it some sh-t--so Kim basically paid a doctor to come out looking like Daisy Duck? Not cute. 




Good God Erika needs to remove the stick out of her ass. For someone who declared all last year that she gave "no effs," she sure did tonight (and all season might I add). She totally came off as cold, aloof, and b-tchy tonight. This is what happens when the audience gasses up a new housewife in such a short time--she thinks she's above everyone. Her downfall, which I'll give her about another season, will be glorious. If it can happen to Brandi, it can happen to her. The tides turn all the time. Can Eileen & Rinna remove their heads from Erika's ass? They too gas Erika up like Chevron. It's tiring. 


Speaking of Rinna, I thought she was so tacky & crass when she said that she better cross her legs before PK peeks up her skirt. Lady, please. Don't nobody wanna look up your skirt and look at your puss. When I think she can't sink lower, she does. 


LVP giving Whineleen some form of apology was good. At least now, Whineleen can't bitch about LVP anymore; she has to find something else to moan about. 


I get that the season was all about Dorit, but Andy was so shady to her. Was it just me who saw & felt that? His bias towards the women is showing more and more as the years pass. I keep saying that Bravo needs to strip him of reunion duties and pass it off to someone else. I'd suggest either Wendy Williams (as much as I can't stand her) or John Salley (who hosted Basketball Wives reunions) to takeover. At least both of them have shown themselves to be objective when hosting reunions. 


I've been one of the few who feels that PK does not deserve all the heat he is getting. So what if he jumped in to save his wife from getting pounced by THREE b-tches countless times. If the situation was on the other foot, I'm sure Harry, Vince, and even Tom would jump to their wife's defense. If I am not mistaken, didn't Tom argue with Kathryn last season? So men aren't allowed to call women out on their sh-t now? 


Also, let me commend LVP for calling Erika out about her being overtly sexual one second and frigid the next. You can't tell people to pat the puss one second, wear a necklace that says c-nt the next, and then play a frigid victim. Pick a lane. Either be frigid or non-PC. 


For once, I'm ready for Kim to arrive and put these women in order. Especially, Rinna. She's been asking for a beatdown.

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