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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Dorinda is going to get it at the reunion, all of the others are now watching her start all the drama each week.




I have loved watching Kelly put Shannon in her place. She has always had this higher than mighty attitude!


Edited by KeMoLove
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I forgot to add that I don't buy Bethenny's act for one second. She is not conflicted, she wouldn't have mentioned it on camera at all if she was! This is something she should be doing off camera and then we see all the reactions to it on camera. Bethenny is so proud of herself.

Edited by KeMoLove
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Go Luann! She has seriously become the star of this show and the numbers show it! They try to minimize her and her scenes as much as possible but her story is the only authentic one and the only one with a beginning, middle and end. I'm sure Bethenny and Carole all think it's because of them. But we all know Andy begrudgingly knows the truth no matter how hard he tries to spin it. Now if we could only kick Carole off the island and bring back Heather or Jill all will be great with this franchise!

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Absolutely. Jill would totally blow up everything, from Bethenny to Ramona to LuAnn. I don't see the Big B or Ramonacoaster allowing that to happen though. 


I agree about LuAnn's story feeling authentic, which greatly helps the overall enjoyment of the season. 


Bethenny's friend that told her this big secret.... could his initials be A.C.?  :) 

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Honestly, I don't think it's just Luann, I think they've finally got a cast that truly works and everyone is pretty much laying it all out there and not caring how they're viewed. I don't think everyone needs a big storyline, but this season they have chemistry and the group dynamics have been so fun. Plus unlike some of the other series (OC and BH in particular) it's not dark. You can just watch and enjoy the show and have fun with it. The only cast member that I feel has struggled to fit in or be interesting is Jules. I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE nothing more than for them to bring Jill back, but I doubt that will happen. Whatever does happen, they're going to take casting very seriously after how well this season has gone.

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I'm enjoying this season. The wheels are falling off Shannon's crazy train faster than I expected. She cannot keep herself wound when she's arguing with Kelly. She went with the "you looked like an Indian!" comment awfully quick and when Kelly turned that around on her Shannon sputtered like a failing engine. 


Vicki appears to have purchased Brianna's house - close enough to hers but outside the gates. There's nothing wrong with that. She's her mother. She can do that. I wouldn't be surprised if Brianna is getting paid for this season, she's been on as much as Meghan and far more compelling and relevant to watch.


Speaking of which, I can't with Meghan's crap storyline. I don't care. Neither does her husband. 


Heather and Tamra are very secondary this season. I know that'll change as it progresses, but neither is front and centre. Who cares that Tamra is training for a body building competition with her abdomen looking like a water bed.





I think this year's cast is perfect and interesting to note that the episode that featured the least Bethenny and the most LuAnn got the highest ratings. No surprise to me. Much of what's worked about this season comes down to three people: LuAnn, Ramona and Sonja. LuAnn has rocked this season, just as she did last season and the season prior to that. She is a new woman without the Count and she is kicking ass and taking names and nobody is going to dull her shine. Ramona is crazier than a bag of cats and utterly out to lunch about how insensitive she is but she is hilarious and outspoken and has an uncanny ability to forget her misgivings about people, albeit temporarily. Sonja is a hot mess and delusional as hell and sort of sad...but this last episode on the yacht demonstrated that, at her core, Sonja is a nice lady who didn't cause a scene, was outgoing and friendly to Tom and made the best of the situation (plus, the dance she did at the beginning of the season when LuAnn noted that they'd appeared in Page Six made my year). 


Dorinda and Jules are very good cast members. Dorinda is lots of fun and stirs the pot and gives amazing drunken toasts. Jules was clearly in the midst of an imploding marriage to a rich little person who thought nothing of leaving his children at his parent's house in tears. 


Bethenny and Carole did their damnedest to dull LuAnn's shine but their storylines come down to this rather vulgar and crass summary: Bethenny's nether regions can't stop bleeding while Carole's are inevitably drying up, making her relationship with Adam a bit of a farce. 

Edited by DaytimeFan
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Petti's scene with her sister may have been the most awkward scene in history. Her sister's absolute disdain for her was AMAZING. Petti literally is clueless as to why anyone would dislike her. It's fun to watch but I can't stand the woman. I'm glad Gamble told her to Get Fucked and tossed out her invitation. What a bitch.


Lydia is quite the pot stirrer and I don't think she's a clever and witty as she believes herself to be.


I like Janet but her nose is really distracting.

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Pettifluer's sister reminded me of a Klingon. I know that is probably wrong of me to say, but I'm watching a lot of Star Trek and personality included, that's what she was giving me. I LOVED their standoff though. I originally watched the first three episodes, then my laptop messed up and I got so far behind I decided to wait for Bravo, so I'm watching on US pace now. Overall this season is JUICY. I keep feeling like this show is going to start to suck, but they literally make no missteps. The casting is always perfect and the chemistry is amazing between this cast. 

This latest episode of NYC was pure fire. Just balls to the wall the entire time. I haven't had much use for Sonja in YEARS, including this year, but she's earning her paycheck with this Tom storyline. I completely feel her pain and I appreciate that despite always being over the top, she actually is allowing herself to be vulnerable and not make it all about her. She's being a MUCH better friend to Luann than Luann is being to her. I feel like Luann doesn't even remotely understand why Sonja would be hurt, nor does she care. I also must say I got a kick out of the Tom flashback from season one! I just don't get good vibes on him. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Carole on this trip and am happy she's finally trying to be civil with Luann. Bethenny is being messy as hell, but I do think Carole is doing her best to enjoy herself and she seems happy for Luann. Dorinda continues to be the messiest [!@#$%^&*]-stirrer of them all and I can't wait to see what happens to her at the reunion.

In other Housewives news...

RHOP just finished filming. As has been reported, Katie is no longer a part of the cast. Gizelle just did an interview saying she really misses her and (shocker!) she's very close with Charrisse and Ashley! With RHOA, a big drama is going to be brewing with Porsha and Kandi. Have they had much conflict in the past beyond the Don Juan stuff? I'm forgetting their drama, but if the rumors are true Kandi is going to be ready to kill her and it's not going to be a good look for Porsha. Basically,

Nobody seems to understand the girl code this year. Regardless, I'm not looking forward to RHOA. Too stale and until we get a major cast reboot I'm over it. 

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I've heard about those rumors (re: Kandi/Porsha) too, and if they are true, I find it utterly disgusting. 


Out of RHOA, I'd only want Porsha to go. I can't stand Phaedra but at least somewhat valuable. If anything, RHOA needs new blood, which I here they are getting this season. 


I hope RHOP brings it s2. It's gonna be hard with just those 5 women though. I think come season 3, they may need to add a more women b/c this cast is one of the tamer ones. They need some chaotic players in the mix. 

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