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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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We checked out the first 10 minutes last night; will probably watch the rest of the episode, but by golly, the redhead on valium is ridiculous! It was both hilarious and cringe-worthy. First of all, her voice.... her friend's, too. And then that one line, "She farts on command and I dance in it."  These two winos are so ridiculous I don't know if I hate it or love it because it's so stupid. Which was my overall feeling for Potomac, too. Haven't seen the rest of the ladies other than the two who don't know the difference between pushing or pulling a door. The previews definitely looks better than Potomac, and hope it's not just a bunch of etiquette lessons or who's more Texan versus the other the way Potomac turned out to be. 


The Potomac reunion showed what a bunch of posers each and every one of them are. Karen and her lousy charities, Katie's non-charities, Robyn the dragqueen getting all hot 'n bothered for no reason, Gizelle basically just a hater of younger, pretty girls, Charriissee sitting there like a couch stain.... I think after all is said and done, the only decent one who isn't trying to be something she's not is Spring-chicken Ashley. Her exchange in the park with Katie about Robyn's finances was petty, but producer-driven so whatevs.  



Edited by Gray Bunny
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+1,000,000. I cannot believe the sh*t I heard Rinna spewing this episode. She backtracked an ENTIRE SEASON in a 5 minute scene with LemonLyme. It's unbelievable. She has zero credibility. First, her story was that she "engaged in a conversation"...then it was her hairdresser who brought it up...then it was encouraged by LVP and Kyle...then it was LVP who started it. What a load of bullsh*t. Rinna should be ashamed of herself, what a coward...she could have been the MVP of the season if she had just gone full on with LemonLyme's lies. But no...she did classic season 2 housewife and tried to play to what she thought the audience would like to see and in the end she just showed herself to be a liar and an idiot. For the first time, ever, I sympathized with Kim Richards and thought it was interesting how Rinna couldn't handle a few minutes with her before she had to flee.


Eileen was irrelevant, just banging on the same tired tune and flogging the same dead horse. She should be kissing LVP's shoes, without her Eileen would not have had a single scene this season.


Kathryn was interesting because she calmly and logically explained why she doesn't hate LVP and why she's open to giving her a fair shake. Kathryn has a nice life. A nice husband and now homes in Brentwood, San Diego and France. She's doing very well. And good for her. 


Erika was also pretty irrelevant this episode but her venom for LVP was interesting as she seemed to be going for a few choice soundbites to wrap up the season. 


Kyle was also irrelevant, except for coming to LVP's rescue when she could directly dispute what Rinna said about LVP and LemonLyme. Oh and she brought FAYE to our screens. Honestly, I just want them to sign Faye, bring her on, get Camille back in the mix, get Taylor back and give her a bottle of vodka and let the good times roll. 


LemonLyme. Honestly. The editors thought it was wise to end the season with her grand story with breaking up with King David? Seriously? What a fail. LemonLyme is NOT likeable. She comes across as a crazy bitch in her cooler Facetiming with her daughter? WTF?!


LVP. She's The Queen. She is the star of this show. And wasn't it interesting how LemonLyme didn't seem convinced that LVP was the source of all the crap about her. LemonLyme, LVP's sworn enemy, couldn't be totally convinced by Rinna about LVP. I hope LVP doesn't come back. Andy Cohen and the housewives trash this woman, and sure she's the second coming of Dynasty's Alexis, and sure she lives an international jet set life, that she built from SCRATCH while the rest of them got to work on their backs, and sure she's dismissive, razor sharp and glamorous, all of which seems to get under the skins of these broads like a heat rash, but, dammit there is no show without her! Who wants to watch the rest of these sows? Not me! And I bet not many else. 



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Ken is a real nasty pos.  You can take the whore out of the gutter . . . this creep never disappoints.  What a pig.


Everyone looked like fools, esp. Lisa Rinna and Eileen, which is a shame, because I at least feel like LR had a real point that she just didn't know how to make (kind of like Yolanda always, LOL).  Nice to have Kim, Faye, and Camille at what I assume was supposed to be the finale party.  I got the 'confrontation' between Kim and LR--Kim will never own her s (she's made that abundantly clear by forcing herself and everyone around her to only look forward, not backwards . . . which is fine in some cases, but not one as serious and chronic as hers . . . she'll never learn anything from her mistakes because she's admitting she's unwilling to acknowledge them and won't let anyone else, either) and LR was not there for that dogshit but wasn't going to start hooting and hollering.  So she tried to condescendingly and passive aggressively shut her down with a smug last word . . . not cool but Kim Richards doesn't deserve better.  However, while she keeps on going on and on and on about how she owns everything she says and does, LR really should own that she knew exactly what she was doing last year by making a freakin' storyline out of Kim's addiction just like she did with Munchausen (not a "comment," a storyline . . . which is what LVP wanted I'm sure) this year.  Come on.


Very interesting that this season was framed really as Yolanda's journey . . . which I guess turned out a tragedy?


All in all a very a disappointing season, for so many reasons.  Despite last year's ramifications, the dramatic potential was fully realized . . . this year was just hurtful but lame.

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This season has been all about Yolanda's journey. Yolanda the 'tragic' heroine. It was Yolanda who started the witch-hunt about who was spreading 'rumors' about her illness. Problem was, EVERYBODY including the viewing audience has been questioning its veracity. But, as Lisa Rinna once pointed out, whoever is caught questioning The Illness publicly just looks bad. Which is why she didn't want to be the only one caught holding the bag. Which is why everybody involved is made to somehow look sullied this season. Including LVP.


At this point LVP is better off leaving BH and just focusing on VPR for the next season. RHoBH can feature all the ladies ex. LVP and see how well they fare. I guarantee that with Lisa gone, this nest of vipers will get even more toxic and the women will inevitably turn on each other. Especially because Yolanda is such a dictatorial narcissist who doesn't tolerate backtalk from the plebs. Wonder how long Rinna will enjoy that treatment? Or Kathryn? Eileen? Kyle for that matter? It gets pretty boring kowtowing to somebody all the time. I can't wait until the gossip about whether Yol used her illness to get out of the Foster pre-nup no-alimony clause rears its head. It would be interesting if Tom Girardi starts bringing that up on behalf of his good buddy David. Rinna will be on that in a second. Kyle, Eileen, et al will probably turn on poor Kathryn, just because. It will be a mess. And then for the season finale, Yolanda can host an organic almonds/Lyme gala, and LVP can sweep in on David Foster's arm (he's replaced Mo as her new BFF) in a floor-length gold lamé dress. They can all look on in jealousy as they talk about their amazing journeys and how real they all keep it and how fake-happy they are.


Or BH can just retool this mess lol.

Edited by Cat
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I think the show would take a hit if LVP left. I know we've seen it with Nene and Bethenny, but Bravo at least prepared for those exits so it wasnt so jarring. Lisa is the star and if and when she leaves, Id rather her be phased out rather then leave cold turkey. Not sure Id be here for it, if that happened. Its one of the reasons why I havent been able to get into Cheshire (Magali was the star for me)

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I know. I was just half-joking -- imagining a BH show without LVP in it. It looks a LOT less humorous and sparkly. I don't think the other women represent either of those qualities (though Kyle thinks she is the most hilarious person around. Sadly, Yolanda hasn't got one ounce of humor about her). But right now, everybody on the show seems to want LVP out. Even Andy (if last night's WWHL lovefest with Yol and Erika is to be believed) seemed to be crowing about it. 

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Bottom line is Vanderpump Rules has had its strongest season, ratings wise, with some episodes of VPR besting RHBH - so it isn't as if LVP would lose any visibility if she left RHBH - she'd simply have a younger demographic which is no bad thing. 


LVP's last blog had a farewell tone to it. If she quits, that blog suited it.

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I caught the same thing too with her blog. It seemed like a farewell to this show. Even in the reunion clips Bravo has released of the ladies prepping for the reunion, Lisa seems to be over it; she questions Kyle why they've done it for so long. I think she is tossing in the towel after this season. 


These women are so desperate to get rid of Lisa but what they don't know is that once she's removed, who do they think Andy is gonna call? Brandi Glanville. 


Much like Magali, once LVP (the initial target) is out the picture, the women will turn on each other. 

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