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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Kyle sucks. She is the same high school mean girl instigator that she's always been. She does all her assassin work in her VT interviews. No matter how she behaves or what she says to anyone's face, she's a nasty bitch. Kyle is a huge liar and she always has been, from her first season with Camille and she just straddles the fence in permanent splits.


LemonLyme's little picnic I didn't need to see. Brandi still appears to be gutter trash while Kim still appears to be high/drunk/medicated/off her rocker.


Lips is out to lunch and she's blown all of her credibility with how she's gone back and forth about *everything*, both on the show and in her blogs. She can use as much therapy speak as she wants but she rarely makes any sense. She has ridden LVP and LemonLyme's coattails all season long to keep herself relevant. 


Eileen is a stupid, whiney, manipulator and a hypocrite. And if there's something I can't stand, it's a hypocrite. Eileen has manipulated Lips to do her bidding all season long and it's just pathetic that the woman who invented Kristen Blake doesn't have an ounce of her balls. Eileen stalking Kyle and LVP while they were talking is just so demonstrative of who and what she really is, a coward and a snake. It's such a shame. She's second generation daytime royalty and she's blown that to smithereens with this season. I hope the money was worth it. 


Erica is very smart and funny. Such a shame that she bet on the horse called LemonLyme. If she returns next season (if there is one of course) it'll be interesting to see her and how she does.


Kathryn had some guts with calling out Eileen and telling her not to eavesdrop. And she looked AMAZING. She needs Erica's glam squad 100% of the time.


LVP is the *only* one who speaks English properly. It isn't just semantics, as Kyle said, it DOES make a difference with how things are phrased. But that's besides the point. I don't have a hard time believing LVP was stirring the pot. But here's the thing: I don't care. She's the only reason to watch the show. The show is NOTHING without her. Anyone who has conflict with her is jealous that they aren't her and jealous that she's outsmarted them all. There is only one Queen. Despite Lips saying LVP and LemonLyme have been in a battle for dominance, we all know there's only one lady at the top and that's LVP, the undisputed star of the show.

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Agreed with all. It's near impossible to support Eileen in this mess, though this'll never affect her soap career, so she's solid there. 


LemonLyme dethroning LVP as Top Diva status would be like Beth Chamberlin trying to take Kim Zimmer's GL crown; Rebecca Budig reaching for Susan Lucci's; Arianne Zuker clawing for Deidre Hall's. It ain't happenin'. 

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I am so glad it's back. It looks to be a fun season...


Sonja and LuAnn living together will be hilarious. Of that there is no doubt. I distinctly recall LuAnn buying her apartment on the Upper West Side - on this episode the inference is she was renting and 'let it go' as the kids moved out. This may all be for storyline purposes. In any event I love LuAnn hanging in Sonja's crumbling townhouse. And Sonja is as delusional as ever with all that chatter about the Morgan Museum - but I can't hate Sonja because she's totally harmless and not malicious at all.


Ramona has new boobs, a new attitude and I think she's had her eyes done and they look great. I hope she's emerging from the divorce like a butterfly from its cocoon. And she's been a class act so far as Mario and Avery are concerned. 'Kadooz' to that. 


Carole is more irrelevant than ever.


I still love Dorinda but I understand why the women dislike John. He really is Dorinda's chubby baby.


Bethenny's hair looks great cut short. Makes her look younger. She seems a bit more relaxed which is nice.


I'm not here for Jules. She seems like a princess bitch and anyone who can't control their toddler aged child doesn't have my respect. She seems oblivious to real life.

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I don't really have the functioning braincells left to dissect the mess OVER SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED OFF CAMERA AND WHICH NOBODY CAN CREDIBLY VALIDATE. I think we all know LVP said something. But we also know Lipsa took it upon herself to say the word on camera, then fessed up to Yols, then backtracked on a whole bunch of things by Eileen's instigation. The irony is that over half the viewing audience believes that Yolanda is faking or exaggerating her illness anyway! It's so funny how these BH women are convinced that they appear a certain way while filming. They try to control that perception at all costs during filming. Nobody wants to look like the meanie questioning Yolanda's illness! However, then the show is heavily edited and broadcast six months down the line and the audience are like *SHRUG* "Another Fake Illness by Bravo."


Needless to say, Eileen looks absolutely awful in this scenario. Her snapping at Kathryn on her birthday to shut up was the least of it. I am honestly heartbroken at how bad she appears on this show -- bitter, humorless, malicious. I really hope this does not harm her career on Y&R or Days.


Lipsa was a dumb idiot for STILL going after LVP and Kyle about this. All this IMO is an extension of her need to please Eileen. Basically, Lipsa needs an audience and she will do whatever they ask. One thing, though: Lipsa spoke the TRUTH when she said that this was a fight between LVP and Yolanda for Queen Bee status on this show, and everybody else is just their pawns.


Kyle is playing her favourite role, that of self-sacrificing victim. It's funny that the others are so worried by her 'abusive' friendship with Lisa. It is clear from the footage that she is saying one thing to LVP ("I love you like a sister!!!") and then in the VTs she is all "Lisa lies and throws me under the bus all the time. Poor me!" LVP and Kyle play each other; they know they are playing each other and are GOOD with playing each other. LVP gets to be HBiC and Kyle gets to be Suffering Victim. This season, Kyle allied herself with LVP, believing that was a safe place to be after years of being unpopular. But as filming progressed, she sensed that the tide was turning against the Queen, so she sidled up to Soapy and Sudsy [(c) Lisa Vanderpump] and pulled the victim thing again. Kyle is a follower who basically makes a beeline for whoever she assesses is most popular and powerful at any one given time.


I love Kathryn so much this episode. She has really grown on me and I hope she is back next season. She is a breath of fresh air and common sense. I could have watched Kathryn + Erika + the Glam Squad do makeovers all episode TBH. I like Erika too, even though she hates LVP and is Yol's henchwoman.


The contrast between ultra luxurious Dubai and Yolanda, Brandi and Kim's budget picnic could not have been greater. Yolanda's tiresome lecture about how these two rachet batwings are REAL, HONEST friends was belied by her utter lack of humor regarding Brandi's jokes in her direction. She looked like she wanted to punch Kim after she spilled kool-aid on her purse. Kim looked like she'd never met Yols before in her entire life. Yolanda just uses them to burnish her non-existent halo. 

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Well, let's get the good out of the way...


LVP looks spectacular. And Loved what Kyle was wearing. LOVED Eileen's Greek Goddess heels. Even Yo looked good. Erika's gown was only good to me when she was moving. Kathryn meh.


That said...


...SMH at LIps. WHy, LIps? Why?


I hope that the rumors are true and LVP gives her what for.

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Dear God everyone outside of Eileen and Erika look terrible! Like really Vanderpump WTF were you thinking with that dress?! Kyle looks like she bought hers from Ross. I won't even bother commenting on the rest. Just ghastly!


And if it wasn't obvious from that clip, Rinna takes back EVERYTHING she had to say about Yolanda. Such a pathetic wench. 

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The smile on Erika's face when Lipsa was doing the most... spoke volumes. Kyle looked absolutely taken aback by Lipsa's latest accusation.


This is going to be a horrendous Reunion for LVP, make no mistake. Yolanda has got what she wanted, two years after her last failed attempt.


As for the fashion--

Erika: Las Vegas showgirl.

Yolanda: Mistook hosiery for a dress.

Lipsa: Job applicant for assistant position at CAA.

Kathryn: CAA agent interviewing Lipsa.

Kyle: Beach cover-up -- without the bikini underneath. 

Eileen: LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!!!!!! Welcome to the 1998 Daytime Emmy Awards!!!!!


LVP def borrowed Erika's sequinned dress, Cheap. :lol: I like that sequined look on both of them -- looks like liquid gold.

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I think LVP will feel the heat from the ladies, but the ladies will catch hell from the audience. 


No one believes YoLyme's antics of running off stage. It was staged to garner sympathy but it falls flat. 


Rinna has officially shown her hand as crazy at this reunion. 


Erika is of course eating it up b/c she thinks that she and Yolanda will be the new 'queen bees' of BH, but it ain't gonna happen. Like all other housewives, she'll fall victim of the 2nd year curse. It's just written all over her.

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I still maintain that Cynthia Watros has been the ONLY right thing Jill Farren Phelps has done since sidling her way onto the Y&R set. :wub: What a presence!


Still... 1998 was a long time ago in fashion terms. :lol: Cynthia is def channeling Gwyneth Paltrow's Oscar dress. (Can you believe GP won an Oscar once? I can't). 

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