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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Haven't watched in two seasons. So sad, as this used to be one of my favourite franchises, but the Gorga infestation and Teresa's legal issues which she nobody could really talk about on tape really ruined this show.


No talk about RHoMelbourne? RHoBH? I'm surprised. Melbourne was good, although it's just started and is a bit of a slow burner so I myself don't really have all that much to say. Except that watching it is really enjoyable!


As for RHoBH... sigh... where to start? Y'all should read Eileen's blog. I think she wrote it in the heat of the moment, right in the wake of what was a tough Reunion, but it doesn't come across that well, and LVP responded by taking the high road in hers. It hurts me to see My Eileen (yes, she's always been my ED -- can't turn my back on my years of watching Y&R and Days!) who I will always admire for her talent and class, reduced to this. And facing a barrage of criticism on social media. I hope this does not impact on her day job. I have a feeling JFP gave her some semblance of a SL on Y&R to take advantage of her higher profile on RHoBH. I am grateful for it but don't want it yanked with this perceived backlash to Eileen's actions on BH.


All I know is that Eileen and LVP just do not really mix as personalities. And she feels that LVP mentioned the affair to put her down. It's as simple as that. Eileen knows she is a smart and erudite woman, but so does Yolanda, and it is clear that these two feel they are in some way 'better' people than LVP. (I will always remember the finale of Season 4 BH when Yolanda sneered at Ken "My husband would never be seen with the likes of you!").


It feels weird feeling some sympathy for the people on this show going after LVP who is my ride-or-die girl. (After all, last year, I could not stomach Brandi or Kim). This is going to not end well for either Lipsa or Eileen, or Erika who so clearly despises Lisa in a weirdly competitive way. It makes me sad because despite all that, I actually like Erika and think she is great on the show. I like that she doesn't hold back. I don't think Tom will want her to continue into next season though. He got a taste of the mess with that dinner party. And tbh if guests to my house had treated me so rudely, I would have reacted the same way as Erika and Tom Girardi. Having said that, Erika needs to stop with the 'real friends' shtick she has going with Yolanda. It's been three years of Yolanda yapping about "real friends, not Hollywood friends" and I still don't know what she wants out of her real friends. Unquestioning worship? A nursemaid?


Seeing Yolanda in NY at the party in the suite was eye-opening. Just like when she can attack Lisa indirectly through minions, so Yolanda thrives on making these kind of "my journey" thank-you speeches. She is in her element. I had to remind myself what a farce this all was, especially the lovey-dovey stuff with David Foster. It's so clear that David is ready to check out, and that this is the last duty he really has to fulfil before both of them call it a day. Seeing Yolanda so happy and rosy-cheeked almost made me think that she really loved her 'King'. However, maybe she loves the adulation and admiration of an audience more, and that's why the marriage fell apart. She stopped needing him and attending to him when she started seeking out validation from her fanbase.

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I posted about Melbourne several pages back - loving it!


So far as BH goes I'm sick of this season and look forward to it wrapping up. It sounds like Dubai is a brutal time for LVP - she's compared it to Puerto Rico - so I'm not looking forward to it.


Eileen has been a huge disappointment this season. One of the worst second seasons for a housewife ever. And believe me when I say I am a huge fan of her DAYS and Y&R work...but if this is the 'real' Eileen she sucks as a person. The bottom line is Eileen's trigger is anyone mentioning that her marriage started from an affair. However she might like to paint the state of her and Vince's previous marriages, they had an affair and that's selfish and ugly and there's no getting around that and it seems she just can't stand it when someone brings it up. LVP did I this year (Brandi did it last year) and that's why she's Eileen's target. For someone whose accusing LVP of being manipulative, Eileen is very much the pot meeting the kettle. She was incredibly blatant with her manipulation of Lips in the luggage store. Gathering a cabal of LVP hatred, aligning with LemonLyme and Erika, and being fake as hell with not letting her fight with LVP over the "apology" go has ruined Eileen. I hope she gets annihilated at the reunion. She has it coming. 


Otherwise I am bored with the LemonLyme show. She was in the episode a lot and I think there's a direct correlation between that and the episode being torture to get through. David Foster looked positively checked out of that marriage. 


Kathryn is a dud. There's nothing compelling about her. A one season wonder if there ever was one.


At this point I don't know where they take the show. Part of me thinks they'd be better off having Kim on to replace Kathryn, fire LemonLyme, hire a new housewife or get Taylor back on. The show is in bad shape. If LVP quits then I can dump this franchise and stick with NYC and Melbourne and Cheshire. 

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The ratings dipped for a couple weeks (1.6 million, usually it is at least 1.8) but it bounced back to 1.7 this past week. As much as I've always loved Beverly Hills, I'm also ready for this season to come to its conclusion. Since this is what they bothered to come up with for storyline (Yolanda's endless *journey*, Eileen needing a sincere apology from Vanderpump, etc.) I don't see it going anywhere else for this particular story arc. Shades of Season Four here.... Bravo should've learned that when you try to get all the girls to gang up on Lisa V, it will inevitably fail as the strong majority of the audience sides with her. Instead, you've alienated the star of the franchise and risked having her jump ship again. 


I'm with Cat in that I still like Erika. I like her personality and I like her way of thinking and assessing the other women.... she's just aligned herself with the wrong team. Perhaps there is something pervy about her marriage (father/daughter vibe), but if there is, it seems she gets to have her cake and eat it too with her Erika Jayne persona. I hope she's back next season, whether it be for a redemption (a la Camille) or a slaughter (a la... take your pick). 


I wonder how non-soap fans feel about Eileen. I don't give her a pass, but her plight over Lisa V seems too producer-coaxed to be genuine. Again, if Eileen truly didn't want discussion of her marriage to be a focus, she should've just let the initial conversation with Lisa V slide by the wayside, and Bravo likely would never have aired it, as it would've led to nothing substantial for story. 

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Except Queen Karen. She has truly become the highlight of the season. I hope if there's a second season, which I think there will be as they wont want any more one season wonders after DC, they should cut Cchaarrisse and maybe Katie.


I hate that they've started always using sets for the reunions, I miss when they'd film in prominent locations in their cities in real places.


As for BH, I think an overhaul is needed after this season. I'd definitely cut Yolanda and Kathryn and maybe Eileen too. Lisa V, Kyle, Lisa R, Erika and some new wives that actually live in Beverly Hills with that Adrienne Maloof season 1 kind of money and production values would be great. I wouldn't welcome Taylor or Adrienne back, they're better in small doses, but if Camille Grammer wanted to come back I'd welcome her with open arms. 

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I'm always down for more Faye! LVP and her have a moment on the season finale so I could deinitely see her being open to returning more full time.


And believe me, if you guys think Eileen is annoying now just wait. Both her and Rinna become relentless in their mission to knock LVP down. Eileen needs to go. I still have hope for Lisa Rinna. Also, don't count Kathryn out jut yet. She really steps up to the plate in a good way. Kyle also impresses me which I hate to admit because she's so annoying. 

Edited by MrPrezident
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I feel like they should just scrap BH. They made terrible mistakes in keeping a number of people too long (Brandi, Yolanda, maybe Kim) and in beating the same few themes to death - #1 being these futile wars with LVP. The premise of the show seems to be long gone because they got addicted to the whirlwind drama with Taylor and Russell Armstrong. 


Maybe they can try to work with LVP on a new show and give it the BH timeslot. 

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I think RHOBH can be salvaged, but they need to do a major cast overhaul. I say keep LVP and Kyle, but scrap the rest. This show needs to get back to the glitz and glamor element it had in s1. This show took a dark turn in season 2 and has never really returned. I'd try and get Camille and possibly Adrienne back full-time and then go on to find 4 extremely wealthy, new housewives and go from there. 

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I wouldn't make any drastic changes to Beverly Hills. I think this season was a decent reboot after losing two new cast members. I'd do Lisa V, Lisa R, Kyle, Erika, Kathryn, Camille, Eileen and one new cast member. I think too much cast turnover looks bad. But with Yolanda gone it could give Erika a chance to fly. She can still have her brief appearances with Munchie, Kim and Brandi if they want, but as long as Yolanda isn't a full time cast member or true Friend then they will be fine. She is SO DRAINING!

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Damn, ya'll are haters. Am I the only one that doesnt hate BH and doesnt think it needs an overhaul. Im on the same page as Chris B. People are acting like its gotten down to NJ levels of bad. Im still enjoying this season and LOVE Kathryn. She hasnt been a one season flop to me.

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