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If anyone's trying to spin a web here it's Yolanduh. She clearly has Erikunt well informed and ready to go against Vanderpump. You'd think the loon would've learned when she tried to do the same thing with the "town drunk" and failed.  Clearly Eileen is caught in Yolanduh's web otherwise she wouldn't be so worried about Kathryn spilling the beans on the 40 year old flop star. :rolleyes:


Lisa's apologized to Eileen how many times now? And Eileen seriously thinks that's why Erikunt was warning Kathryn about Lisa? Girl, you're the only one trying to make that a storyline. GET. OVER. IT.


Yolanduh is unraveling before our eyes and I'm loving every moment! She sits on her throne of lies looking down on everyone as if she has the viewing audience fooled. It's amazing to watch facebooks response be all supportive of Yolanduh at the beginning of the season and shaming all the other ladies for bringing up her lack of makeup. Now it's endless comments calling her a liar and a nut. Oh sweet karma! :D

Edited by MrPrezident
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Same. I see Eileen's point in that LVP feels it is a mark of weakness to apologize for something. (In a way, I even understand Erika's perception of Lisa. Erika clearly views LVP as an adversary. Yol bitching about Lisa to Erika behind the scenes probably hasn't helped. However, she was doing the dirty by implying LVP is behind the Munchausen rumors. Personally, because Mohammed Haddid is/was LVP's friend, I don't think she would dare try to mess with that friendship by getting the Haddid kids involved). Still, I see LVP's point too. These ladies are always trying to hash things out and talk about "my feeeeeeeeeelings" and "validate my pain" and Lisa is not about that life. Many Brits feel that kind of behaviour is self-indulgent and much ado about nothing. 


Kathryn seems to want to get on Team LVP now, huh? Interesting.


The title of this episode was 'Spinning The Web' and it's funny because all I could think was how much like a spider Yolanda seemed. She's so smug and self-righteous and vicious in her attacks and reprimands, tbh. She is so clearly talking down to Kyle, all the while threatening her that she will reveal some secrets if Kyle doesn't toe the line. Then she turns around and says "But, of course, I would never. I have integrity!" The way she looked at the other women with such disdain -- she and Erika obvs think they are on another, higher level above the other HWs. Yolanda acts like she's some martyred saint being torn down by wolves, and she is beyond thrilled that she can somehow implicate LVP in her victimhood. She has been waiting for years to drive a stake in the Mohammed/LVP friendship and to discredit LVP in the eyes of the public, she thinks she has finally found the excuse to do that.


Her whole demeanour this episode and last week is creepy, frankly.

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That's exactly it, Cat. All these women want to be "heard" and talk about how they feel and how they "hurt" and LVP doesn't give a damn about that - she is British and doesn't play into that crap. To her it's one big self indulgent whine. And let's be honest, Eileen is grinding this storyline into dust she's retread it so many times - she needs to give it a rest.


Such a shame about Erika being Team LemonLyme. She is really funny and smart, but she's heard a lot of crap about LVP over the years I'm sure so I can't really blame her. What's interesting is how her husband seems to enjoy/respect LVP's demeanor. 


LemonLyme was gleeful this episode being able to chastise Kyle but her comment abou LVP "talking sh*t" about her kids fell flat when both Kyle and Eileen defended her and said that never happened. 


The email demonstrates how full of crap LemonLyme is. She has the convenient excuse of "my brain shuts down when confronted" (with the TRUTH that she can't argue with!) but then has the fortitude to write a scathing email and copy all the other women on it. She's been so bitchy and stupid this season. It seems Rinna is going to go in hard judging from the midseason trailer where it appears she says to LemonLyme "You are more manipulative than LVP" to a falsely shocked face from LemonLyme.

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Yolanduh has created her own blog instead of posting on the official one. Nene did this as well when the viewing audience turned on her. Desperate times... This woman is certifiable. She posts the full email she sent to Kyle and compares Lyme's to AIDS. It's worth a read if only for the dose of reality that is TamaraTattles purple pen.



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At this point, it doesn't even matter to me if she has a chronic neurological disease or not. She could well have something which impairs her ability to function on certain days, etc. I still think she has been horribly misdiagnosed (unless she is in cahoots with that charlatan Dr. Klinghardt to launch a questionable 'wellness' brand / scam 'My Luuuuuuv' for more alimony). IMO, regardless of these illnesses, Yolanda has exposed herself as a horrible person. Her biggest sickness imo is narcissism --- she is a self-aggrandizing narcissist with a God complex. She shows up at lunch with flowers for LVP and expected everybody to fall to their knees worshipping her. "Queen Yolanda made it! She graced us with her presence! Look at how selfless she is, giving Vanderpump those flowers and telling everybody she forgives them!"


Except she has not forgiven anybody. Saint Yolanda she is not. And when everybody treated her as just another HW joining the lunch (which she is!), BullyYolanda hit back to remind those peons that they are in the presence of INTEGRITY. Selflessness. Noble Suffering! She's a mother, for crying out loud! Why aren't they telling her how wonderful she is? Why aren't they sobbing in regret over asking Mohammed how his children are doing? How dare they?


Ironic that she told Kyle in the e-mail that "it's not a pretty look on you." Smugness and spite sure are an ugly look on Yolanda. Personally, I have never liked VictimKyle all that much, but I applaud the way she reasonably defended herself against that monstrous fake at the lunch. Later in the e-mail, Yolanda commands her to make an appointment with her for lunch 'so I can discuss this further with you.' The fact that Kyle didn't bother to contact her for another round of getting her ass reamed? ::APPLAUSE:: :lol:


I notice in her blog that Yolanda gleefully [(c) DaytimeFan :) ] keeps going after Lisa Rinna. Yol clearly thinks Lisa Rinna is the weak link. That's the mark of a bully. She doesn't realize that if she had calmly left well enough alone, Lipsa would have stopped talking about this issue ages ago. Lips is on a roll now because she feels that she is being unfairly blamed and targeted.


The worst is trying to put herself on a level with AIDS. BTW, did anybody see what she posted last week when Big Ang (of Mob Wives) died of cancer?




That's when I knew Yolanda was truly a disgusting opportunist. Big Ang is a 'mommy' and a grandmother many times over. Don't you think that if Big Ang could have, she would have wanted to stay alive for her family? Of course she would have. She was terrified of dying and leaving them. What a selfish narcissist Yolanda is. The irony is that nobody exposed her for the fake she is -- her addiction to social media means that she has exposed herself.


P.S.: The fact that Yolanda broke away from Bravo to publish her blog on her own website makes me wonder if this is the first step towards not appearing at Reunion so that she won't get called out on her sh*t.


P.P.S.: Sorry for the rant, but LemonLymes makes me feel the way she makes Tamara Tattles feel.

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Caught up on Beverly Hills.  Vanderpump had me giggling while preparing for her dinner. I wish I could remember what line she said that had me LOLing, but her wit and humor is still right on point. 


I thought I'd be rolling my eyes at Eileen bringing up the apology thing yet again, but it actually came up in conversation organically. I get Kathryn saying "Get Over It!" in her talking head, but I can't fault Eileen for calling out Lisa for her tendency to brush things under the rug when someone is simply asking for a straight-forward answer/apology. We know Lisa, we love Lisa, we know how she operates. I don't think Lisa is "wrong" about anything, there's just a difference in how people lay things to rest and move on. While it's all said and done for Lisa, the other ladies need official acknowledgement and direct confirmation. 


The "coming up" preview looks good! I was surprised we got one so late in the season, but perhaps Bravo could sense the viewers are O.D.ing on the whole Yolanda Illness thing and wanted to give us assurance that better things were still yet to come. Producers clearly could tell some changes were needed as they were filming. Here come the sloppy drunks! 


Yolanda, I can't even bother with that one anymore. Her actions will have far reaching consequences beyond the world of reality TV. It looks like they filmed footage after news broke of her separation with David? Whatever ho. No sympathy here. 


Edit: Looks like it'll be covered on the finale:  


They included a huge misprint though by saying "fans love Yolanda."  



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That Radar Online article...


"There hasn’t been a lot of drama this season, and fans love Yolanda.”


"Yolanda and David discussed the importance of handling the proceedings with dignity and class soon after she filed,” the insider continued. “So she refuses to speak badly about him on the show. Of course she is saddened by the end of the marriage, but she won’t allow the intimate details of what led to the breakdown of the relationships to become public fodder.”


Hadid’s health has drastically improved since having her breast implants removed, and the insider said she’s ready to hit back.


“Yolanda is ready to face the cowards who whispered about her while she was sick.”


Sounds like this came straight from the horse's mouth! Either Saint Yolanda or 'a source close to Yolanda' gave Radar this puff piece ahead of Reunion in a few weeks.

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Somebody should tell Yolanda that perhaps her idea that everybody is after her is another symptom of her illness. For a woman who can't read a book, drive a car, walk, eat and who has told us herself that her brain doesn't work very often, she seems very sure that her perception of things is that clear. She thinks she is so much better than anybody else, but all I see is a bitter, sad woman who can only befriend aging bimbos who think she is smarter than them. Whether they are married to their rich grandfather or they are broke and obsessing over their ex isn't important to me. 

Eileen didn't want Kathryn to continue talking (and perhaps say the wrong thing?), so she started talking about the same stupid issue. I don't like her at all this season. Her marriage is awkward, her "stories" are sad and boring and she chose the wrong team. Plus she looks like someone who is visiting from 1993.

Kathryn was brought because Yolanda is sick and keeps the production hostage. (Btw Yolanda thinks that looking sick is the same as looking like a late life lesbian for some reason) Kathryn looks like someone from the last Dallas season when nobody was watching.

These women have to realise that they are the cast of another Vanderpump Rules show and stop going after the one housewife who doesn't have to cry, yell, bully, be a joke, or be a slut to be liked. Oh and somebody should explain to Erika that Erika Jayne is not her alter ego, it is her only personality. I am sure that Brandi -if she could ever stomach being married to her grandfather- would be classier than an aging stripper pretending to be a drag queen who pays random gay people to tell her she is a diva.  

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Oh @Mr. Vixen @Cheap21 @Eric83....


Some alleged RHOA reunion tea, so take a sip.... 

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Source(s): http://tamaratattles.com/2016/02/26/exclusive-rhoa-tea-nene-leakes-was-at-the-reunion/ & http://tamaratattles.com/2016/02/26/real-housewives-of-atlanta-reunion-tea/


Pics from reunion:


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