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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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She was disgusting in the first 5-10 minutes. I have no words....


Phaedra and Nene at least copped to be ashamed of their actions the night before but that's too much for the idiot fake actress to admit. As Phaedra said there's a difference between a little joke versus what Kenya did tonight.



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Atlanta hasn't been must see TV in a couple months now. Kenya's working overtime to try and make things more interesting but unfortunately it just makes her seem desperate. This cast just doesn't gel and you know things are bad when people start looking at Poorsha and Phakedra as the new Lucy and Ethel. You'd think an exotic trip and the Moose's return would spice things up but it hasn't. I'm watching a rerun of Ugly Betty over that mess. So sad.

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So I decided to pause Ugly Betty and watch RHOA and I'm glad I did. It was the best episode of the trip. Even tho Kenya has been messy as hell I applaud her owning it. Unlike the other girls who barely copped to anything in their talking heads. I liked that Kim didn't act like she was so much better than everyone this episode. I can't help but gag that they are pretending Peter and Cynthia arranged this trip. Nene was a good fun as was Phaedra. Their role play was cringe worthy tho. Bob and Sheree were cute as were Matt and Kenya. And I liked that Kenya apologized to Cynthia. Next week looks boring as hell!

Edited by MrPrezident
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Totally agree. She needed a little break for a reset. Now, she comes back in and it's surprisingly like a breath of fresh, familiar air (wait, that sounds like a flatulence reference. I digress...). Glad to see the frog admit she went too far, and she's right that there's a difference between light joking and just being cruel. Still, she's a frog. 


The Sheree/Bob dynamic is interesting. I can't decipher which one is more desperate to quit their day job at Target. Still, again, the break was necessary and I'm glad she's back. She's still a poser and faker than a $2, but that's why we love She By Sheree. 


Kim definitely kept her cool when the gay accusations were hurled her way, but you could tell she was pissed. Wasn't she threatening to quit the show around this time? 


Kandi and her cantankerous aunts... Meh, cute, but just something to film on camera for the sake of the show. 


Kenya, well, alls I gotta say is: her man is fine

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She apologized to Kim about the gay rumors and to Cynthia about the commercial but I am not about to argue over this dumb sh-t. Not to be mean but you ain't gonna bend and I sure as hell am not gonna bend. Love you but we'll agree to disagree. I'm over this season TBH. 




F-ck Beverly Hills. F-ck Atlanta. F-ck Potomac. Melbourne blew them all out the water with this premiere. I don't even know where to begin....


Lydia is clearly the pot-stirrer this season, which is funny because she was the irrelevant one last season. I guess she realized she had to step her game up to remain on the show and boy did she. Lydia was bouncing around setting everything on fire. For once, I found her to be useful. I actually felt something for her. I still don't like her but I don't hate her. 


Whoever found Susie deserves a medal. I love how she has preexisting history with Gina, Chyka, Janet, and Lydia, which meshes her into the group better than before. Susie was the MVP this episode as she was dropping bombs left and right on Lydia. Susie confirmed what we've all said about Lydia for the past two seasons--she aligns herself with who she can use at the time. Season one, it was everyone but Gina. Season two, it was everyone but Gamble. This season, she wants to align with Gina and Gamble while tossing everyone else under the bus. Just scandalous. 


These rumors with Lydia and the cricket player.... :ph34r: I somewhat believe it. Lydia protested a bit too much. I did research on him and he is known to be a lothario. Plus, he did try and hook up with Janet too, so....


Pettifleur is an idiot. How can she blame Gamble about being sued when all Gamble did was warn her that Omarosa had a book out by that title already? Going on and calling her a sugar baby is stupid and pointless. If Rick and Gamble like, Pettifleur should love it. It ain't her business. 


I like how Gina/Pettifleur mended fences. Shows how mature both women are. I do think together that these two can be a power duo to the other women. 


I was cracking up at the end how Gina, who is normally in fights, was for once not involved in the battles and was sitting in the other room with Chyka. What annoyed me during the fight was how Jackie, who I've NEVER liked, kept inserted her melon head ass in the fights. Jackie annoys me to no end. 


Overall, this season looks like it is gonna have great potential and all the women are gonna bring it. This just shows why 8 is the magic number on these housewife shows.



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Sigh, I miss the days when we could debate for hours (or even days!) and there were more than 5 of us in here. Where the hell is Eric? Antoyne?

I will give you that Kenya apologized to Cynthia and maybe that was sincere. I didn't hear her apologize about any of the gay stuff. Maybe I missed it. This season really just appears to be the dismantling of Ken Mora. But you'll probably never see that, just as I supposedly didn't see it when Nene was allegedly dismantled in season 6. Lol. 

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