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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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You're probably absolutely right, I just noticed that was slightly different. The only thing I found a little odd was the mom's quote about open communication vs. Kenya saying the mom would never speak to her.


Either way, I do feel sorry for Kenya having to feel that pain. I may not like her, but I wouldn't wish that kind of hurt on anyone. Whether she's fudging the details or not, the bottom line is that she has no relationship with her mother and that's obviously a source of pain on some level for her, and that sucks. I sincerely hope she finds peace in that regard and can learn to simply value the love she DID have and move on from the loss. I know that's way easier said than done, but I hope she can achieve that. At the end of the day, that's a lot to carry around. 

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She did acknowledge on Twitter awhile ago that her mother did reach out to her after she won Miss. USA but claims she felt it was disingenuous and she didn't reply out of bitterness on her part, and rightfully so. Why would Kenya reach out to her when her mom is only doing it (at that time) b/c she was at an all time high and getting a lot of exposure? 


It is gonna be hard for her to find peace but it has to be done. I think I am sympathetic with her b/c her story is somewhat similar to mine. Instead, mine is neglect from my father, who'd pop in and out and constantly play the victim when I'd call him out on him being absentee. It's taken me a long time to let it go but I feel like I am almost there. It does also make me hesitant to start new relationships with people b/c I will always question if I can trust and depend on them. Childhood neglect is a bitch....

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I feel empathetic towards Kenya bc Ive witness this happen with my cousin who's mother dropped her on her paternal grandmother's (mine as well) doorstep less than a week old and pretty much abandoned her. My cousin has kids now as well and has gotten peace bc she sees her mother at Thanksgiving but it took over 25 years to get to that point. Its hurtful. Im feeling like Aunt Lori bc my younger sister and my father do not talk and nothing Ive been able to do has done any help to mend those fences. My other sister saw her father for the first time in about 30 years this weekend and no words were exchanged . Its sad all around but I feel for Kenya's family issues bc they feel so familiar to me

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I was with her when it came to Cynthia and Nene. Nene tried to get her fired and came for her husband. I dont mind Cynthia being cordial with her, but friends? Thats too much especially since we didnt see a natural progression to reconciliation.


Her reads on Kim and Phaedra were on point as usual. I didnt like her coming for Aunt Lori though bc I understand her position. She did make some valid points about Kenya's mother though

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Gizelle is the only one I like so far. Karen, the oldest broad, is trying too hard. The third one pictured above is obnoxious and is like the ugly version of Holly from Dance Moms. The other women weren't featured enough, but the one who loves the white guys is also obnoxious.  That's all I got so far. I'm bad with names :) 

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I found Giselle to be a bit of a try-hard out the gate. Obviously part of that comes from editing, but she just came off as desperately wanting to be the main chick.


I found Karen to be quite entertaining. She's snooty as !@#$%^&*] but it came off as genuine and she made me laugh a few times.


I understood Charisse's annoyance with Giselle and her friend. Other than that I have no real use for her.


Robyn I think is her name was kinda just there to me.


The pretty girl who likes Galas is clearly dating a gay man.

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Just call them Evelyn Lozada, Stacy Dash, Tina Knowles, Nicole Ari Parker and Jay Z


Gizelle Bryant and Ezelyn Lozada with a side of Beyonce



Katie Rost and Stacy Dash



Karen Huger and Tina Knowles



Ashley Darby and Nicole Ari Parker



Charrisse Jordan and Jay-Z



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LMAO! Great casting! 


Yes, I definitely picked up on the Evelyn Lozada as I watched, without the horse mouth. Katie Rost, I should like her since we share the same last name (which I *never* see!), but she is extremely obnoxious. And I like black guys and married a black guy, but I don't go on & on about it, the way she does about white guys. Calm down missy. 

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Thank you for highlighting that. That's why she's catching so much heat and I cannot connect with her. She's subtly putting down other men while putting her preference on a pedestal. As if white men are the end all, be all. It's so extra to the point it is fetishizing white men. She perpetuates the broken ideologies of the white patriarchy that still drive us all today. 


She the worst kind of interracial dater--the kind that rambles on and on about the racial difference between she and her beau and how great is. Basically, just doing it for attention. 

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I'm still trying to wrap my head around a black chick who calls herself Katie.  I just can't.  I like her dizzy ass tho.  


Karen is great but I'm not feeling this group.  There is nothing special about them.  Just another group of women getting together to talk chit to/about one another.  I'll stick with it for a minute, however.  

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I enjoyed RHOP and I think the second season trailer gave me enough to be hooked. Overall the cast is alright, but I definitely see some retooling season two. My initial thoughts:

Gizelle - LOVE LOVE LOVE her! I didn't feel like she was trying too hard and her presence was strong. I enjoyed her. She's funny and doesn't take herself seriously. You can tell she truly does have the legacy she speaks of because she isn't stunting like the rest. She's just going to have a good time and call it a day. I loved her wig at the party, but hate that the wig strap was showing lol.

Karen - She's entertaining, but she is tired as hell. Her style, her house, her HAIR she is tired. She has the worst manners and she put me firmly on Team Gizelle. How you gonna be late to a party and complain about ANYTHING? That is not proper etiquette, that is rude and tacky. Then if you gonna read someone with a gift, make sure it doesn't look like the packaging and frame came from the dollar store. She is TIRED. True new money who is always trying to front like she is so fabulous.

Charisse - HATE HATE HATE! Bitch they thought you were section 8 because you are! She is TIRED TIRED TIRED! I cringed for her lack of edges and those throwback pics which made her look like the hoodrat she claims to hate so much. She is probably fronting more than all of them. I HATED her! All the talk of the ghetto was just classless. The way she treated Gizelle was unspeakable. How the hell you gonna invite her to a party, have her cook and treat her like that? She LEFT her so don't complain if she can't find stuff and is loud in the kitchen. As for her bringing a plus one, that is par the course for a casual party. Not to mention the fact that Gizelle had to rush and get ready due to having to cook. She legitimately needed help getting ready. I hope this season is a season of downfalls for this monster. 

Katie & Robyn - I don't have much to say about either of them, but I liked them. Katie is probably the most gorgeous woman ever cast and I like that she seems lighthearted and carefree. I feel like she will be the rational one and I look forward to that. Robyn didn't do anything major to stand out, but she was fun and I like her relationship with Gizelle.

Overall more than anything I need these women to fix their weaves. After watching and seeing that it pretty much is a DC reboot, I do wish we could've gotten a DC housewife in there. I think Lynda and Stacie could've fit in as Friends at the very least.

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