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Yes, boo! 


I miss Demetria (and Claudia too) on this show. I hate how they never gave her a real shot but we're stuck with Kim Fields. <_<


Kenya told no lies about Kim's outfit. It was not cute at all. 


I disagree with many of you on Don Juan. I was glad that he ate Porsha and Phaedra's ass up. Why talk sh-t about Kandi right at her event? Leave if you're gonna do that. Kandi revealed on Twitter last night that was the reason he actually did go off on them b/c they were badmouthing them and the event was filled with bloggers and news reporters. 


I cannot wait for next week for Kandi to dig into Porsha's ass. She swears that Kandi is jealous of her when it's further from the truth. Plus, I am here for Todd clocking Phelony too. She stays lying and Todd is about to pull the wool from over her yet again.

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Nope. I think that Todd should've confronted Phaedra from the start. Not that it would've helped b/c Phaedra would've skirted around the issue and lied like she always does....


All the men on this show are bitchy so it doesn't bother me. They do what they gotta do make sure their wife/boss/friend, etc. keeps that check coming and keep their spot on the show. However, there are many occasion when the men have been on the ball when it comes to confronting these women. Personally, I think Don Juan had every right to get Porsha and Phaedra together. 

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thanks. That definitely sheds some light on where he was coming from. Editing leaves stuff out and doesnt always show the full story. With that said, Im not a big fan of men getting involved in female business. I can kinda get him coming for Phaedra but I think he was out of line with Porsha and you know I have no love for her Also if he did it bc they were badmouthing with bloggers and reporters around, what the heck did he thinking going in on them was going to accomplish? He gave the bloggers something to write about when for all intents and purposes those two were having a quiet private conversation outside, which he interjected himself in and made loud


yeah next week looks good. Their friendship is so done. All the slick things Phaedra was saying about Todd sealed the deal on that. Did she learn nothing from Nene/Peter/Cynthia? Phaedra is no friend

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I don't get his logic either but I did enjoy it. I'm sorry but I enjoyed Don Juan digging into those two. I get his intentions of trying to protect his boss and save the brand, but I don't think that he himself was hurting the brand too by engaging in a spar with them as you said. 


At this moment, Kandi has said that she and Phaedra are cool but I don't think that she's seen next week's episode yet. I think that her shots towards Todd will change Kandi's tune. What I find odd is that Phaedra's was all for Todd when Kandi got with him and always brought up how Todd was a hard worker but now she implies he doesn't work and is broke? Pick a lane, Phaedra. That's why I can't stand her b/c she perpetuates lies to smear people and garner sympathy. She plays on the audience and the simps eat up what she says. 


I hope her ass gets blown up out the water come reunion time. I thought Kenya might've been in the hot seat this upcoming reunion b/c of the Miami incident but after seeing the Miami incident and everything that follows, Phaedra is definitely gonna catch hell come reunion time. I just hope that Andy does not protect her ass like he always does.

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Yeah, definitely not a fan of Don Juan. He really does need a glass of water cus fool be thirsty! I still remember all the mess he talked on Todd. Now he wants to act like they're all friends and he's his "people?" Girl please, we all know you was just looking for a piece of the money Phaedra still owes Todd. Don Juan is always hustling. He's so into himself he'll always be miserable and alone. Now, I'm no fan of Poorsha and that man troll with tits Phaedra, but he was just to turnt up.


No Sheree this episode. I kind of missed her. Poor Kim stays looking like a hot mess. I totally forgot about Peter and Cynthia's drama.  Phaedra's meal ticket Ayden was so adorable! I was digging Kandi and Demetria's song!


I almost forgot, Kenya in that red dress! That's how it's done ladies! And that tall dark piece of salty goodness? Girl, get on that sh*t before I do! He was fine!


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I like DJ so I'll defend him a bit. He is and always has been 100% for Kandi. Even if he has reservations about Todd, that's Kandi's man so he'll have his back when it comes to ousiders. I get that. And besides its not so much about defending Todd but looking at the bigger issues and its how Phaedra is a fake friend that has been causing Kandi grief with her bulls--t. If Phaedra gave a damn about that friendship, she'd have just paid it off and not let it become an issue. She clearly doesnt and I think a the root of it, thats where DJ is ultimately coming from in terms of her. Kandi is weak and always has been which is why he tends to feel the need to speak up for her. He says what she wants to, but never has the guts


Sheree had footage that was cut. Likely bc she doesnt have a peach so she doesnt get moments on her own away from the housewives

This was such a fun scene! Too bad it didnt air. Sheree and Marlo both needed peaches. Id take them over boring dry Kim


Did you see the Unnecessary Trouble video? Kandi is going to be in trouble come reunion time. I cant beleive she shaded Andy the way she did. I didnt find that funny and I hope he has a bigger sense of humor than me


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