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I've pointed out several reasons and causes why Nene and by extension myself can't stand that fake as hell attention whore. It's just that you and some others refuse to acknowledge them or understand that they are legitimate concerns.


Her behavior in this current episode is just another clear exhibit of why I absolutely can't stand her. Her attempts to be clever and cute and shady are just stupid and over the top. And I'm SO GLAD Kim called this trick out on her "instigation".


Kenya Moore is nothing but a viper and someone who loves to play games. And Kim clearly recognized this bullsh*t facade. 



Just looked at her nasty behavior towards Kim. Because the lady misses her family she's somehow a loser or lesser than her. The truth is that Keny is Bitter jealous girl. She wants to have kids but she knows it's probably too late. She wants a husband but she knows deep down no one will ever wife her after all her antics. It's why she lashed out at Porsha way back when followed by Phaedra and Nene regardless what happened to the first twos spouses. And it's why she deep down prob hates Kim and is throwing all these barbs at Kandi. 

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Oh please.


Nene couldn't stand Kenya simply b/c she was threatened. As many have pointed out, she had no reason to loathe Kenya. Hell, she encouraged Kenya's antics against Phaedra in s5. Once Nene realized she wouldn't be leaving RHOA so suddenly (due to The New Normal being cancelled), she got pissed and knew she'd have to fight for the spotlight again--the same spotlight that Kenya acquired effortlessly the previous season. 


Ain't nobody jealous over Kim whining over her husband. She was looking damn stupid. She's in Miami. Not Buenos Aires. That's a one-hour flight and four to five hour drive. She was acting like she was separated from them by a mass body of water. It wasn't that serious. I'd be shading her ass too. Hell, I'd declare she take her ass home. Kim's energy was f-cking up the trip. Too damn grown to be  suffering from separation anxiety. 


Onto tonight's episode:


I found it hilarious that Phaedra tried calling Kenya an instigator. Does she not remember how she stayed stirring the pot until last season when she was the talk of the town? So now she's aloof to engaging in that type of behavior. Girl, bye. That's why I can't stand this fraud. 


I found it even more hilarious that people were coming down on Kenya for relaying info Tammy said back to Sheree. Are people new to this concept? Production requires that spread info amongst each other. The smart ones do so. If Tammy didn't want Sheree to know what she thought about Sheree/Bob then she should've kept her mouth shut. Once you put something in the universe, don't be stunned when people go and spread it. 


Kenya snapping at Glen to get his attention was wrong but his reaction with aggression was just as much wrong. Of course, Phaedra would side with him (the aggressor) b/c she's a bird. She's used to dealing with hoodrats. She married one. 


Not shocked that next week, they'll blame Glen snapping on Kenya when it was obvious he was being aggressive and he has a history of being in unsavory matters. 

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Of course you'll support Kenya snapping her fingers like she's somebody important. Please she's a thirsty dried up desperate lady who's still running around down looking for a sperm donor. 


The guys reaction next week is simply because he didn't appreciate being treated like a slave by a hasbeen from the 90s or whatever decade she crawled out of.


How was Nene ever threatened by this fake lady? She didn't have a husband. She didn't have any kids. She didn't even have a house! I'm sorry but what exactly is Nene threatened by....


RE Kim And it doesn't matter if it's the US or overseas you can still miss your family very deeply and its not something I found funny at all. Just because Kenya was abandoned by her own parents maybe she doesn't "get it" but I think she just revealed what an ugly person she is on the inside (as if it wasn't clear already given her prior antics).


Seriously all she did this episode was cackle like some witch and chortle like a horse at her own stupid jokes which weren't even that original or clever. It's not rocket science to go after Porsha or that friend of hers at this point.

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All these women are thirsty, dried up, and desperate ... like Thotlandia and Coinstar Parks bikinis were tonight. 


Stop bringing up the sperm donor crap. That was three seasons ago and Kenya was joking. Y'all give Kenya and everything she says too much power. Most of the things she says are in jest. 


Her snapping her fingers at him were wrong but we all have bad vices. He could've easily addressed her politely and asked her not to do that and moved on. Clearly, he doesn't. 


Kim is a grown ass woman and she needs to build a bridge and get over it. She knew what she signed up for. She knew a girls' trip was coming. If she didn't wanna go, she should've backed out. I don't pity nobody about sobbing about being on a free vacation. She shouldn't've gotten a peach this season IMO. 


Your hatred for Kenya is ludicrous but you keep her Q-score rising b/c she stays trending. At this rate, y'all never get rid of her. 

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Boo, you would hate Kim for being a real human being with real emotions and priorities who isn't willing to act a fool and drag everyone else into the mud with them. Lol. I adore her and think she's the best addition to this show in years. 

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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I don't hate Kim. I just think her reaction to being separated from her family is over the top. She's in Miami. Not China. She could've booked a flight home that night if she wanted too. Most people would cry tears of joy for a vacation to get away from their spouses and kids. Not cry to be with them. I understand it's a human reaction but I personally don't understand it. 


I disagree that she is best addition. Kim brings nothing to the table. Tammy and Shamea give more than Kim do. 


And with that acting the fool and dragging people in the mud, were you were referring to all the women that have held a peach (minus DeShawn and Lisa)? Because they've all gotten gutter. Not just Kenya, who you all like to declare is the only who has.

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Just catching up on Atlanta (except tonight's episode)...


Sheree and Kenya = hilarious.  Love them together.  Chateau Sheree and Moore Manor are everything.


I love Kenya and Cynthia - they're my favorites.  But on that boat trip, Cynthia was totally overreacting to the bitch thing.  I felt for Porsha because I didn't understand the reaction either and I thought Porsha was trying to make the trip enjoyable and fun.  When Porsha put her finger in Cynthia's face though, that's when she became inappropriate.  She deserved to get kicked, as sad as physical violence is. I would have done what Cynthia did - everyone would.


I didn't like Kim at first, but she's actually sort of hilarious in her own way.  I'm going to enjoy watching her evolution.

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Cynthia: "I promise to put my best foot forward" LOL. "We came to Miami to kick it, and I dont mean literally" I think her tagline next year might involve kicking




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I loved Cynthia and Kenya's new talking heads


Shimmy Shimmy Shenanay picked her thot quarters. Kenya is KILLING me with her shade. Her Tammy impression was also hilarious


WTF is ShaThotty wearing?


Tammy sounds like a man. Im glad Sheree came for her. Why doesnt she have a peach? She brought it this episode.






Kim aint here for this, BTW, she signed up for the wrong damn show. She's so damn judgemental. She cant handle 15 minutes away from her family? Girl, bye with the hysterics. I cant relate bc my mom used to always take trips away from me nad my dad and it felt normal. Her family will be fine....she needs to get over it. 



"do they now shop at the same slutty outlet or something" Yep.....


Image result for dr heavenly


Phaedra debuted a new tight pulled face. She kinda looks like Dr. Heavenly here


and thats probably why she has no friends. Even her own husband shaded her about that. He was pushing her to get out there and spread out

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