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there is no downfall for Tamra to be had bc she isnt on top. This season she was VERY lowkey. If a downfall were to occur it would have been last year or even the season before when she was feuding with Vicki. Now? She wasnt even one of the antagonist in this assault on Vicki over the cancer story

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I think Tamra is a born instigator, and Meghan was her foil this season. She kept referring to her as her mini-me -- the mini-me who was going to take the heat off her while she plays Born-Again Christian (interestingly, I remember Simon becoming a BAC when it came time to sue for custody of his kids, so who knows? Maybe Tamra is taking a leaf out of his book). 


Reading that statement of Tamra's, she does sound genuinely hurt by Vicki's words. Vicki and Tamra are in many ways perfect for each other. Having said that, Tamra cannot help herself from trying to 'get' Vicki, and she's adept at doing it more covertly now. Maybe it is Vicki's bossiness that fuels her, because Vicki can be intensely controlling. Maybe it is Vicki's status on the show. I suspect, though, that it is Brooks that prompts Tamra to play sides. Tamra loathes Brooks (not that I blame her, he's a skeeve), and she loathes the control Brooks has over Vicki -- influence Tamra once had.

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The reunion was boring. I didn't feel bad when Tamra did her normal crying number. I thought most of the stuff was filler sh-t. I was proud that Vicki kept her composure throughout the reunion. It was obvious that these ladies were ready to pounce of Vicki b/c they were getting pissed over simple comments she made in the past like her saying housewives and money (which Tamra agreed with). I thought it was obvious how Gretchen and Alexis stayed the topic of discussion. Bravo just needs to bring both ladies back. 


The highlight of the night was Alexis' email though. She knocked the wind out of Tamra and it was delicious! :P And I tweeted Gretchen on Twitter and got her started on Tamra, so that's plus too! :lol:




Tonight was hilarious. I loved Ampika digging into Dawn's ass. No one can get to Dawn like Ampika. Ampika killed me when she got Royston and Nick together too. It was so obvious that Dawn brought them there to rile up Ampika (and get camera time) and sit back and watch. 


Magali and her family are gorgeous. I loved watching her help pick her sons and hubby's suits for the vow renewal. I did think when Magali was with Ampika and Lauren shopping for her dress that Lauren was a bit savage! But I do like that Lauren stays honest despite her being uncouth and harsh at times. 


I'm conflicted when it comes to Magali given Lapdog a wedding invite. Was b/c of her hubby Wes and Dean possibly being friends? Was it because Magali genuinely wants to be friends with Leanne? Or was it a simple mindf-ck from Magali? I think Magali might be trying to mindf-ck Dawn....:lol:

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Melissa is f--king disgusting. She tried to make this last episode about her. When she was sitting there trying to cry bc she heard Teresa's voice for the first time....bitch give me a break! She is so damn fake. Why would Teresa want to see or speak to her


Joe says the younger girls dont know where Teresa is but she calls and the message says she is calling from a federal prison. What did they tell them; that she's cooking for the inmates? Gabriella should be able to put that all together. Oh , Gia mentioned in her talking head that she knows whats up


The lawyer is so sleazy. I didnt like him reading Teresa's diary and all the questions he was talking to him about his marriage.


LOL at Joe riding a bicycle



My heart broke out for Tamra. I hadnt realized all that stuff was going on with her. Good for her for trying to move forward


Alexis trying to be relevant. Oh shut up

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Lauren was such a hater at the bridal shop. I wouldnt take her along bc she was a buzzkill.


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Magali's family LOOKS good. I didnt realize their was an older son. 


I hated those two old bitches coming for Ampika! Im glad she wasnt having any of their crap. Go girl!

DEAD at Magali's reaction


Lapdog thought she was being slick with her reply to Magali when she got the invite but it feel flat and sh wasnt funny.


I love how you shade her every week by refusing to acknowledge her as anything but Lapdog

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RH of Cheshire


Lauren is a riot. I don't know why anyone is critical of how she was at Magali's dress fitting session: she was RIGHT. That dress did make her arms look fat. And Magali knows who Lauren is, she knows she'll stick her foot in her mouth regularly, but she took her because she's honest, come what may. 


Ampika was beautiful with less makeup and a softer look when she arrived for the calendar shoot: she gave it to Nick and Royston, those two tired wax faced bitches. I love how she interjected when they were talking about her. That's a badass right there.


Magali looked beautiful in that final dress selection and she seems to have built a beautiful family with Dean and her sons. 


I would say the same for Dawn. She has a great rapport with Ashley and their children. It is so middle class and so telling of them that they sent one of their children to boarding school and Ashley praised how she speaks beautifully (ie: Southern English and posh) while Dawn sounds like she "stepped off of Corrie"...that was a great line. 


Leanne and Tanya - whoever would have figured that Leanne would be the common sense mother? I was shocked. Tanya is just hopeless. But I think the show would miss her lame ass. But they're basically one character in two bodies. 


RH of OC


What a boring reunion. All of those heifers were coming at Vicki and it was just pathetic to watch. She kept her cool very well. Not one of them threw her.


Heather acting like some high class ambassador who finally gets to speak out of turn, what a bitch. Heather calling Tamra an 'exemplary mother' had my eyes roll.


Shannon strikes me as someone with an eating disorder. She is so obsessed with food. Maybe it's just her neurotic personality. Who knows. I don't. 


Meghan is such an annoying bitch. She's so high on herself and so immature and dumb. FIRE HER! 


Tamra, turn on the faucets and let the waterworks flow. Bullsh*t. She wasn't even prompted, she brought up her crap with her daughter all on her own for a play for sympathy. Classic Tamra. Her daughter IS 17, she DOES get to choose who she lives with. That's the LAW. Tamra shouldn't have conducted her divorce like it was common warfare with Simon. This is what happens when families are brutal with each other in divorce. Alexis's email knocked the wind out of her, she didn't have a great comeback at all, it was a solidly damning email.


Andy must be the only one whose enjoyed watching this season. It's been a chore for me. The music cues added to this particular reunion tried to amp up Meghan and Tamra. Nice try, Bravo. 



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But she is a lapdog despite her constantly denying. She displayed it twice last night. She didn't wait five seconds after getting that invite from Magali until she went back & told Tanya, who told everyone about it. She didn't wait five seconds until after Ampika told her, her feelings towards Dawn, Nick, and Royston before Leanne swore in her confessional that she needed to tell Dawn (her master) what was said. She can shout at the top of the rooftops that she ain't a lapdog, but she is. 


I truly hope that a reunion occurs this season and Leanne is put in the hot seat. I also hope that Magali reneges and disinvites Leanne and gives her invite to Dawn. Betcha Dawn will go in a hot second. 


And I hate how these women are putting a stipulation on Magali's wedding that they all must go or no one will go. I loved that Ampika told them all to STFU and it's Magali's wedding and she'll do what she wants. 


I love that I have you two to talk about Cheshire with! This season, this show is so good. It just gives me old school housewives teas. 

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Ampika is just sublime. She blew every follicle of hair off my head. I just don't understand how I didn't really notice her last season and this year she is the total star for me. I love how she effortlessly slays these hoes and it always right. When she read those wax figures for filth I lived. When she read Dawn I just laid down and died. She is such a queen! I continue to love Magali and the scenes getting ready for her wedding were flawless. One thing I love about this franchise is that it doesn't feel forced. When there needs to be major drama, they have it, but I don't feel like this group is overall as petty or thirsty for screentime/ratings that they have to make an issue of everything. As a result when they DO argue it's worth it. And still nothing feels very heavy. I LOVE this bunch! Seeing how this show is so much more opulence and fabulous than the others, I can't believe Bravo hasn't even given it the Melbourne treatment.

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RHONY's Kristen told Brandi [Glanville of RHOBH], who announced this on her recent podcast, that Kristen claims one of her co-stars had visible coke residue on her during film....




Regardless if true or not, Kristen's dumb ass is about to become a liability and untrustworthy with her co-stars thanks to loudmouth, unemployed Brandi. 


Minus Carole, the other five (Bethenny, Dorinda, Ramona, Sonja, Luann) are going to have a field day pouncing all over her trampoline ass come next season if she is on. 


Do you all believe it? If so, who do you all think the culprit Kristen was talking about?

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